高中英语完形填空技巧和方法(一) 教学总结

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( 福建卷 )


Nt t lng ag, an inident that happened at alt Disney tuhed e greatly A guest __1__ ut f ur Plynesian Village resrt(度假胜地)at alt Disney as asked h she __2__ her visit She tld the frnt-desk lerk she had had a(n) __3__ vaatin, but as heartbrken abut __4__ several rlls f Kdak lr fil she had nt yet __5__ At that ent she as partiularly __6__ ver the lss f the pitures she had sht at ur Plynesian Luau, __7__ this as a ery she espeially treasured

1.A.rking B.heking .trying D.staying

2.A.expeted B.realized .paid D.enjyed

3.A.disappinting B.nderful .unfrtable D.iprtant

4.A.taking B.drpping .lsing D.breaking

5.A.develped B.taken .ashed D.laded

6.A.silly B.nervus .al D.sad

7.A.hen B.here .as D.hih


1 B 词义比较固定搭配前后照应

一个游客付帐离开旅馆时被询问情况。rk ut算出(总数),算出总数,有预期的结果;hek ut付帐离开旅馆; try ut试验, 考验, 提炼;stay ut不在家, 外出, 呆在户外, 坚持到……结束。

2 D 词义比较逻辑推理

被问到她对参观满意(enjy)与否。expet ne’s visit期待/盼望参观;realize ne’s visit认识到参观;pay ne’s visit访问,参观;enjy ne’s visit享受参观的乐趣,满意。

3 B 前后照应词义比较逻辑推理


4 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用

但是客人伤心她丢失了(lsing)好几卷科达彩色胶卷。take拿走, 取通常表示有意行为;drp落下,下降,通常表示有意行为;lse遗失, 浪费,表示无意行为;break破裂,打破, 违犯,通常表示有意行为。

5 A 常识运用词义比较逻辑推理

客人装(lad)在相机拍摄(take)好了却尚未冲洗(develp)的胶卷给丢失了。develp显影;冲洗,通常指胶片等的冲洗;take拿,取,拍摄;ash洗涤, 冲洗,通常指衣物等物件的清洗;lad装载, 装填。

6 D 词义比较逻辑推理常识运用

客人对在该度假胜地拍摄的照片的失去肯定感到自己很蠢(silly),紧张不安(nervus),而特别地伤心(sad),不可能还镇定沉着(al)。silly愚蠢的, 无聊的;nervus紧张的, 不安的;al镇静的, 沉着的;sad忧愁的, 悲哀的。

7 语句连贯


N, please understand that e have n ritten servie rules __8__ lst phts in the park __9__, the lerk at the frnt desk __10__ Disney’s idea f aring fr ur __11__ She asked the an t leave her a uple rlls f __12__ fil, prising she uld take are f the rest f ur sh at Plynesian Luau

8.A.vering B.finding .aking D.keeping

9.A.Exitedly B.Frtunately .Therefre D.Quietly

10.A.understd B.reinded .trusted D.disvered

11.A.rkers B.guests .anagers D.lerks

12.A.printed B.sht .unused D.rerded

答案 解题分析

8 A 词义比较常识运用

很清楚公园没有书面制定包含游客在公园里丢失照片在内的事情提供服务的规则.ver包括, 包含, 适用;find发现,找到; ake制造,进行;keep保持,保存。

9 B 前后照应逻辑推理词义比较

客人很幸运(frtunately),得到了良好的服务。比较文章后文的内容。exitedly兴奋地;frtunately幸运地;therefre 因此, 所以;quietly平静地, 静静地, 寂静地。

10 A 词义比较逻辑推理

前台服务员懂得(understand)应该对游客关心爱护的迪尼斯服务理念。understand懂得,了解,表示状态意义;reind提醒, 使想起;trust 信任, 信赖;disver 发现, 发觉。

