高中英语完形填空技巧和方法(三) 教学总结

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   This as the rning, hen Jerey, 14-year-ld, as t begin his duk shting He had 1 the hle idea ever sine his father had bught hi a gun and had prised hi a 2 t this island But he lved his father and anted t 3 hi

   They ae t the beah T 4 the sense f fear, he tk a 5 f his father Then he put the aera aside and piked up the gun His father said happily, “ I’ ve been 6 a lng tie fr this day I’ ll let yu sht first” He leaned frard, eyes narred “ There’ s a sall 7 n, headed this ay Keep yur head dn; I’ ll give yu the 8 ”

   Jerey’ s heart as beating 9 “ N, dn’ t let the e, please!” But they ae, lser, lser “ N, take hi!” ried his father Jerey felt his bdy 10 He std up, leaned int the gun the 11 his father taught hi In the sae 12 , the duks sa the gunners and flared ildly Fr a send he hung there balaned 13 life and death There as n sund Jerey std 14 , seizing his gun

   “ hat happened? 15 didn’ t yu sht?” his father said in a ntrlled vie The by didn’ t anser His lips ere 16 “ Beause they ere s 17 ” he said and burst int tears He sat dn, fae buried in his hands and ept All 18 f pleasing his father as gne He had his hane and he had failed

   Fr a ent his father as 19 And then he said, ” Let’ s try again” Jerey didn’ t 20 his hands “ It’ s n use,I an’ t”

   “ Hurry, Yu’ ll iss hi Here!” ld etal tuhed Jerey He lked up,

   21 His father as handing the aera t hi He std up and pressed his shutter release (快门) buttn in a flash “ I gt hi!” His fae as bright

   Jerey sa that there as n disappintent in his father’ s eyes, 22 pride and lve “ I’ ll alays lve shting But that desn’ t ean yu 23 Seties it takes as uh 24 nt t d a thing as t d it” He paused “ I think yu uld teah e h t perate that 25 ”

1.Ahated Blved hped Dknn

2.Agae Bprize trip Dhliday

3.Ajin Bpraise help Dplease

4.Aele Bsh feel Dease

5.Arest Bbreath piture Dare

6.Alasting Baiting lking Dasking

7.Aveent Bflight sund Dtrp

8.Ard Bgun hane Dfat

9.Aildly Bidely tightly Dnervusly

10.Aar Bexite delay Dbey

11.Arule Brute ay Dpath

12.Aurse Binstant ase Ddiretin

13.Abeteen Bby beside Dbeynd

14.Asurprisedly Bquietly still Dhard

15.AH Bhere hy Dhat

16.Atrebling Bving suffering Dadding

17.Alvely Balive lively Dfriendly

18.Ahpe Beans deisin Dpratie

19.Asilent Bangry al Dsrrful

20.Araise Blift ler Dput

21.Asueeding Bunbelieving unkning Drealizing

22.Aalst Bstly even Dnly

23.Aay Buld dare t Dhave t

24.Aenergy Bbravery urage Dind

25.Aaera Bahine equipent Dtl


   Lving the blues

   Day after day ary Feldan sa teens stand abut utside her 1 at the King Street Palae, an entertainent enter in harlestn She kne they attended a nearby iddle shl and ere 2 fr lass---again

   Feldan believed that if sene didn’t 3 ut t these teenagers, they uld sn lse all 4 in shl S ne afternn she ent utside t

   5 ith the

   “I asked hat 6 the,” she says “Their respnse ere alays the 7 : usi, art and sprts” The 42-year-ld businessan 8 a usi prgra uld be a great ay t keep 9 kids interested in learning

   Then Feldan fund the iddle shl prinipal ith her 10 fr Blues in the Shls---a prgra that uld bring 11 int the shls t perfr and teah He liked her idea, but said she’d have t raise the 12

   Lal businesses ae t her 13 In fur nths they’d dnated(捐赠) abut $15,000--- 14 t bring in Billy Branh, a great blues harnia(乐器) player, h had 15 a siilar prgra in hiag shls During Branh’s three-eek after-shl lass in harlestn, 16 listened t usi and learned t rite and perfr the blues 17 “e needed skilled usiians h anted t 18 the traditin t yunger peple,” Feldan says

   The next year Feldan inreased the nubers f Blues N 19 5,000 iddle and eleentary shl students in a dzen ities 20 the untry take part

