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Unit 1 ultural relis

一. 请根据中文意思完成下列句子。

1. Galile _________ that the earth ves arund the sun like the ther planets


2 Please ____________ y suggestin


3. nly a fe sldiers ____________ the battle


4.I ae arss the _____ bk in the shp


5.Se experts f the rld _______ _______ ___ his paintings


6.He has given us s uh help that I really anted t d sething fr hi ____ _________


7.There are any peple present at the eeting, t thirds f h _________ _______ the sae shl

8.e ___________ hat he said uniprtant


9.The by ent ___ ________ ___ sething t eat


10. He is a student h has a ____ fr usi


11.The ________ f the building is speial


12. The t untries are still ____ _____n


13. The Great all is ne f the _______ in the rld


二. 请根据首字母完成下列句子。

1. He bught e a ditinary in r______ fr y help

2. Dn’t f_______ that yu an sueed ithut hard rk

3. He r______ the table t the rner f the r

4. It as r Li h d_________ the building

5. Fe birds anaged t s________ the inter last year

6. an yu p_______ yur hnesty?

7. The by tk the ath a____ t see h it ran

8. The huse b________ t the ld lady

9. It is r____ fr hi t arrive late

10 I a __________ hanging y jb

11 T gave e a surprising g_____ at y birthday party

12D yu have any e__________ t supprt yu are nt guilty?

13 Beijing is the ________ and plitial enter f ur untry

14 I an’t bear the h_____ in suer

15 ur shl gave a r__________ t the visitrs

16 He l_____ a ath

Unit 2 The lypi Gaes

一. 请根据中文意思完成下列句子。

1. He has ________ e t buy e a ar


2. Nthing an _________ a ther’s lve


3. ur English teaher is friendly ____ _______ _____ kind t us


4. He _________ ____ the gae yesterday


5. It uld be __________ fr us t quarrel


6.- --- -----, yu didn’t d yur best


7. There as ___ ______ _______ f Lu Xun’s nvels n the shelf


8 He_______ having dne rng


9.He ______ ______ ____ the strike


10. He ____ _____ _____ his parent as ging ut fr a hliday


11. The students ent ut f the lassr _____ _______ _____________


二. 请根据首字母完成下列句子

1. H is yur i___________ fr the jb tday?

2. y sister as luk t be a________ t Beijing University

3. I ill keep y p_________

4. There is an a________ building and e ill g t visit it next eek

5. Playing basketball is ne fr f p_______ exerise

6. The t friends ere ________ fr the psitin

7. If yu ant t sell yur prdut ell yu shuld a_________ it

8. The ld furniture shuld be r_________

9. His psitin n the first p______ in the ntest

10 The a__________ n t gld edals in the lypis

11 Give e yur h_______ pinin

12 e are n ging t i__________ the inister f Eduatin

13 Last night T dreaed that he ent n a ________ trip

14 hat he said desn’t r______ t his atin

Unit 3 puters


1_____ ______ ________, the fd is nt enugh


2. Yesterday, he tk an i________________ test


3. He dn’t kn h t ______ ________ his naughty sn


4. It’s nt surprising yu’ve gt stahahe _____ ______ yu have eaten t uh


5. They have nthing in ________ ith ne anther


6.______ _____ ______ y puter, I uld finish y jb in tie


7.___ ___ ____, hat yu said is reasnable



1.He is studying engineering at a shl f t____________

2 It is an a___________ if yu kn h t type

3 Yu shuld _________ the exat ney yu need

4 hat’s the _________ f yur lthing?

