
人气: | 时间:2018-05-31 | 发布:

1 lthes, lth, lthing

 lthes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, lth指布,为不可数名词 lthing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piee f, an artile f

2 inident, aident

 inident指小事件, aident指不幸的事故He as killed in the aident

3 aunt, nuber

 aunt后接不可数名词, nuber后接可数名词 a nuber f students

4 faily, huse, he

 he 家,包括住处和家人,huse房子,住宅,faily家庭成员 y faily is a happy ne

5 sund, vie, nise

 sund自然界各种各样的声音,vie人的嗓音,nise噪音I hate the lud nise utside

6 pht, piture, draing

 pht用照相机拍摄的照片,piture可指相片,图片,电影片,draing画的画 Let's g and see a gd piture

7 vabulary, rd

 vabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,rd具体的单词He has a large vabulary

8 ppulatin, peple

 ppulatin人口,人数,peple具体的人 hina has a large ppulatin

9 eather, liate

 eather一天内具体的天气状况,liate长期的气候状况 The liate here is nt gd fr yu

10 rad, street, path, ay


 take this rad; in the street, sh e the ay t the useu

11 urse, subjet

 urse课程(可包括多门科目),subjet科目(具体的学科)a suer urse

12 ust, habit

 ust传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接t d, habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接f ding I've gt the habit f drinking a lt

13 ause, reasn

 ause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接f sth/ding sth,reasn用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接fr sth/ding sth the reasn fr being late

14 exerise, exerises, pratie

 exerise运动,锻炼(不可数),exerises练习(可数),pratie(反复做的)练习 Pratie akes perfet

15 lass, lessn

 作"课"解时,两者可以替换指课文用lessn 指班级或全体学生用lass lessn 6; lass 5

16 speeh, talk, leture

 speeh指在公共场所所做的经过准备的较正式的演说,talk日常生活中的一般的谈话,讲话,leture学术性的演讲,讲课 a series f leture n…

17 ffier, ffiial

 ffier部队的军官,ffiial政府官员 an ary ffier

18 rk, jb

 二者均指工作。rk不可数,jb可数 a gd jb

19 uple, pair

 uple主要指人或动物,pair多指由两部分组成的东西 a pair f trusers

20 untry, natin, state, land

 untry侧重指版图,疆域,natin指人民,国民,民族,state侧重指政府,政体,land国土,国家 The hle natin as sad at the nes

21 k, ker

 k厨师,ker厨具 He is a gd k

22 daage, daages

 daage不可数名词, 损害,损失; daages复数形式, 赔偿金 $900 daages

23 plie, pliean

 plie警察的总称,后接复数谓语动词,pliean 指某个具体的警察 The plie are questining everyne in the huse

24 prble, questin

 prble常和困难连系,前面的动词常为think abut, slve, raise,questin常和疑问连系,多和ask, anser连用

25 an, a an

 an人类,a an一个男人 an ill nquer nature

26 hik, hiken

 二者均可指小鸡,hiken还可以当鸡肉 The hiken is deliius

27 telegra, telegraph

 当电报解时,telegra指具体的,telegraph指抽象的 a telegra, by telegraph

28 trip, jurney, travel, vyage

 travel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,jurney指稍长的旅途,vyage指海上航行 a three-day trip

29 sprt, gae

 sprt多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,游泳,打猎,赛马等;gae指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则 His favrite sprt is siing

30 prie, prize

 prie价格,prize奖,奖品,奖金 in the first prize The prie is high/l

31 a nuber f, the nuber f

 a nuber f许多,谓语动词用复数。the nuber f…的数目,谓语动词用单数。The nuber f students is inreasing

32 in frnt f, in the frnt f

 in frnt f范围外的前面,in the frnt f范围内的前面 In the frnt f the r sits a by

33 f the day, f a day

 f the day每一天的,当时的,当代的, f a day暂时的,不长久的 a faus sientist f the day

34 three f us, the three f us

 three f us我们(不止三个)中的三个,the three f us我们三个(就三个人)The three f us---T, Jak and I ent t the inea

35 by bus, n the bus

 by bus表手段,方式,不用冠词,n the bus表范围 They ent there by bus

36 fr a ent, fr the ent

 fr a ent 片刻,一会儿,fr the ent暂时,一时 Thinking fr a ent, he agreed

37 next year, the next year

 next year将来时间状语,the next year过去将来时间状语 He said he uld g abrad the next year

38 re than a year, re than ne year

 re than a year一年多,re than ne year超过一年(两年或三年等)

