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人气: | 时间:2018-05-31 | 发布:



  1 ater breeds and sustains life n earth h ares fr the life f ater?!

  2, t ensure the safety f drinking ater, and aintain life and health

  3, adhere t the unity f ater ntrl and build a harnius atershed

  4, adhere t the harny beteen an and ater, and build elgial ivilizatin

  5, iprve peple's livelihd and share the fruits f ater nservany develpent

  6, herish the ater resures, prtet the ater envirnent, and prevent ater pllutin

  7, verall planning and verall planning shuld be taken t prte rdinated develpent f ater resures

  8, nservatin riented, pllutin ntrl pririty

  9, herish the ater, prtet the ater, let the ater benefit ankind

  Sial type

  1, build a del ity fr envirnental prtetin and build a green he fr envirnental prtetin

  2, build a del ity f envirnental prtetin and reate a happy life

  3, t reate a del ity fr envirnental prtetin and prte sustainable sial develpent

  The 4 year, yu and e in all the benefits

  5, establish a sientifi nept f sustainable develpent, all the peple t reate an envirnental prtetin del ity

  6, prtet a green land, prp up a blue sky

  7, let the sky alays blue, let the shade supprt he

  8, prtet the envirnent per frever hurt the destrutin f the envirnent thrugh the ages

  9, vegetatin ruthless, illing t ui pedestrians lve, lve re

  10, raise the aareness f envirnental prtetin and build a better he

  11, pllutin f the envirnent, thusands f peple t prtet the envirnent sng

  12, under the blue sky yu and e, his beautiful envirnent depends n everyne

  Shl lass

  1, big hands and sall hands tgether t reate envirnental prtetin del ity

  2, t build a del ity f envirnental prtetin envirnental guard

  3, ith ur little hands flying green hpe

  4 grass, trees, yu, I, he, e share a faily

  5, reate a green shl, beautify the learning envirnent 1, garbage ---- yur abandnent f e, is tantaunt t yur rality als disarded

  2, d nt figure yurself &qut;by the ay&qut;, and fr the green apus nvenient

  3, the grass - - d nt put yur nble ft n e, beause I ill ry

  4, plant if I die, ill nt be able t dress up the apus beautiful apus If yu lve, please give us se are!

  5, h said vegetatin I heartless, apus add luster, I als line

  6, the prtetin f the envirnent is the hie f quiet

  7, the grass - - less f e, the flers bee gly

  8, the apus is y he, health depends n everyne!

  9 prteting the envirnent eans prteting the prdutive fres

  10 ater -----20 illin peple, the Departent f life

  11 bth gld and silver t green untains and rivers

  12, advate green living and ipleent leaner prdutin

  13, establish ater saving aareness and ppse aste ater resures

  14 prtet the envirnent against SARS

  15, iprve the envirnental ethis and build a ivilized and frtable ity

  16, prtet the envirnent fr the benefit f future generatins

  17, building a ell-ff siety in an all-rund ay and reating a better he tgether

  18, hen envirnental prtetin guards d itizens f the ties

  19 let the fresh air, s that blue sky, let Heshan green

  20, enterprise develpent, envirnental prtetin ust first

  21 d nt let tears bee the last drp f ater n earth

  22, raise aareness f envirnental prtetin and take are f ur shared hes

  23 blue green Ju Jia

  24, the ratinal use f resures t prtet the elgial balane

  25 envirnental prtetin is a basi state pliy f ur untry

  26, building a ell-ff siety in an all-rund ay and taking the rad f sustainable develpent

  27 students t prtet the apus health

  28 - t lve flers

  29 envirnental prtetin = life lng life

  30, prtet the envirnent = fr the benefit f future generatins, envirnental advay language

  31, the sall grass fragrane, please yu take the rad arund

  32, if there are n trees, the rld ill be di and dark

  33, the envirnent is yur fae, take gd are f

  34, d nt lk n, please jin the ranks f atrs

  35, the apus pituresque, benefit yu and e

  36, prtet the envirnent, start ith e

  37, give e a piee f green, yu als a shade

  38, liited resures, unliited irulatin

  39, pik up the ld traditin f garbage srting, and advate a ne fashin f green ivilizatin

  40, prtet the envirnent, speak less and d re

  41, naturally have n friends? The ild flers n the eent grund

  42, reate a green apus, start ith yu and e

  43, nature is the ther f ankind, yu have the heart t hurt ur ther?

  44, lve fr flers, lve and lve the apus

  45, prte green nsuptin, green vters

  46, railings blk peple fr the heart

  47, ithut the health f the earth, there uld be n huan health

  48, green - eternal beauty; Shl - frever he -

  49, yu are the st beautiful in y heart, please dn't destry e

  50, spit in the grund, insult ritten in the heart

  51, if yu ant the grass ell, please dn't dane n the grass

  52, prtet the green radle, yu an, I an!

  53, the destrutin f the envirnent, prtet the envirnent, inluding the ages, rk frever

  54, garbage lletin, prtet the earth, Jushuzhila, partiipatin in envirnental prtetin

  55 Life is like a sng Let the green paint the beautiful eldy

  56, green life delaratin, envirnental eduatin gae

  57, spring flers and trees have the intelligene, heart hi lassates lve

  58, if the envirnent is plluted, and the green ill ither, under a ithering ill be yur beautiful fae

  59, life is s shrt, please dn't hurt e

  60, green is ur he

  61, green therland, green he, green envirnent, everyne bast

  62, ask the altar here green s, fr everyne t take are f!

  63, fr the life f the earth

  64, the pursuit f a better life, shuld ebrae green

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