1Affie Bshl enter Dprgra

2Aseparating Btelling hearing Desaping

3Ae Bget pik Dreah

4Ainterest Bhappiness trust Dstrength

5Aplay Bpare speak Deet

6Areinds Bexites satisfies Dipresses

7Avarius Bsae lear Dright

8Akne Bthught realized Dsaid

9Abred Bfunny disappinted Dsurprised

10Aplan Bprise thught Dhelp

11Ausi Busiians sprts Dbusinessen

12Aurage Beffrts ney Dlevel

13Asight Bay sene Dresue

14Aenugh Bsure abut Dpleased

15Astarted Bseen dnated Dlearned

16Apeple Busiians atrs Dstudents

17Atheselves Bfr the all the tie Dby hane

18Aadd up Barry ut pass n Dget thrugh

19Ase Beven rather Djust

20Autside Bith arss Df


   Dress fr Suess

   hen Nany Lublin gt $5,000 fr her great-grandfather, she never ne nsidered taking a vaatin r paying ff student lans (借款) 1 , the 24-year-ld Ne Yrk University la student began thinking abut the lthing 2 faed by the typial 3 an: “ If she ges fr a jb intervie 4 dressed, she n’ t get the jb,” Lublin says “ But ithut a jb, she an’ t 5 prper lthing”

   A fe eeks later, Lublin 6 Dress fr Suess and began searhing fr lthing and vlunteers(志愿者) She asked en t dnate(捐赠) 7 business lthes that as 8 in gd nditin She asked ebers f diet enters t give aay lthes that n lnger 9 At first Lublin 10 the lthes in her ne-bedr apartent Finally she fund 11 in Greenih Village hurh baseent, hih n 12 as the rganizatin’ s ain ffie

   Tday, hen en arrive at the ffie---referred by shelters and jb-training prgras---they 13 a suit, shes, a bag, stkings and jeelry, and self-nfidene, as ell Se are trying t enter the rk 14 after being n elfare(福利) fr years

   15 Dress fr Suess fitted its first persn h gt help a year and a half ag, re than 1,000 en have reeived suits---and any have n 16 Yarit Plan as reently hired 17 a la-fir ffie anager “ Beause f Dress fr Suess, I ade a gd 18 ” she says

   Dnatins are n 19 in, inluding jeelry and 6,000 pairs f trusers and $40,000 rth f handbags Bradast jurnalists have given suits And Lublin, h has put her 20 n hld is pening Dress fr Suess 21 in ther ities

   “ S any en have lthes 22 arund that they’ ll never 23 again,” says a vlunteer “ Nany’ s 24 is s siple and s iprtant t the en h 25 fr it”

1AAnyay BInstead Frtunately Deanhile

2Anditin Bdiretin pllutin Dplan

3Al-ine Bhigh-ine full-tie Dpart-tie

4Apartiularly Beasily beautifully Dprly

5Aake Bfind ear Daffrd

6Areahed Balled funded Dfaed

7Aused Bneeded ne Dshabby

8Anly Balready alst Dstill

9Adeand Breain fit Dtry

10Ahid Bstred disvered Dgt

11Aspae Bsupprt tailrs Dethds

12Aregards Bserves lks Dlies

13Abuy Bsell reeive Dath

14Affie Bvitry ealth Dfre

15Ahen Bne Althugh DSine

16Ars Bjeels jbs Dsuess

17Aas Bfr t Dint

18Aipressin Brk plae Dfun

19Agiving Bstreaing shing Dleading

20An business Bne prjet la studies Dpersnal belngings

21Ashls Btrades raes Dbranhes

22Alying Bappearing lleting Ddriving

23Aear Bhave dnate Dind

24Aprble Bbelief idea Dffie

25Abenefit Bprevent run De


   Sn-she Jhn

   ne afternn Jhn as hpping d hen a neighbr drve up in his art

   “ Have yu heard the 1 abut the ine in Plaerville?” he asked “ There as a ave-in and a iner as killed The 2 thing is, his ife is dead He nly has a arried sister h ight take the 3 she lives n the ther side f the Sierras And the sn is t 4 t get any ail arss the untains”

   Jhn ent n rking, but his thughts ere n the sn-vered 5 thrugh the untains He reebered 6 as a by he had libed sn untains n snshes He exained the d 7 he deided t ake a pair f snshes ut f it