5 I p__________ didn’t believe hat he said at the eeting

6 Please tell e the d___________ f living in a ity

7 y grandpa suffered a lt during the ultural R____________

8 e d________ n hih plan t arry ut

9 That’s a t________ prble

10 alt Disney ______ any artns that any hildren like

11 The puter an __________ plex engineering prbles

12 He deided t g n a u____________ travel

13 The at is d__________ fr yu

Unit 4 ildlife Prtetin

一. 请根据中文意思完成下列句子

1 D yu kn h did the rld _______ ______ __________ ?


2.In inter, yu shuld ver sething t _________ the plants ______ the ld


3. He is _____ great ______


4. He didn’t rk hard ____ ___ ______, he failed in the exa


5.Yu shuld ____ _______ ________ the signs hen yu are driving


6.y faily lives _______ ________


7 Dinsaurs ______ ______ illins f years ag


8.He rte a letter t _____ _______ the jb


9 The str _____ a bad _______ _____ the rps



1.I s_________ that she d the jb herself

2 I as b_____ by the dg yesterday

3 R_______, he has ade great prgress

4 He ent thrugh the frest under the p_______ f his dg

5 Anient peple h______ fr fd

6 I dn’t have the s_______ fr supper

7 Tiger is a f_______ anial

8 T is a l_____ persn

9 Gegraphy a_______ peple’s ays f living

10 Airia is a p______ natin

11 The bard is t_______

12 D yu live in this a_______

13 range juie _________ vitain

14 The earthquake sts great l_______

Unit 5 usi


1.I et an ld friend in the street _____ __________


2.ne yu ake up yur ind, yu shuld _______ ____ it


3. I ______ _____ being a great sientist hen I as a hild


4 I spent a hle rning t _____ _____ y bks


5 It is iplite t _______ ______ _____ thers


6.He ill arrive at six ’lk _____ ____


7.______ ____, yu shuld ake a plan fr yur study


8. e shuld _____ ______ _____ ur parents


9 The lub ____ ____ last year



1. any peple dn’t like a________

2 His bk as quite a h___ in Lndn

3 D yu kn h did it f_______?

4 Guilin is an a_________ ity

5 e enjyed the p_____________ last night

6 H uh did yu e____ last nth

7 e need an e_____ day t d the jb

8 Liu Dehua is a ell__ knn a______

9 He has the a______ t speak fur languages

10 The little tn is u_________ t us

11 T p____________ vitnessed the aident

12 His father a faus ________

13 They are the f____ f Zhu Bihang


Unit 1

一 1prved 2 nsider 3 survied 4 rare 5 thught highly f 6 in trturn 7 belng t 8 nsider 9 in searh f 10 gift 11design 12 at ar 13 nders

二 1 return 2 fany 3 reved 4 designed 5 survive 6 prve 7 apart 8belngs 9rare 10 nsidering 11 gift 12 evidene 13 ultural 14 heat 15reeptin 16 lit/lighted

Unit 2

一1 prised 2 replae 3 as ell as 4 peted in 6 flish 7 a set f 8 aditted 9 tk part in 10as ell as 11 ne after anther

三 1 intervie 2 aditted 3 prise 4 anient 5 physial 6 petirs 7advertise 8replaed 9prize 10 athlete 11 hnest 12 intervie 13 agial 14 relate

Unit 3

一.1 In y pinin 2 intelligene 3 deal ith 4 After all 5n 6 ith the help f 7 In a ay

二.1 tehnlgy 2 advantage 3 alulate 4 aterial 5 persnally 6 disadvantage/s 7 Revlutin 8 disagreed 9 tehnlgial 10 reated 11 alulate 12 universial 13 designed

Unit 4

一.1 e int being 2 prtet fr 3 in danger 4 As a result 5 pay attentin t 6 in peae 7 died ut 8 apply fr 9 had effet n

二.1 suggested 2 bitten 3 Reently 4 prtetin 5 hunted 6 stah 7 fiere 8 lazy 9 affets 10 perful 11 thik 12 area 13 ntains 14 lss

Unit 5

一.1 by hane 2 stik t 3 dreat f 4 srt ut 5 play jkes n

6 r s 7 Abve all 8 be hnest ith 9 brke up

二.1 advertiseents 2 hit 3 fr 4 attrative 5 perfrane 6 earn

7 extra 8 atr 9 ability 10 unknn 11 passers-by 12 usiian

13 fans


Unit 1 ultural relis

rd usage:

1 survive vi

1) ntinue t live r exist;

2) vt ntinue t live r exist in spite f nearly being killed r destryed by sth

3) vt Reain alive after sb, live r exist lnger than

eg: He is the last surviving eber f the faily

Fe buildings survived the earthquake

The an survived his sister by three years

2 reain v

1) vi Be left r present after ther parts have been ved r used r dealt ith

2) vi Be left t be seen, dne, et

3) vi Stay behind, stay in the sae plae

4) (link-v) ntinue t be

Eg: After the fire, very little reained f y huse

uh rk reained t be dne

I’ll reain t see the end f the gae

He reained silent after lass

3 gift n [] 1) sth given; 2) natural ability

eg: ----Please aept these flers fr yur birthday

-----h Thanks a lt fr yur beautiful gift

He is a student h has a gift fr usi

He is a an f any gifts

4 design 1) vt ≈ vi plan, intend; ake arrangeent f sth ake draings fr…; 2) ake designs fr

eg: as it designed, r did it just happen?

