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人气: | 时间:2018-05-31 | 发布:

  时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有一切美丽,来年生日更美好,一年更胜一年生日快乐! 下面是小编整理的生日快乐的祝福语英文,欢迎阅读参考!

  1、Happy birthday t a nderful persn!


  2、Happy birthday I hpe tday treats yu ell


  3、ngratulatins and arest ishes fr yur birthday and every day


  4、Here es tday ith speial pride in all the ahieveents yu have ade ay yur dearest ishes thrugh all the years in stre e true, and ake yu happier than yu have ever been befre


  5、ishing yu a nderful day and a year filled ith happiness!


  6、ay yu enjy t the fullest the jy f tday ishing that yur speial day be a inner all the ay!


  7、ay every speial happiness fill this day fr yu and ay the year bring all the best things yu are lking frard t


  8、ngratulatins n yur birthday ay the ing year be filled ith happiness and suess


  9、ay yur life brighter as eah birthday es and ges The niest kind f birthday that uld be ishes fr yu


  10、any happy returns f this speial day All ur best ishes g t yu n yur birthday


  11、ay yur birthday be a elebratin f the life ish yu all happiness, health and prsperity ith any returns f the day


  12、Hpe yur birthday is like yu——speialA Happy Birthday!


  13、ay yur birthday bring lts f jy in the year yu have begun Aept y ishes fr any happy returns n yur birthday


  14、arest ishes that yur birthday hlds nthing but the best The finest things in life tday and every day!


  15、In hn ur f yur ving ut f the tenties, e are giving yu a arvelus birthday party


  16、The kindest friend there uld ever be is the kind f friend yu are t eHappy Birthday!

  ——世上如有诤友, 那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友。祝你生日快乐!

  17、It's tie t elebrate yur birthday Happy birthday t an attrative and intelletual girl


  18、I ant t be ne f the first h say ”Happy birthday t yu“。 ay everything it take t ake a very happy and suessful year!


  19、A gift f lve fr yur birthday, hih is a ar ish fr y heart Happiness fr yur birthday and alays


  20、ishing yu a birthday that is ang yur very best I hpe that all the years ahead ill be as happy as yu have been in the past


  21、Happy birthday ay gladness fill yur every hur n this speial day


  22、e hpe that yu enjy this speial day and yur birthday grs happier by the inute!


  23、y heartiest birthday greetings t yu, a feeling uh arer than anybdy an kn Best ishes fr everything yur heart desire in the year


  24、ishing yu a happy birthday! ay the best and lving things be se f the jy yur birthday brings


  25、It is nt everyday yu have a birthday, s hpe yu have a nderful ne ay it be flled by days and eeks and nths and years f happiness fr yu!


  26、Have a great day, fr tday is yur birthday and a nderful event ish yu happiness unflding like the petal f a rse


  27、Eah birthday is a ilestne e tuh alng life's ay ay yur birthday be happy in re ays than ne


  28、ar ishes n yur birthday I send alng y lve and affetin fr yu as ell as a sall gift Take are!


  29、A gift f lve fr yur birthday, hih is a ar ish fr y heart Happiness fr yur birthday and alays


  30、I ant t be ne f the first h say ”Happy birthday t yu“。 ay everything it take t ake a very happy and suessful year!


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