   After he ade the he began t pratise n his snshes until he felt 8 f hiself Then he shed his neighbrs h his snshes 9

   Stepping frard, ne f the tn elders spke up “ If yu’ re 10 , g ahead and arry the ail”

   11 neither traks nr path t fll, he ved ahead n hat he believed t be the prper 12 As he ent up the untains the ind and ld barely 13 hi dn

   hen darkness 14 , Jhn still ved n, guided by the stars It as late int the night hen he finally deided t stp He ust save his 15 fr the lng jurney still ahead

   Finding the stup f a tree, he set it n 16 Then he ade a platfr f branhes n the sn Strething ut n it ith his feet t the fire and the ailbag under his head, he iediately fell 17

   After three days f traveling, he 18 ske urling upard fr the hineys Jhn kne he as nearing the tn in arsn Valley

   As he glided int tn, peple 19 ut f their hes and surrunded hi They stared in 20 at the blue-eyed an n strange snshes

   “ I brught yu ail fr Plaerville,” Jhn said siply

   The flling day the sister f the dead iner gave Jhn a letter “ I ill e 21 the hildren as sn as the pass is lear ” She tld hi

   Fr the next five inters, 22 paid little, Sn-She Jhn ent n steadily arrying the 23 Fr any years Sn-She Jhn as talked abut as the faus ail-arrying 24 f the Far est He as als 25 fr the shes he re They ere the first snshes, ever seen in alifrnia

1Afat Bexpressins nes Dradi

2Asrry Bharful first Diprtant

3Aand Bbut s Dunless

4Ald Bfreezing deep Dfallen

5Avillage Bpart pass Drank

6Ah Bhat just Dhen

7AThen and there BHere and there N and then DN and here

8Atired Bprud afraid Dsure

9Adid Brked re Dtk

10Aready Benugh tugh Dhard

11AInt BAhead ith DAs

12Aause Burse beginning Dbranh

13Adrpped Blet sled Dsped

14Asank Bfell happened Dreained

15Astrength Btie fd Dney

16Aplae Bbed bard Dfire

17Aill Bdn ff Dasleep

18Asighted Bselled heard Dtasted

19Akept Bpured piked Darried

20Apubli Brder fear Dsurprise

21Afr Bat n Dt

22Aif Bhever althugh Dbeause

23Aail Bsnshes nes Dveent

24Apassenger Bguide her Dteaher

25Aregnized Breprted reebered Drealized


   It as a ld et arh day and the train travelled nrth The trees, nt yet green, 1 past the inds Inside the train all the 2 felt sleepy There as 3 air in any f the arriages Inside ne arriage, a yung an sat 4 knitting(编织) 5 hi as a yung lady quietly reading a nvel n 6 the yung an first take 7 his t knitting needles, she 8 anted t 9 , but feeling that it uld be rude she turned her head t 10

   In the end she felt she anted t say sething She asked hi hat he as

   11 He tld her that it as a pair f fingerless 12 He as ging t the untains and uld 13 the useful fr libing

   They spke n re Befre the train arrived at the next statin the yung an 14 aay his knitting He tk dn his luggage fr the rak and arried it t the dr The train 15 and stpped, and the yung an juped ff 16 then did the yung lady lk up again fr 17 She athed the yung an alk arss the 18 A ball f l fell ut f his pket and rlled 19 a pl f ater It as still 20

1Araed Bleft interrupted Dheaded

2Apeple Bndutrs passengers Drd

3Avery little Bn se Dfresh

4Astill Bquietly happily Dlnely

5ABeside BT ppsite Dith

6Ahaving Bplaying seeing Dpassing

7Aff Baay ut Dup

8Ahardly Breally even Dalst

9Asile Blaugh say sething Dhave a lk

10Ag n knitting Bglare at hi read her bk  Dlk ut f the ind 

11Ading Bperating aking Dlibing

12Atrusers Bglves shes D she

13Alet Bthink find Duse

14Aput Bthre tk Dleft

15Aspeeded up Bsled dn ved n Darhed ut

16AAnd Bnly But DJust

17Aher bk Bher knitting the ind Dher seat

18Atraks Btrain rad Dplatfr 19An Bver int Dut

20Arlling Braining there Drunning


   In llege I had a part-tie jb at a shp dntn that sld dughnuts and

  ffee 1 n a blk here a dzen buses stpped, it prvided fd t peple h had a fe inutes t ait fr their 2