11 B 前后照应常识运用


12 词义比较逻辑推理


T eeks later the guest reeived a __13__ at her he In it ere phts f all the atrs f ur sh, __14__ signed by eah perfrer There ere als __15__ f the publi pressin (游行队伍) and firerks in the park, taken by the frnt-desk lerk in her n __16__ after rk I happened t kn this __17__ beause this guest rte us a letter She said that __18__ in her life had she reeived suh gd servie fr any business

13.A.fil B.ard .aera D.paket

14.A.frequently B.persnally .alne D.atually

15.A.rules B.pitures .handbks D.perfranes

16.A.ase B.rk .tie D.psitin

17.A.stry B.plae .pht D.sh

18.A.nly B.alst .never D.nearly

答案 解题分析

13 D 常识运用逻辑推理


14 B 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较

包裹里是我们表演的演员的照片,并有每一个表演者的亲笔(persnally)签名,而非他们的经常的(frequently),唯一的(alne),实际的签名。frequently常常, 频繁地;persnally亲自;alne;atually实际上, 事实上。

15 B 逻辑推理常识运用


16 逻辑推理词义比较


17 A 前后照应逻辑推理


18 逻辑推理语法规则


Exellent __19__ des nt e fr pliy (政策性的)handbks It es fr peple h __20__ -and fr a ulture that enurages and dels that attitude

19.A.advie B.experiene .quality D.servie

20.A.are B.serve .like D.kn

答案 解题分析

19 D 逻辑推理常识运用前后照应


20 A 词义辨析逻辑推理前后照应

良好的服务来自于那些会关心,会护理(are)的有心人,来自于对那种姿态给予鼓励和学习的文化、素养。are注意,照料, 关心, 护理;serve服务,招待;like喜欢,爱好;kn知道,了解。

二、 我们让同学们了解了高考题的特点和基本方法后,应该循序渐进的进行“完形填空方法”的单句或某一段的挖空训练


This autun as the ettest sine rerds began in the UK Flds _______ large parts f the untry

A vered B vered by vered ith D rushed aay

二、语法 + 常识

re and re fatries pup D2 int the air , and atsphere arss the rld _______

A burns B ht ar D heats up


In Australia flds have vered an area the _______ f the hle f the Britain

A idth B large length D size


◆The village f Yalua __1__ in the untains f hipas , a prvine f Suthern exia, __2__ peple are any Indians

1 A lies B, plae lays D sn

2 A Their B It’s , Its D Its’

★Rk stars’ adirers (崇拜者)h lve rk usi ____1____ abut billin dllars a year fr rerds They pay 150 illin t ____2___ rk stars in persn (亲自)

1 A take B st aste D spend

2 A eet B, intervie all D, see


★They are se f the prest peple in a pverty striken untry ____ n they have an extra sure f ine (收入)

A But B And Hever D Therefre

★Rk stars’ adirers (崇拜者)h lve rk usi spend abut billin dllars a year fr rerds R In 1956, lean , ___1___ rte and sang “Aerian Pie” , ___2___ he earns an additinal t ents n every single ___3___ f the sng

1 A h B, he that D as

2 A and B, but s D yet

3 A, py B, rerd singing D perfrane

★any rk stars __1__ like Grae slik and Jeffersn Thse perfrers return fr a tur, pay their bells, and buy ne tys __2__ hen they need ney again , they d anther tur They save __3__ ney and live fr hand t uth

1 A play B live perfr D behave

2 A But B Then And D, S

3 A n B uh se D plenty

★English peple see very quiet ______ reserved (缄默的), usually

A thugh B, and , even D but

★It as just getting dark; there as a tuh f fg and I as n a lnely streth f rad _____ I as ging alng heerfully

A But B, And , therise D, Yet

ne evening Jakie as n his ay he fr the railay statin hen he turned rund a ___1____ he heard ftsteps behind hi and he thught ___2____ as ing near He began t alk ____3___ The ftsteps beae faster, t He sled dn The ftsteps als ____4____ dn

