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  The Iprtane f Innvatin

  “indless habitual behavir is the eney f innvatin ” I assue that yu are failiar ith Rsabeth ss Kanter’s faus reark It is bvius that a an h alays stik t habit and experiene an hardly reate ne things

  Rsabeth ss Kanter’s reark ais at infring us f the signifiane f innvatin hy des innvatin play an indispensable rle in ur life ? innvatin an prte the advaneent f bth individuals and siety as a hle nly thse h are innvative an ake ntinuus prgress and aintain a petitive edge Quite a fe exaples an be given t prve the iprtane f A, and I an think f n better illustratin than the flling ne: h uld Steve Jbs, a genius h hanged the ay f dern uniatin, rereatin and even ur life, launh s any perful eletrni prduts nstantly ithut reative spirit?

  e shuld alays bear in ind that the nsiusness f innvatin is f great signifiane t us all Hene, e need t develp a habit f disvering ne things,using ne ethds and applying ne thughts in ur rk, study r siply everyday life “Innvatin is the spirit f huan being’s prgress” A philspher ne said


  Diretins: Fr this part, yu are alled 30 inutes t rite a shrt essay entitled The Iprtane f Innvatin by enting n Rsabeth ss Kanter’s faus reark “indless habitual behavir is the eney f innvatin”Yu shuld rite at least 150 rds but n re than 200 rds

  The Iprtane f Innvatin

  “indless habitual behavir is the eney f innvatin ” I assue that yu are failiar ith Rsabeth ss Kanter’s faus reark It is bvius that a an h alays stik t habit and experiene an hardly reate ne things

  Rsabeth ss Kanter’s reark ais at infring us f the signifiane f innvatin hy des innvatin play an indispensable rle in ur life ? innvatin an prte the advaneent f bth individuals and siety as a hle nly thse h are innvative an ake ntinuus prgress and aintain a petitive edge Quite a fe exaples an be given t prve the iprtane f A, and I an think f n better illustratin than the flling ne: h uld Steve Jbs, a genius h hanged the ay f dern uniatin, rereatin and even ur life, launh s any perful eletrni prduts nstantly ithut reative spirit?

  e shuld alays bear in ind that the nsiusness f innvatin is f great signifiane t us all Hene, e need t develp a habit f disvering ne things,using ne ethds and applying ne thughts in ur rk, study r siply everyday life “Innvatin is the spirit f huan being’s prgress” A philspher ne said (202 rds)


  Reently, there is an exiting nes that Alibaba Grup has appeared n the arket in the NYSE It hanges the traditinal business del and prvides a bran-ne petitive industry, E-business As e all kn, it ust be asribed t the reative fre f Jak a,hairan f Alibaba S,e realize that reative spirit plays a vital rle in ur dern life

  As the ld saying ges, innvatin is the sul f the natin ith the rapid eny develpent in the hle rld, huan beings greatly rekn n reativity in variety f aspets and it is extreely nesessary in ur life First f all, reativity depends the prgress and prsperity f a untry Fr exaple, ur untry has ahieved anything sine e flled the pliy f refr and pening hat bvius feature is, the ine f peple is inreasing and the living standard is greatly iprved All hanges hih have been taken plae benefit fr reative f ur untry Sendly, it has huge effets in tehnlgy If huan ant t be strng,e an vere diffiulties, suh as serius disease, envirnent pllutin, fd shrtage and s n, therefre e need t use reative spirit t press tehnlgy innvatin drastially In additin, everyne als have nsiusness f innvatin Everybdy have the duty t d se thing t prte the advaneent f ur siety, hatis re, e an btain jyfully fr reative rk

  T su up, huan need reativity It is lsely related ith ur life, and I believe reative spirits are indispensable parts in ur lives, and ill be re and re iprtent in the future

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