   I 3 ffee in takeut ups and 4 aited n usters h’ d pint thrugh the glsss ase and say, “ N, nt that ne, the ne t rs ver”

   Every afternn arund fur ’ lk, a grup f shl hidren uld 5 int the shp Adults uld glane in, see the rd and 6 n I didn’ t 7 if the kids aited fr the bus in the shp

   I ae t kn the 8 ell The lder girls uld tell e abut their

  byfriends; the yunger nes uld talk abut shl The bys ere re quiet, hsing nt t 9 their serets, but still, they’ d ait every day in the stre 10 their bus ae

   Seties I’ d hand ut bus fare hen a tiket ent 11 ---alays repaid the next day hen it sned, the kids and I uld ait anxiusly fr a very 12 bus They’ d all their 13 t let the kn they ere kay At 14 tie I’ d lk the dr, and the kids and I uld ait in the ar stre until their bus finally arrived

   I 15 a lt f dughnuts n sny days I enjyed y pals, but it never 16 t e that I played an iprtant 17 in their lives---until ne Saturday afternn hen a serius-lking an entered the stre and asked if I as the girl h rked eekdays arund fur ’ lk I 18 it as true, and he intrdued hiself 19 the father f t f y favrites---a brther and sister tea

   “ I ant yu t kn I appreiate hat yu d fr y hildren I 20 abut the having t take t buses t get he It 21 a lt that they an ait here and yu are keeping 22 n the”

   I tld hi it asn’ t a big 23 , that I enjyed the kids

   “ N, yu dn’ t understand hen they’ re ith the dughnuts lady, I kn they’ re 24 It is a big deal And I’ grateful”

   S I as the Dughnuts Lady I nt nly had reeived a 25 , I had bee a landark

1Arded BSituated Direted DReved

2Aride Bhane hidren Djbs

3Atasted Bhad ade Dpured

4Afinally Bprbably fairly Dpatiently

5Aburst Bbreak lk Dpint

6Ag Be pass Dpull

7Akn Bind understan Drealize

8Apretty Bnt usually Dfar

9Ahear Bntie share Dsearh

10Ahen Bbefre after Duntil

11Astred Brequired issing Dreaining

12Aearly Blate fast Dbig

13Aparents Bfriends teahers Dlassates

14Alsing Bpening prper Dhliday

15Aate up Bgave aay let ut Dgt bak

16Astuk Breinded ved Durred

17Alessn Bent life Dpart

18Aaditted Bliited guessed Dnsidered

19Afr Bt as Dlike

20Aare Brry talk Dnder

21Aeans Btakes intends Dgives

22Aa spae Ban eye the pssessin Da knledge

23Apride Bpleasure deal Dhelp

24Ahappy Bative alive Dsafe

25Aletter Btitle frtune Dlve


   had perfrs his 24-ft aluiniu bat past ill yung trees that stik ut f the aters f the ississippi River 1 danes ff aples(枫树), their branhes heavy ith 2 spring leaves But a 3 inspetin dislses truble behind the beautiful sight Rubbish is 4 in a lgja(河道内运完木材所剩的木头) and hangs fr the tree’ s branhes

   5 the next three hurs had and his tea pull plasti bags, tanks, bttles and 6 bling pins ut f the ater Then they 7 fr a pini table aught in the trees

   ele t the ississippi River Beautifiatin ≈ Restratin Prjet, began in 1997 as had’ s ne-an 8 t pik up rubbish alng a 400-ile streth f the 2340-ile river That year, ften rking 9 , the 22-year-ld leaned 150 iles f shreline

   At first the prjet appeared 10 and useless But had tried his best t find 11 , and ith their baking, he sn had a ne bat and a five-an tea---the B rane re Last year alne the re 12 fr the ater 44055-galln drus, 1104 tires and enugh plasti bags t ver a ftball field uh f the aste ill be 13

   “ had’ s peratin is the nly ne atually in 14 n the river,” says ark f the ississippi River Basin Alliane, a unin f envirnental grups “ It’ s the 15 I’ ve ever seen in 20 years, and he is inspiring thers t d the 16 ”