1 A rner B park street D ay

2 A n ne B sene anyne D everyne

3 A slly B, re slly , fast D, faster

4 A put B sled beae D turned


★In 1990 , leader f all big natins et in Japan and agreed t redue ___1____ D2 they put int the atsphere Ten years ____2____, in Nv 2000, they et again in Hlland t assess ( 评估 ) the situatin and deided hat t d next

1, A any B a nuber f the aunt f D a gd any

2 A after B late later D sn

★…… But I as ging alng heerfully, thinking abut the dinner I uld eat hen I ___36___ t Salisbury

36 A reahed B arrived gt D led


Prjets (工程)____1___ this g ver under the nae f “ arbn Trading” The basi ___2___ is that gvernents and panies an buy the _____3___ t pup D2 int the air by investing ( 投资 ) in green _____4____ that6 takes it ut again

1 A as B like the sae as D exept

2 A fat B eanings idea D things

3 A frests B prjets right D debt

4, A, prjets B plants aterials D trees


★Yung peple are spending unbelievable sus f ney t listen t rk usi At least fifty _______ stars have ines beteen t illin and six illin dllars per year

A fil B rk jazz D vie

★Neil Yung h perfrs ____1___ trn blue jeans, seties sings t an audiene f 10,000,eah f h has paid five dllars fr a tiket ____2____ paying expenses, Yung leaves ith abut $18,000 in his blue ____3____ at the end f an evening

1 A in B ith fr D n

2 A Befre B Beside After D Exept

3 A shirt B trusers at D jeans

九、抓住主要信息词(本文的主体---核心) ,比较四个答案,最后排除不可能的选项

“It desn’t _____1____,” said ne f the lder usi illinaires, h ade a illin dllars a year hen he as ppular , in the 1950s “perfrers aren’t rth this kind f ney In fat, ___2___is”

A ake effrts B ake prgress ake sense D ake ney

A everybdy B nbdy sebdy D anybdy


★If e ake a nise n the bus they lk ______ and unfrtable

A untuhed B rried , ved D exited

★Hellen as an ld teaher ith a ar sile and _________eyes

A bursting B freezing friendly D lively


In this __1__, prfessrs alays take every pprtunity t push textbks aside and expse students t real ___2__

A lassr B eans university D hall

A fats B lessns adventures D experienes

He as sure that he as being flled He tried t hide, _6_ the steps flled hi He didn’t kn _7_ t save hiself

6 A Still B Seties ften D Seld

7 A hen B here hy D h



文章的题目Surfing:It's Nt Just fr Bys Any re明显地告诉我们,本文是关于女孩子对冲浪运动的看法,而且提出了一个很鲜明的观点:冲浪运动并不再是男孩子的专利!女孩子也能做,而且会有所成就。

Surfing: It’s Nt Just fr Bys Anyre

If yu asked high shl girls t nae their favrite sprts, st uld prbably say basketball r vlleyball I happen t be ne f the fe girls h uld __1__: surfing (冲浪运动) But isn’t that a by thing? Se peple __2__ st ertainly nt

I started surfing abut five years ag and__3__in lve ith the sprt n the very first day Riding that first __4__ as the best feeling I had ever experiened

hen I try t __5__ surfing ith ther things, I find it very diffiult beause, in y __6__, there’s nthing like it It invlves (牵涉到) bdy, __7__, and sul There’s sand beteen y tes and l, salt ater all __8__ us The feeling I get hen I’ surfing arss that __9__, being ne ith the__10__, is like I’ eightless

1 A tell B anser give D realize

2 A nder B understand reply D believe

3 A stayed B ae drpped D fell

4 A ave B str sail D bat

5 A bring B nnet pare D tie

6 A rk B study hliday D life

7 A ind B effrt health D tie

8 A alng B abve arund D by

9 A beah B ater bard D lake

10 A sky B rld earth D ean


1 B 前后照应

逻辑推理 词义比较


2 A 常识运用 逻辑推理 词义比较


3 D 固定搭配

fall/be in lve ith…爱上……,是固定结构,其它选项没有这种搭配形式。

4 A 常识运用

因为文章是在谈论冲浪运动,冲上第一个浪(ave)去是我经历过的最佳感受,而不是暴风雨 (str)、航海(sail)或船(bat)。

5 固定搭配 词义比较

作者想把冲浪运动和其他运动进行比较(pare)。nnet ith连接, 联络,将连起来;pare ith与…比较;tie up ith和…联系一起;bring带来,引起,通常不与ith连用。

