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人气: | 时间:2018-05-29 | 发布:

  A essage fr British Prie inister Grdn Brn t the Peple’s Republi f hina


  This year arks the 60th anniversary f the funding f the Peple’s Republi f hina -- and I uld like t send y persnal best ishes t the hinese peple and gvernent and t the large hinese unity here in Britain


  Sine the 1970s, hina’s refrs have brught re peple ut f pverty in a shrter tie than in any ther untry in histry – ith prfund effets nt just fr the ne fifth f the rld’s ppulatin h are hinese but fr us all


  Tday, the untry that fr enturies gave the rld s any f its st iprtant inventins and aunted fr s uh f its eni grth has been restred t its psitin as a great glbal per -- and yur rle in the glbal eny eans that e in Britain have a deep interest in yur ntinued stability, prsperity and suess

  今天,这个数百年来为世界贡献了众多重要发明并在世界经济增长中占了相当大比重的国家, 已经重新回归了其全球大国的地位——你们在世界经济中所扮演的角色也意味着,中国继续的稳定、繁荣和成功,对于英国也利益攸关。

  Built and strengthened thrugh a pliy f lse dialgue and engageent, ur relatins tday are the best that that they have ever been -- and I uld like t give three exaples f this


  Firstly, the glbal eny I as partiularly pleased t rk lsely ith hina’s leaders n the Lndn suit earlier this year -- and hina’s deterinatin t take its rightful plae in internatinal eni gvernane as eled by all in the G20


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