  “ The ississippi as y bak 17 ,” had says In his teens he and his brther rked n the river as laers(掘蚌者) and aped n islands 18 the ateray “ The river has given e a livelihd and brught e s uh 19 ,” had says “ I anted t d sething in 20 ”

1ASunlight BAir Dust Dnlight

2Aripe Bbrn falling Dfresh

3Aider Bquiker lser Dstriter

4Aplaed Bpiled trapped Dthrn

5AFr BAt After DBy

6Aever Beven nearly Derely

7Ae Bsave head Dfight

8Ark Bdisvery plae Deffrt

9Aalne Bstrngly quietly Dfierely

10Alarge Bhappy ipssible Dpssible

11Asupprters Brkers engineers Dpineers

12Aae Bpulled pushed Dappeared

13Aburned Bburied used Dreyled

14Aending Bprgress disussin Dn

15Abiggest Bearliest latest Dlukiest

16Adeed Bfavur sae Drng

17Aay Bshl interest Dyard

18Ablking Bstanding dtting Dtravelling

19Atie Bjy pride Daste

20Areturn Bturn danger Dtruble


   Jhnny lay in his bed in the hspital ith little hpe f ever living like ther bys He had been 1 in a ftball gae several days befre and had fallen in 2 a ay that the bak f his head hit the grund Dtrs believed that he ight 3 rever There didn’ t see t be any ay t help the by

   ne day the dtrs asked t eet Jhnny’ parents t talk abut his 4 “ He sees t have given up 5 Perhaps he needs sething that 6 an’ t prvide,” said ne f the dtrs “ hen I visit Jhnny all he ever says is that he uld like t 7 Babe Ruth”

   It, f urse, as regarded as 8 Babe Ruth as as iprtant a an in the United States as the 9 hiself The Babe as the st faus baseball player in the gae, the Yankee he-run hitter

   “ I dn’ t kn anybdy in baseball, uh less Babe Ruth,” said Jhnny’ s father “ But if yu think that it uld help, the 10 I an d is try”

   The next day Jhnny’ s father ent t eet the ner f the Yankees, h said he uld ask Babe Ruth if he uld 11 the by in the hspital

   Tenty-fur hurs later, 12 Jhnny Sylvester lay in bed, in alked Babe Ruth

   Yung Jhnny uldn’ t believe it really as the Babe He hadn’ t been tld the Babe uld visit hi beause the dtrs 13 that the visit uldn’ t be arranged

   The Babe sat dn at Jhnny’ s bedside and said: “ N listen, kid, yu’ ve gt t get 14 and get ut f here I’ ve brught yu a ne Aerian League 15 And hat’ s 16 ,” said Babe Ruth, “ I’ ging ut there t a 17 trr afternn and hit a he run just fr 18 ”

   Yung Jhnny siply lay there, saying nthing , his eyes 19 at the great an Then the Babe left yung Jhnny uld the he-run hitter keep his 20 ?

   The next afternn they 21 in his hspital r, arund a little radi, t listen t the Yankee gae 22 enugh, sn Babe Ruth hit a he run int the distant rightfield stands

   Fr Jhnny this as the 23 f a ne life 24 the surprise f his dtrs and his parents, yung Jhnny, alked ut f the hspital 25 a fe eeks later