He designs fr ur dress departent

The experient is designed t text the ne drug

5 fany 1) adj nt plain r rdinary; ade t please the eye 2) vt Iagine 3) iaginatin

Eg: I dn’t feel like aking a fany eal

Dn’t fany that yu an sueed ithut hard rk

She tk a fany t the by

6 light vt ≈ vi (lit, lit; lighted, lighted)

1) ause t burn r shine 2) ause t be shine 3) (ause t ) bee bright

Eg: He lighted his igarette and sat dn

e lit a andle and the andle lit the r

Her fae as lighted by happiness

7 nder v ≈ n

1) n feeling aused by sth unusal, surpring

2) vt dn’t kn and ant t kn

3) vi be filled ith nder

Eg: The Great all is ne f the nders f the rld

I nder hy he ae

It’s nt t be nder at

8 reve 1) vi take t anther plae; 2) get rid f 3) take ff 4) ve

Eg: Please reve yur bag fr the seat s that I an sit dn

His nae as reved fr the list

The hild refused t reve his trusers

The reved int the ne huse sn

9 dubt

1) v feel unertain abut, questin the truth f

2) n unertainty f ind, feeling f unertainty

3) vt dubt sb / sth

Eg: Yur life is in danger There is n dubt abut it

I have n dubt that e shall be able t d sething fr yu

I dubt that yu are hnest

10 apart adv 1) aay fr eah ther; 2) separately

Eg: Let’s keep the t things apart

The by tk the ath apart t see h it ran

They lk alst the sae; it’s hard t tell the apart

11 nsider vt 1) think abut 2) think

Eg: He is nsidering the prble n

I’ nsidering buying a ne huse

He is nsidered t have stlen the piture

12besides adv ≈ prep

1) adv Als, hat’s re 2) prep 常与ther, als, else thers等连用

Eg: Besides, I ant yu t prise e ne thing

I have three ther hats besides this ne

Des he kn any ther freign language besides Frenh

Useful phrases:

1 lk int : 1) exaine; investigate; 2) lk at the inside f

eg: The plie are lking int all the rerds f the an

He lks int her fae ith great interest

I’ll lk int the atter as sn as pssible Just have a little patiene

2 belng t 1) be the prperty f; 2) be a eber f

eg: The huse belnged t an ld lady

hina is a untry belnging t the Third rld

As a riter, he really belngs t the 18th entury

3 in searh f : lking fr

eg: The bys ent in searh f sething t eat

4 in return 1) in return fr 作为……的报答

Eg: I ish I uld d sething fr yu in return

He bught her a gld ath in return fr yu in return

5 think highly f : speak highly f / think uh / ell f

Eg: He as nt ell thught f by his bss

The leaders spke highly f hat he had dne fr the pany

Unit 2 The lypi Gaes

rd usage

1 hnest adj f sene h des nt lies r steal; nt hiding the truth r fats

All y life I have tried t be an hnest an

All this is hnest ney

Give e yur hnest pinin

The yung an has an hnest fae

2 anient adj belnging t a tie lng ag; having existed fr a very lng tie

e ere ipressed by the ruins f an anient building

This is an anient ust

en ere nt alled t take part in the lypi Gaes in anient ties

3 pete [(+ith/against/fr)] vi t try t in r gain sth in petitin ith sb else

e an pete ith the best teas

y handriting annt pete ith his

Jhn peted fr a plae at the shl, but didn’t get in

The t panies have t pete against eah ther fr usters

4 petitr n a persn, tea, r fir peting ith anther r thers

There ere 10 petitrs in the rae

Last year ur pany sld any re puters than ur petitr

Seties friends an als be yur petitrs

5 hst 1) n a) se h invites guests; b) a untry r rganizatin hih prvides the spae and equipent fr a speial event; ) sene h intrdues se perfranes, suh as thse TV sh

