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人气: | 时间:2018-05-16 | 发布:



  1、 The ar as pletely rushed under the truk


  2、 The ar as a bargain at that prie


  3、he ar stalled at the rundabut


  4、The ar vertk ith a tt


  5、The ar is in very gd nditin


  6、The r selled usty and stale


  7、The r still has any f its riginal features


  8、 The r pens int a rridr


  9、The fan hirred in the rner f the r


  10、The fan revlved slly



  1I sa this speial questin

  2I kne hi five years ag

  3I lved yu deeply

  4Yu hurt y heart deeply

  5It as a rainy day

  6Yu tld e yu ere leaving

  7I ried badly

  8Then I lsed the dr

  9I asked fr leave

  10I didn't g t shl fr a perid

  11I restarted y life

  12I et yu in the libray

  13e talked,and laughed happily

  14yu asked y telephne nuber

  15I gave it t yu ithut heisitatinl

  16I thught yu ere the very speial by in y life

  17later n ,e hang ut frequenty

  18Yu taught e t dane

  19Yu shed e yur kindness ,isd and patiene

  20Yu ere the st haring ne in y ery at that tie

  21Yu als asked e t read as any bks as i an

  22Yu tld e that bks uld enrih ur life

  23I agreed ith yu

  24e finally alked in the n

  25Yu slightly pulled y hand in yurs

  26y fae tured red

  27e ere silent fr a tie

  28hat did yu d in the nlight?

  29Yu asked e this questin

  30I paused fr a hile

  31then I siled and tld yu y seret

  32I daned ith y little friends

  33I laughed happily in the nlight

  34I ran after hi

  35e played gaes &qut;hide and seek&qut;

  36But e brke up at last

  37hy did yu break up?

  40I didn't kn it until i et yu

上一篇: 用连续的动词如何造句
下一篇: 怎么用日子来造句