1Arun int Bkept bak taken aay Dgt rid f

2Aterrible Bquite suh Dhat

3Aever Bnever alst Dnly

4Aause Bnditin sprt Deeting

5Ahpe Btreatent effrts Durse

6AI Byu hspital Dediine

7Avisit Benvy adire Deet

8Aneessary Bhelpful ipssible Dseret

9Apresident Bdtr player Dfather

10Aleast Bst atter Ddeed

11Aenurage Bvisit praise Dal

12Aas Bbeause thugh Dn tie

13Abelieved Bdeided feared Dndered

14Agd Bell bak Dexited

15Abaseball Bbasketball present Dbk

16Athat Babut ne Dre

17Ahspital Bplaygrund he Dgae

18Aall Be yu Dthe tea

19Alsing Bpening shining Dlking

20Abalane Bprise pae Drerd

21Agathered Bipressed guarded Dexpeted

22AGd Buh Sure DFunny

23Afreed Bbeginning end Dperid

24AT BFr ith DFr

25Alnely Balst by far Dn his n


(1) 1-5 DBAB 6-10 ADA 11-15 BDDA 16-20 BAB 21-25 DABAD

(2)1-5 AABB 6-10 DAB 11-15 BDBD 16-20 AAB  

(3)1-5 ABBAD 6-10 BAA 11-15 BDB 16-20 ABAA


(4) 1-5 ADDD 6-10 BAA 11-15 BDA 16-20 BDBAB


(5)1-5 ADD 6-10 BBAAD 11-15 BA 16-20 ABAA 21-25 BDDA

(6)1-5 ADDA 6-10 BBAA 11-15 BDAA 16-20 DAA


(7) 1-5 BAADD 6-10 ADB 11-15 ABDD 16-20 AAB 21-25 DAAA

(8)1-5 AB 6-10 AADBA 11-15 BBA 16-20 DDABD 21-25 AA

(9)1-5 AAB 6-10 BBD 11-15 BAB 16-20 BADB


(10)1-5 BADDA 6-10 BAD 11-15 BAAB 16-20 DDAB 21-15 ABDB

(11) 1-5 ADA 6-10 BDA 11-15 ABDBA 16-20 DBA


(12)1-5 ABBA 6-10 DDAA 11-15 BABA 16-20 DDB 21-25 ABAD


  (1)本篇文章是98NET完形填空考题。从第一遍通读中,我们知道了不少信息,充分利用上下文提供的信息,也就是我们常说的语境---语言环境,把握文章基调,才能找出正确答案。 文章本身是个故事,是以讽刺口吻写的。它向我们展示了一位盲目信赖、崇拜自己儿子的母亲。

  3 根据中心,就知道这位母亲认为儿子一切正确、不会做错事,应选rng。





  14.谈到Jhn下一步情况,选项的四个词都可以与下面的不定式连用,但意义不一样,began和anaged都表示已经采取行动,而从下文看,此时Jhn只是在作计划,prised 表示‘答应参加’,与上下文不符,只有deided可以说明Jhn的打算。

  15.既然Jhn此时只是打算参军,还未行动,他的母亲谈到的只能是个消息,应选nes。19.与全篇基调一致,崇拜儿子的母亲对儿子的一切都感到自豪,因此是prud ther。20.本空所在的句子中有地点状语in the rd,我们可以看出应该选与地点有关的psitin。

  24.后面紧接着They’re all,可见前面提到的是“他们”,应选the。

  25.本空相对来说难一些,ut f rder是一个固定搭配,我们平时也常常用到它,但它与上下文不符合,上文提到’the ne h uldn’t keep pae ith the thers’,可见Jhn并不是“坏了”或“不合规定”,而是“不合步子”,要选step。


  4 在文章刚刚开始阶段,讲的是作者写文章时的情况,当时作者虽已是三个孩子的母亲,已经四十多岁了,但还未成功。而出版商问的问题是有目的的,她问了作者的岁数,再问作者的健康情况,因为她怕作者经不住这个突然的消息,过度兴奋而出现问题,因此要选 health。

  6 本空虽然在第二段,但与第一段事件一致,作者听到这个消息确实感到震惊,作者的这种感情与她过去的经历有直接的关系,shk恰如其分地表达了作者的这种感情。

  9 本空处在作者对自己不断失败的回忆中,她不屈不挠,虽然失败,但立刻开始新的尝试,此空的四个选项虽然都可以与-ing形式搭配,但只有 gt dn t 的意义符合这种情况。

  13 作者在回忆童年时期祖母对自己的影响,祖母当然只是讲故事,而不可能写故事,telling 是合适选项。

  14、15 这两个空都说明了祖母对作者的影响,一个人有了热爱,才可能有投入,而祖母激起了作者对文学的热爱和她的想象力,这些都是作者坚持不懈写作的原因,其他词不能表达这种含义。

  16 作者讲述并总结祖母对自己的影响,这种影响不是一般的影响,不是仔细的影响,只能是持续的影响,因此要选 lasting。

  19 我们注意到作者做的这件事是在看孩子与做饭之间做的,这种时候,一般腾不出手来写作,也无法读书,只能思索、发展思路,因此只能选develping。




  4.此句的主语是skies, 天空中满是风筝飞舞,充满活力,alive恰到好处地表达了此意。6.根据下文提到的情景,一个大人站着,手中拿着线,眼睛盯着天空,显得傻乎乎的,fl就表达了这种意思。