2) v t at as a hst fr a speial event

e thanked ur hst and left the party

She is the hst f the prgra

It reains unknn hih untry ill hst the internatinal tennis turnaent

e attended a dinner party hsted by the president f the pany

Bejing ill hst the 29th lypi Gaes in 2008

6 Greek 1) adj fr r nneted ith Greee 2) n a) [] a persn fr Greee; b) [U] the language f Greee

The diretr f the fil is a Greek

y friend speaks Frenh and Greek

7 agial adj ysterius, strange, and exiting

Yu an enjy the agial vie ver the al aters f the bay

There is alays a agial evening beneath the bright stars

In the stry, Sa has a agial hat

8 intervie 1) n a) a eeting here a persn is asked questins t deide hether they shuld be given a jb r a plae n an eduatinal urse;

b) a eeting here a persn is asked questins t find ut abut their atins r pinins, seties bradast n radi r TV r printed in a nespaper r agazine

2) v t ask sb questins in an intervie

Dn't be late fr yur intervie, r yu n't get the jb

e are n ging t intervie the inister f Eduatin

She has intervieed st f the appliants fr the jb

9 adit vi ≈ [vt (that \ ding )] 1) t agree, ften unillingly, that sth bad r unpleasant is true; 2) t all ab \ sth t enter a plae; 3) t all sb\ sth t jin a lub r rganizatin

I aditted breaking the ind

Yu ust adit the task t be diffiult

There ere n inds t adit air

N ne but tiket-hlders as aditted

He as aditted by Beijing University

10 salve 1) n a) a persn h is ned by anther persn and ust rk fr the; b) a slave t sth \ f sth: a persn pletely under the ntrl f a partiular thing

2) vi t rk hard

There ere re slaves than itizens in anient Athens

They are all slaves t fashin

He is a slave t drink

She slaved fr hi all her life

I have been slaving aay all eekend in the garden

11 replae v 1) t put sth bak here it as; 2) t take the plae f sb \ sth; 3) t hange ne thing fr anther that is neer r better

The brakes have t be replaed

Eletri lights have replaed andles

Yu ill have t replae thse ld puters

12 prize 1) n sth f value given t sene h is suessful in a gae, rae, r given fr se atin that is adired;

2) adj a) [nly befre a nun] that has gained a prize

T se en ealth is the greatest prize in life

His pe n the first prize in the ntest

I ill use the prize ney t help pay fr y eduatin

13 silver 1)n [U] a sft preius etal, grayish-hite in lr, that an be brightly plished, and is used in jeellery and fr aking ins

2) adj a) ade f silver; b) grayish-hite r silver in lr

In anient ties, the eperrs’ bls ere ade f silver There is nt a silver hair n her head

There is a silver ring in the bx

14 physial adj 1) nerning the bdy rather than the ind; 2) nerning the aterial things that yu an see and tuh;

3) [alays befre a nun] nerning the natural fratin f the Earth’s survae; 4) arding t the la f nature

Playing basketball is a fr f physial exerise

These are physial hanges hile thse are heial hanges

I have n idea h large the physial universe is

There ay be a physial explanatin fr these strange happenings

15 rt 1) n a) the part f a plant that grs dn int the sil in searh f fd and ater; b) the part f a tth, hair, r rgan that hlds it t the rest f the bdy; ) the entral part r ause f sth; d) ne’s rts: the plae here ne gre up

2) v t ake r get rts

These plants have very deep rts

This is the rt ause f pverty

Se peple believe that ney is the rt f all evil

here is yur rts?

D rses rt easily?

16 relate v 1) t ake a nnetin beteen t things; 2) t tell a stry

relate t sth: t nern r be nneted ith sth

relate t sene: t understand sene and have a frtable relatinship ith the

an yu relate hat happened in yur hildhd t yur present state f ind?

e related ur trubles t hi, asking his advie

I dn't kn t hat this relates

She desn't relate ell t her ther

17 pster n a large printed ntie r piture put up in a publi plae

They put up psters all rund the tn advertising their prduts

18 advertise vt ≈ vi 1) t tell the publi abut sth, suh as an event, servie, r artile fr sale, fr exaple in a nespaper r n TV; 2) t ask fr sene r sth by plaing a ntie sehere like a nespaper r shp ind

If yu ant t sell yur prdut yu ust advertise it

I advertised y huse in the “Daily Nes”

The pany is advertising fr typists in the nespapers

19 prise 1) n a) [] a stateent that yu ertainly ill r ill nt d sth

b) [U] signs r hpe f suess r iprveent

2) v t state that yu ill ertainly d sth

Give e yur prise that yu'll never be late again

The yung an shs prise as a pet

He prised t help us

Useful expressins

1 take part in

Are yu ging t take part in the first experient?