39 take advie, take the(ne's) advie

 take advie征求意见,take the advie接受忠告 He refused t take the advie and failed again

40 take air, take the air

 take air传播,走漏,take the air到户外去,散步 e take the air every day

41 in a rd, in rds

 in a rd总之,一句话, in rds口头上 In a rd, yu are right

42 in plae f, in the plae f

 in plae f代替,in the plae f在…地方 A ne building is built in the plae f the ld ne

43 in seret, in the seret

 in seret秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;in the seret知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语 y ther as in the seret fr the beginning

44 a girl, ne girl

 a girl可泛指所有女孩, ne girl一个女孩 an ne girl arry suh a big bx?

45 take a hair, take the hair

 take a hair相当于sit dn坐下,take the hair开始开会

46 g t sea, by sea, by the sea

 g t sea当海员,出航,by sea乘船,由海路, by the sea在海边 g by sea

47 the dtr and teaher, the dtr and the teaher

 the dtr and teaher指一个人,既是医生又是老师,the dtr and the teaher两个人,一个医生和一个老师 the dtr and teaher is

48 in ffie, in the ffie

 in ffie在职的,in the ffie在办公室里 He is in ffie, nt ut f ffie

49 in bed, n the bed

 in bed卧在床上,n the bed在床上 The bk is n the bed He is ill in bed

50 in harge f, in the harge f

 in harge f管理,负责照料, in the harge f由……照料 He is in harge f the atter The atter is in the harge f her

51 in lass, in the lass

 in lass在课上,in the lass在班级里 He is the best student in the lass

52 n fire, n the fire

 n fire着火,n the fire在火上 Put the fd n the fire The huse is n fire

53 ut f questin, ut f the questin

 ut f questin毫无疑问的,ut f the questin不可能的

54 a send, the send

 a send又一,再一,the send第…… He n the send prize

55 by day, by the day

 by day白天,by the day按天计算 The rkers are paid by the day

56 the peple, a peple

 the peple指人,a peple指民族 The hinese is a peae-lving peple

57 it, ne

 it同一物体,ne同类不同一 I lst y pen I have t buy a ne ne

58 that, this

 that指代上文所提到的,this导出下文所要说的 I as ill That's hy…

59 nne, nthing, n ne

 nne强调有多少,nthing, n ne强调有没有,nthing指物,n ne指人

 --- H any…/H uh…? --- Nne

60 anyne, any ne

 anyne指人,不能接f,any ne指人物均可,可接f any ne f yu

61 h, hat

 h指姓名或关系,hat指职业或地位 hat is yur dad? He is a teaher

62 hat, hih

 hat的选择基础是无限制的,hih在一定范围内进行选择 hih d yu prefer, bananas r apples?

63 ther, anther

 ther后接名词复数,anther后接名词单数 ther students, anther student

64 nt a little, nt a bit

 nt a little非常,nt a bit一点也不 I' nt a bit tired 我一点儿也不累。

65 any, uh, a lt f

 any和可数名词连用,uh和不可数名词连用,a lt f可数,不可数均可,但不用于否定句 I haven't any bks

66 uh re…than, any re…than

 uh re…than后接形容词或不可数名词,any re…than后接可数名词 any re peple, uh re ater, uh re beautiful

67 n, nt

 n=nt a/any n friend=nt a/any friend n ater=nt any ater

68 n re than, nt re than

 n re than相当于nly,仅仅,只有,nt re than 至多,不超过

69 ajrity, st

 ajrity只能修饰可数名词,st可数不可数均可 the ajrity f peple

70 by neself, fr neself, t neself, f neself

 by neself单独的,独自的,fr neself为自己,t neself供自己用的,f neself 自行的,自动的 The dr pened f itself

71 at all, after all

 at all根本,全然, after all到底,毕竟 After all he is a hild

72 tall, high

 tall常指人或动物,high常指物体 He is tall

73 fast, quikly

 fast侧重于指人或物体具有运动速度快的特点,quikly侧重指某事完成或发生的快 run fast, anser the questin quikly

74 high, highly

 high具体的高,highly抽象的高,高度的 think highly f

75 healthy, healthful

 healthy健康的,健壮的,healthful有益于健康的 healthful exerise

76 sleeping, asleep, sleepy

 sleeping正在睡觉,asleep睡着,熟睡,只能做表语,sleepy困的,有睡意的 a sleeping baby The baby is asleep I' sleepy

