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人气: | 时间:2018-05-16 | 发布:



  1Ftball is a gae hih is liked by st bys

  2This is the pen (hih) he bught yesterday

  3y huse,hih I bught last year,has gt a lvely garden

  4Liquid ater hanges t vapr,hih is alled evapratin

  5The sun heats the earth,hih is very iprtant t us


  (1) The shl (that/hih) he ne studied in is very faus

  (2) The shl in hih he ne studied is very faus

  (3) Trr I ill bring here a agazine (that/hih) yu asked fr

  (4) Trr I ill bring here a agazine fr hih yu asked

  (5) e'll g t hear the faus singer (h/that/h) e have ften talked abut

  (6) e'll g t hear the faus singer abut h e have ften talked


  The skirt hih is red belngs t e

  The at hih is running,is playing gaes ith a little girl

  Yu kn the rules hih ere ade by us

  I an nt ve the stne hih is t heavy

  I ill ath the ar hih is ing tards us

  He tld e he had dne his herk, hih is a lie

  He verae all the bstales in the past ten years, hih is aazing

  y girlfriend likes daning ith ther guys, hih really drives e razy

  The rld hih lks like a big ball

  is ade up f atter

  The huse, hih as built in 1930's, lks s different fr any f the ther buildings arund it

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