I dn’t ant t take part in this kind f ativity

He tk part in the ftball gae yesterday

2 a set f

a grup f

n the shelf there as a set f Lu Xun’s bk

There is a set f rules yu ust fll if yu are ging untain-libing

I bught a set f furniture last eek

3 as ell as 也;和……一样好

any students as ell as T ere present at the eeting

e shall travel by night as ell as by day

He ks as ell as his ther des

4 hange ne’s ind

hange ne’s idea \ hat ne has deided

He is planning t travel alne and nthing ill hange his ind

I have spken fr an hur but they haven’t hanged their ind

Yu an never hange his ind after he akes a deisin

Unit 3 puters

rd usage

1 alulate v: unt

eg Yu an alulate easily ith the help f puter

I ust alulate h uh ney I spent last eek

He alulated the sts very arefully

2 n adj: belnging equally the sae t all

eg e have uh n interest

Rie is n in suth

Sith is a very n last nae in England

该词构成的词组in n

Thse t have sething in n

They are brthers, but they have nthing in n

3 universal adj: present r urring everyhere

eg Ftball is a universal gae

This ahine has a universal use in the he

Pllutin is a universal prble in the rld

4 intelligene n [U]: ental ability t learn and understand things

eg He's a an f very high intelligene

It requires a high degree f intelligene t d the jb ell

hen the ater pipe burst, she had the intelligene t turn ff the ater at the ain

5 anyay adv: anyh

eg I an’t understand it anyay

D the jb anyay yu like

It ay rain, but e shall g anyay

6 ttally adv: pletely

eg I a afraid I ttally frgt it

I ttally agree ith yu

He isunderstd e ttally

7 advantage n: favrable fatrs

eg The jb has any advantages

He had the advantage f a gd eduatin

hat is the advantage f using this ahine?


eg His lak f eduatin as a disadvantage hen he lked fr a jb

Nt studying ill be t yur disadvantage

8 disagree vi: be unlike r have a different pinin

eg ur ansers t the prble disagreed

e disagreed abut everything

e disagreed n hih vie t see

9 hie n: the at f hsing

eg e eah had t ake a hie

I ill g ith hi beause I have n hie

The shp has a ide hie f hats

10 aterial n: atter fr hih things are ade

eg d and stne are the nly ra aterials n the island

The teahing aterial in the shl is advaned

Yur riting aterials are there

11reate v: t ause t be r exist

eg An artist shuld reate beautiful things

H as the universe reated?

That uld reate a rng ipressin

12 arise (arse, arisen) vi: e int being

eg A questin arse in the eeting

Disagreeents arse beteen the

Unexpeted diffiulties arse in the urse f their experient

13 persnally adv :

a)in persn r nt represented by thers

eg He ent there persnally

The plan as granted persnally by ur bss

b) as a persn

eg I dn’t kn hi persnally, but I have read his bk

Persnally, I dn't apprve f her

I dislike hi persnally, but I adire his art

14 tehnlgy: the art appliatin in industry, et r the study f ehanial arts and applied sienes

Eg ith the help f dern tehnlgy, yu an d any things in a shrt tie

Peple tday enjy a high level f tehnlgy

Useful expressins

1 in ne’s pinin: it is ne’s vie r feeling

eg In y pinin, the prjet is rth

In his pinin, the riting is exellent

In y pinin, the ney is nt enugh

2 g by: pass

eg As tie ges by y ery sees t get rse

This eek ent by slly

Dn’t let the pprtunity g by

3s…that…: ith the ai that

eg e ere s tired that e did nthing that evening

The rd as s sall that I uld hardly see it

He as s exited that he uldn’t speak

4 in a ay: t a ertain extent but nt entirely

eg The hanges are an iprveent in a ay

The rk is ell dne in a ay

5 after all: in spite f hat has been said, dne r expeted

eg S yu have e after all

After all, hat des it atter?

I’ srry I an’t e after all

6 ith the help f

eg I finished the jb n tie ith help f y best friend

ith the help f a passer-by, I arried the injured persn int a shp

ith the help f the advaned ahine, they arried ut the plan suessfully

7 ath ver: keep an eye n sb/sth

eg uld yu ath y lthes hile I have a si?