   (4) 本篇是1994年NET完形填空试题。全文第一句花提供了时间: early rning in suer, 清晨是什么样:人们赶去上班吧。这样就为我们继续往下考虑提示了一个方向。

  第一段中尽管有三个空, 读完后可以意识到,这一天不是休息日: In the street, sleepy-eyed peple ere ving quikly; 但这一天又有什么不寻常的事: as t be different。第二段出现了一个具体人物---Philippe Petit, 身份是the daring Frenhan, daring"大胆的", 给我们提供考虑方向:他要做惊险的事。

  1.根据文章提供的时间,自然想到人们清晨走向工作jbs, 此时ffies只能是一部分人的走向,范围太小。

  3根据下文this day as t be different,使我们想到,应该选与different相对的rdinary, 而3应选but,使上下句的转折关系表现出来。

  4 根据词组"等待" ait fr,很容易选fr, 但词组后面是rded streets,这是无法搭配的,不可能"等待街道"。句中the rded streets与n tp f a building f 110 stries high 是同位语,由此只能选abve---"等在街道上方"。

  5 根据后文的the t ters f the rld Trade enter,可知该选building。

  6 根据下文的Philippe alked his ay,可知应选alk。

  11.这个空处在第四段,这段讲的是观众, 考虑问题要从观众角度出发。本句谓语动词是began t ntie,streets与ity是不会发出这样的动作的,我们可以不考虑; passengers乘客,表达范围太小; rds人群, 包括了各种各样的人,因此可选。

  12.本空处在一个感叹句中,这个感叹是由观众发出的,观众从地面往上看到空中的小人影所作的表演,他们感叹的不是高度height,而是人的表演,他们发出的是惊叹的感觉,也就是nder。 pleasure有乐无惊, danger有险无奇, 都不足以说明当时观众的心情。 从文章用的词汇daring, even, astnishing等,所营造的气氛,及下一段Philippe所做的各种动作来看,nder是最合适的。

  13.从地面观众角度看1350 feet高度的人,自然是 tiny figure。

  14.根据下文的bak and frth,得知这是有来有回的运动,这种运动可以称为trips;irles是“环绕、转圈”的意思,在绷索上是无法做这种动作的;veents表现不出来回的动作,也不对。

  17.能躺在绷索上,需要的是“勇气” --urage,光有精神spirit,或力量spirit,都是不够的。



  7.父亲在指导他打野鸭,此空前的修饰词是a sall,sund和trp虽然都可以用它修饰,但意义不对,flight在此是“飞翔的鸟群”的意思,这种用法是学生所没有见过的。


  11.本空前面省了介词in, in the ay就说明了Jerey用的是父亲教给他的方式来操作。

  17.Jerey下不了手的原因并不只是野鸭子可爱-lvely,或者活泼-lively;而是因为它们是活生生的-alive。这与上文的balaned beteen life and death就一致了。





  (6)本文涉及了教育问题,在美国,有些孩子辍学,并不是因为没钱,而是因为厌学(这种情况各国都有)。主人公ary Feldan看到这种情况,想出了很好的解决办法。标题Lving the blues就是全文中心,也就是ary Feldan想出的办法。

  3reah ut在此 = ake effrts t d sth“作出努力做某事”的意思。





  13Feldan要实行计划需要钱,当地企事业帮助了她,在此用了 “resue”这个词,表达这个意义,其他词都不能表达这种意义。

  18音乐家所做的事是把传统的东西传给孩子们,而不是仅仅给孩子们表演一下,四个选项中只有pass n能表达这种意义。



  4 本空就体现了本文的文化背景,要选prly符合这种背景。

  9.考查学生根据上下文做答的能力,学生在做完形填空时,一定要重视每一个细节,紧扣文章提供的线索,分析选项与文章线索的关系,找出正确答案。上文提到Nany找到diet enter的成员来捐赠衣服,人们一旦节食,他们的衣服可能就不合适了。因此应该选fit。12.Nany找到一个新的地方---baseent 储存衣服,本句是以地方作主语,如果用regard, 只能用在被动语态中;用serve as,表示“用作”,可以用地点作主语。