6 D 逻辑推理 常识运用

作者把冲浪运动当作了它的生活(life)的组成部分,她不仅仅只是在假期(hliday)里冲浪,当然工作(rk)和学习(study)也不能耽误。in y life是“在我的生活中”。

7 A 常识运用 词义比较


8 常识运用 逻辑推理


9 B 常识运用 逻辑推理


10 D 常识运用 逻辑推理


The ne thing I an __11__ fr surfing and nt any ther sprt is endless hallenge(挑战) Yu an never be the “best suffer” beause the ean __12__ an ununtable variety f aves that nbdy an ever aster The variatins f surfing styles are nderful Se suffers are free and fling; thers are very aggressive(活跃有力的) and __13__ All f these things attrat e t surfing and ake it __14__ fr any ther sprt

I’ve __15__ t tell every girl I kn t d sething that peple dn’t think girls an d It’s part f being huan t advane t ne __16__, s shuldn’t it be expeted that girls shuld step up and start __17__ the liits f things bys and en used t dinate(主宰)?

There’re en __18__ side by side ith the President f ur untry, s hy nt side by side ith the bys __19__ the ftball tea r ut in the ater surfing? Give girls a hane t __20__, and they ill

11 A take B get ake D keep

12 A athes B inludes ffers D llets

13 A sharp B great hard D al

14 A knn B right far D different

15 A hsen B tried learned D prised

16 A levels B pints steps D parts

17 A reahing B aepting pushing D setting

18 A sitting B alking fighting D rking

19 A f B fr n D ith

20 A think B sueed perfr D feel


11 B

作者不是从其他运动,而是从冲浪运动中获得(get)了无止境的挑战的体会”。再则,前文The feeling I get hen I' surfing arss that ater,being ne ith the ean也有暗示。take fr减少, 降低;get fr从……得到;ake fr由制造; keep fr阻止, 隐瞒, 抑制。



13 A

有些冲浪手自由自在、娴熟流畅,有些冲浪手则活跃有力、生机勃勃。注意这两个句子的并列关系,应该特别注意free 和 fling之间词义的顺承和协调“自由而流畅”,后句的aggressive and__13__也应该是这样一种意义联系,故选择A,sharp可以表示“精明敏捷的,迅速活泼,有力有为”的意思,其它三项在意义上与aggressive的顺承和协调相距甚远。

14 D

所有的这些都在吸引着我去冲浪,并使之不同于(different)其他运动。注意此段第一句The ne thing I an get fr surfing and nt any ther sprt is endless hallenge也有所暗示。(be) different fr和……不同。(be)far fr远离, 远非;knn和right通常不与fr搭配。

15 B


16 A

朝着新的水平(level)不断前进是人类活动的组成部分。level水平,水准, 标准, 级别;pint 点, 尖端;step步调, 步伐, 步骤, 措施;part 部分, 局部。


所以女孩子们难道不应当应拾级而上,开始冲破(push)男人过去主宰的事物极限吗?reah到达,伸出;aept 接受, 认可;push突出,突破攻击;set 放置,树立,调整。

18 D



所以为什么女孩子不能够肩并肩地与男孩子一起踢足球,外出一起冲浪呢?介词n表示“在……供职”、“(是)…的成员”,n the ftball tea的意思是“是/成为足球队队员”。

20 B

给女孩子一个获得成功(sueed)的机会,让她们思考(think) ,感觉(feel)表演(perfr),她们就都会有所成就。

上一篇: 高中语文教研组工作总结(第二学期)
下一篇: 让学生在文化的浸润中成长 (高一班主任工作心得)