The ther athed ver the hild arefully

The dg athes ver its aster’s huse

A nurse athed ver the ld an

8 deal ith: attend t a prble, task, et

eg e shuld disuss h t deal ith the prble

He dealt ith the situatin ell

She kns ell h t deal ith hildren

Unit 4 ildlife Prtetin

rd usage:

1 prtetin n

1) [U] the at f prteting r state f being prteted

2) [] a persn r thing that prtets

Eg: Yu’d better turn t an adult fr prtetin if there is a bully in yur lass h akes yur life diffiult

This hat ill give prtetin against the sun

Shes are a prtetin fr the feet

2 eney n

1) [] a persn h hates r dislikes anther persn; ne f t r re peple h hate r dislike eah ther

2) [] sene r sething that hurts, ants t har r is against (sene r sething)

Eg: He ade any eneies during his plitial life

Jhn and Paul are eneies (f eah ther)

aner is an eney f/ t ankind

3 lss n

1) [U] the at f fat f lsing pssessin

2) the pain, har, daage aused by lsing sth

3) [] a failure t in r btain

Eg: Did yu reprt the lss f yur jeellery t the plie?

He’ll try his best t ake up the lss

hat ake hi unhappy as the lss f yesterday’s ftball ath

4 reserve n

1) [] a piee f land reserved fr a purpsse

2) [] a quantity f sth kept fr future use

3) v t keep fr a speial purpse

4) v bk

Eg: e drve the ar slly and athed the lins in the nature reserve

I ust keep a gd reserve f energy fr trr’s ath

Yu’d better reserve the ney fr future need

e ust reserve t seats n the plane

5 area n

1) [] a partiular spae r surfae; a part r divisin f the rld

2) [] the size f a surfae

Eg: Yu haven’t leaned the area under the table

There aren’t any ild birds in this area

hat’s the area f hina? It vers an area f re than 9 600 000 square k

6 hunt v ≈ n

1)v t hase in rder t ath and kill (anials and birds) either fr fd r fr sprt

2) v t searh (fr)

3) n an at f hunting

Eg: He likes hunting very uh

Kning a freign language seties is a ust in jb hunting

He is n the hunt fr a better jb

7 peae n

1) [U] alness, quietness

2) [U] a nditin in hih there is n ar beteen t r re natins

Eg: Please let e g n ith y rk in peae

There as a shrt peae, but then anther ar brke ut

The t natins used t be at ar ith eah ther, but n they are at peae

8 stah n

1) a baglike rgan in the bdy here fd is digested, the part f the bdy bel the hest

2) a desire t eat

Eg: I’ve a pain in y stah

Se anials, fr exaple, have t stahs

I have n stah fr this

9 apply v

1) t request sething, esp in riting

2) t bring r put int use

Eg: I ill apply fr the jb tday

Sientifi disveries are ften applied t industrial prdutin ethds

10 suggest v : t say r rite an idea t be nsidered

Eg: The nitr suggested a visit t the estern Hill this eekend

y sister suggested ary shuld aept the invitatin

Has the dtr suggested yu/ yur paying lse attentin t yur n health?

11 ntain vt 1) t hld, have ithin itself; 2) hld

Eg: Sea ater ntains salt and 11 ther inerals

This bk ntains all the infratin yu need

The hall an ntain 500 peple

12 affet v

1) t ause se effet and hange in, influene

2) t ause feelings f srr, anger, lve et in

Eg: The liate affeted the aunt f the rainfall

The audiene as deeply affeted

She as deeply affeted by the nes f his death

13 reently adv Lately, in reent tie; nt lng ag

Eg: I haven’t seen her reently

The aident happened quite reently

The ay f life has hanged a great deal in reent years

Useful phrases:

1 as a result (f): beause f sth that has happened

eg; In San Franis, fur hundred peple ere killed as result f the earthquake

2 die ut : disappear pletely

Eg: This kind f bird is dying ut

any traditinal usts have die ut beause they are ut f date

The fire is dying ut Yu’d better add se fired

3 in danger: at risk

Eg: The little by as ne in danger f lsing his sight hih dtr helped hi ut f danger?