  17.Nany开创的事业红火起来,捐赠越来越多,strea in 是个形象说法,形容捐赠滚滚而来。

  18.put sth n hld 是个习惯表达法,意思是“暂时终止”;Nany 为了事业,只好先终止学业,因此选la studies。

  (8)这篇文章介绍了一个传奇人物的事迹。主人公被称为Sn-she Jhn,可见他在这方面有建树,他利用Sn-she,为山区人民送邮件,被人们传为佳话。


  6.本句中 as a by 是个时间状语,如果把这个状语放在句尾,就很容易看出本句应该选h了。

  7Then and there是“就在当时当地”的意思。



  13根据Jhn在上文所显示的决心及他本身所具有的体质看,风和寒冷是不会使他倒下的,但很可能使他减速,sl dn正是这个意思。

  19山村的人们看到一个装束奇怪的生人,就都会跑出家门来观看,pur ut是个形象的用法,表达人们“涌出”家门的情形。




  8.hardly是否定意义,不能选;even表示进一步关系,没有道理,也不选;如果选alst与后面动词搭配,说明她几乎想要,而不是真的要,与上下文不符,也不能选;只有really 能说明当时她的想法。

  9.say sething是干扰项,下文提到她确实与男青年说了话,可见不能选;sile是微笑,这种动作谈不到不礼貌,也不选;只有laugh说明当时她的想法。



  15.火车要进站前,应该减速,因此选sled dn。






  5.burst int形象地表达出孩子们蜂拥冲进店铺的情况。



  16.urred t是“想到”的意思,主语是想法,t后面接人。

  18.当来人问起这件事,作者只得承认,aditted 在此是“承认”的意思。

  25.根据上文别人把作者称为Dughnuts Lady,这是一个称号,因此选title。








  18.in prgress这个词组的意思是“在进展中”;其他的词组都与此时的上下文无关。

  19.这个同位语是the ississippi River Basin Alliane的同位语,说明这个组织的性质因此选unin。




  6.Jhnny在比赛中受了重伤,虽然住院治疗,但不见好转,医生觉得应该使他在精神上战胜困难,因此提到这种新的方法是“医药”---ediine 所无能为力的。其他三个答案都不是医生治疗所用的方法,因此不选。

  7.对于Jhnny来说,他不能起床,因此只能 eet“会见”他所想见的人,而不能visit“走访”他所想见的人。

  10.父亲要尽微薄之力,least正体现父亲至少可以作的事,The least I an d is try 的意思是“至少我可以试试”。

  19.在本句中,his eyes 是动作的发出者,因此不能选用lking, 只能选shining, 意思是“眼睛发亮”。

  22.Sure enugh 是习惯用语,意思是“当然了”。


   D yu talk t peple just t pass the tie?

  If e are being plite ith peple there are nly a fe things e an hse t say Hever, nversatins hih pass the tie an be a little bit re varied e have ‘pass-tie’ nversatins at parties r befre eetings r hen e are delayed in a train Sene ill hse a subjet and ent n it in a general kind f ay And then sene else ill add a ent In a ‘pass-tie’ nversatin peple dn’t sh their individuality very uh Usually peple agree ith eah ther r nly disagree in uniprtant ays And they dn’t try t start a serius disussin r arguent hih they are abut

  ‘Pass-tie’ nversatins are very iprtant if yu are travelling and visiting peple’s hes ‘Pass-tie’ nversatins help yu t get t kn the ther persn a little bit Then yu an deide hether yu ant t get t kn the better and t share re useful and interesting nversatins Here is a typial British ‘pass-tie’ nversatin Yu an pratise it!

  The ther persn: It really has been aful eather in the last fe days, hasn’t it?

  Yu: Abslutely terrible! e haven’t really had a suer at all! / I suppse it’s all right fr the gardens/ It’s just the tie f year I suppse/ (and fr the huurist) It’s all right fr duks!

  If yu ant t disagree, d s gently and in suh a ay that yu dn’t upset the!

  Yu: T tell yu the truth I’ quite happy abut the rain! I’ve just planted se seeds in the garden and it’s just hat they need (If yu just ade the stateent, ‘I’ quite happy abut the rain!’ and gave n explanatin, partiularly if yu didn’t sile, the ther persn uld be ffended!)

   Peple seties talk abut serius subjets in ‘pass-tie’ nversatins And yet they dn’t really say anything hih ight be t riginal r

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下一篇: 第一学期高中语文教研组工作总结