4 prtet…fr : prtet …against

Eg: He is earing sunglasses t prtet his eyes fr the strng sunlight

A ne aterial as painted t prtet the rf fr rain

5 pay attentin t 注意

Eg: A great deal f attentin has been paid t prteting the envirnent

Yu speak English ell, but yu’d better pay re attentin t yur ritten English

Unit 5 usi

1. fr 1) n the pattern r nature f anything; sth that gives the shape (t sth)

2) v give shape t; develp by instrutin; t nstrut, ake r prdue

hurhes are ften built in the fr f a rss

T apply fr a jb, yu ust fill ut a fr

The design is fred ith triangles

He frs the habit f getting up early

e fred a lub

2 attrative adj able t attrat; exiting interest r pleasure; gd lking

The girl has attrative eyes

The piture dran by Xu Beihng is very attrative t the visitrs

3 perfr v t d r arry ut; t at in a play; t play usi befre publi

The yung dtr perfred the heart peratin

The students ill perfr an pera next Friday

The slist had never perfred in Lndn befre

ur tea perfred ell in the ath yesterday

4 ability n skill; apability r per t d sth

She did the rk t the best f her ability

He is a an f great ability

The ating abilities f bth are ell-knn

5 advertiseent n publi nte (esp in nespaper r TV) t aruse the publi’s attentin abut a prdut r idea

Advertiseent helps t sell gds

Yu an alays see a lt f advertiseents in the nespaper

Yur jb is dealing ith advertiseents

6 usiian n sene h is talented at psing r perfring usi

He ants t be a great usiian in the future

Her ther’s friend, iss hen, is a ell- knn usiian

It sees that usiians alays keep lng hair

7 reputatin n great pinin abut a persn’s harater; state f being respeted

The stre has an exellent reputatin fr fair dealing

This restaurant has a fine reputatin

heating in the gae ruined that player's reputatin

8 srt 1) n kind; persn r speified persnality

2) v arrange arding t different ategries suh as lass, kind r size

All srts f laps are available in that shp

That's just the srt f thing I ant

They srt apples by size

an't yu srt the gd fr the bad?

9 lap 1) n the atin r sund f hands-lapping; a high-pith nise f thunder

2) v t strike tgether ith hands

They gave the speaker a lap

A lap f thunder reverberated thrugh the huse

The audiene lapped the pianist heartily

10 rll 1) n sth rlled up, suh as paper; things ith this shape; list f naes

2) v t ve by turning ver and ver; t fr int ylindrial r spherial shape; (f earth) t extend as in a ave; (t ause t) sund ith lng, vibrating tne; t say

Please buy a rll f fil fr e

The rll f thunder as deafening

She rlled up her sleeves and began t prepare fr supper

The truk rlled n at full speed

The in rlled under the bed

The bat rlled badly

11 saying

a ell-knn ise stateent

“There is n ske ithut fire”, as the saying ges

Read se f the flling sayings, then rite yur n faus qute abut usi and hat it eans t yu

Useful expressins

drea f \ abut (ding) sth

iagine sth uld e true

Have yu ever dreat f being in frnt f thusands f peple at a nert, ith everyne lapping and enjying yur singing?

He dreas f being a sailr

He gt the first plae this tie, but he never dreat abut that

1 be hnest ith

tell hat exatly hat ne thinks

t be frank ith

If e are hnest ith urselves, st f us have dreaed f being faus

I shall be quite hnest ith yu

If yu are hnest ith thers, they ill help yu a lt

2 play a jke n \ ith sb = play jkes n \ ith sb

The usiian f h the bank as fred played jkes n eah ther as ell as played usi

They ere playing jkes n eah ther hile drinking

Take it easy, he is nly playing a jke ith yu

3 r s

It'll nly st 15 dllars r s

There ere tenty r s

ur anager ill be bak in a nth r s

4 break up

g aay in different diretins

Hever, the bank brke up in abut 1970, but reunited in the id-1980s

The plie tried t break up the rd

The t friends brke up

Nearly three hurs later, the eeting finally brke up

5 by hane

by aident

I et y lassate in the street by hane

He gt the ney in the r by hane

I fund y lst ath by hane yesterday

6 srt ut

t separate fr a ass r grup; t put things in rder; plae arding t kind, rank, et; arrange

Please srt ut the papers t be thr aay, and put the rest bak

She gt a jb srting ut letters in the Pst ffie

Se f the assages are getting ixed up an yu srt the ut?

7stik t

Yu shuld stik t yur drea

Stik t the task until it is finished

ake a speial tie fr pratiing and stik t it

He never stiks t anything fr lng

8 abve all

st iprtant f all

And abve all, reeber t send us yur ents

Abve all, yu shuld be hnest ith e right n

上一篇: 做家务的感受高中作文600字
下一篇: 高中语文能言善辩有玄机-议论文论据叙述及其分析