77 gld, glden

 gld指真金制品,glden指金色的,但金鱼用gld fish a gld ring

78 st, stly

 st用于表感受的肯定句中,相当于very,当大部分,大多数解时是形容词或名词,stly大部分,是副词 st peple, the peple are stly…

79 just, very

 just表强调时是副词,作状语,very表强调时是形容词,用作定语 the very an, just the an

80 ide, brad

 ide侧重于一边到另一边的距离,brad侧重于幅面的宽广brad shulders

81 real, true

  real真的,真实的,指的是事实上存在而不是想象的,true真的,真正的,指的是事实和实际情况相符合 real gld, a true stry

82 respetful, respetable

  respetful尊敬,有礼貌,respetable可敬的,值得尊敬的 be respetful t the aged

83 utards, utard

  二者均可用作副词,表示向外,外面,utard还可用作形容词 an utard vyage

84 pleasant, pleased, pleasing

  pleasant常用作定语,pleased, pleasing常用作表语,pleased主语常为人,pleasing主语常为物 a pleasant trip The trip is pleasing

85 understanding, understandable

  understanding明白事理的,能体谅的,understandable 可理解的,能够懂的 an understanding girl, an understandable istake

86 lse, lsely

  lse接近,靠近,lsely紧紧地,紧密地 lsely nneted, stand lse

87 ill, sik

  ill做表语,sik定,表均可 a sik by

88 gd, ell

  gd形容词,ell副词,但指身体状况是形容词 He is ell again

89 quiet, silent, still

  quiet安静的,可以发出小的声音,silent不发出声音,但可以动,still完全不动,完全无声响 He stand there still 他站在那儿,一动不动,也不说话。

90 hard, hardly

  hard努力,hardly几乎不 rk hard I an hardly believe it

91 able, apable

  able与不定式t d连用,apable与f连用 He is apable f ding…

92 alst, nearly

  二者均为"几乎,差不多" 和否定词连用用alst alst nbdy

93 late, lately

  late迟,晚,lately最近,近来 I haven't seen hi lately

94 living, alive, live, lively

  living, alive, live均为活着的,living定表均可,alive定表均可,定语后置,live只能做定语,lively意为活波的 all the living peple=all the peple alive

95 exited, exiting

  exited使人兴奋的,exiting令人兴奋的 I' exited The nes is exiting

96 deep, deeply

  deep具体的深,deeply抽象的深,深深地 deeply ved, dig deep

97 alud, lud

  alud出声地,lud大声地 read alud(出声地读)

98 rth, rthy

  二者均为值得,rth后接ding,rthy后接t be dne, f being dne

  It is rth visiting = It's rthy t be visited = It's rthy f being visited

99 bad, badly

  bad形容词,badly副词,不好,但与need, ant, require连用为"很,非常" g bad I need the bk badly

100 befre lng, lng befre

  befre lng不久以后,lng befre很久以前 nt lng befre = befre lng

101 quite, rather

  quite完全地,相当于pletely, rather修饰比较级 quite ipssible

102 happy, glad

  happy高兴,幸福,定表均可,glad高兴,只能做表语 a happy girl

103 instead, instead f

  instead是副词,放在句首或句末,instead f是介词短语,放在句中He didn't see a fil Instead he athed TV He athed TV instead f seeing a fil

104 t uh, uh t

  t uh 后接不可数名词,uh t后接形容词 uh t heavy

105 be abut t, be ging t, be t d

  be abut t表最近的将来,后面不接时间状语,be ging t 侧重打算,想法,be t d侧重意志,计划,安排I' t eet hi(含双方事先约好的意思)

106 raise, rise

  raise及物动词,rise不及物动词 The sun rises in the east

107 bring, take, arry, feth

  bring拿来,take带走,arry随身携带,feth去回这一往返动作 feth a bx f halk

108 spend, take, pay, st

  spend人做主语,花钱,花时间; spend…n sth/in ding sth; take物做主语,花时间; pay人做主语,花钱,pay fr; st物做主语,花钱

109 jin, jin in, take part in

  jin加入某个组织,并成为其中的一员;jin in参加小型的活动, jin sb in;take part in 参加大型的活动 He jined the ary five years ag

110 learn, study


  study the prble

111 ant, hpe, ish

  ant打算,想要,ant t d, ant sb t d, hpe希望(通常可以实现),hpe t d/ hpe that… ish希望(通常不能实现)ish (sb) t d, ish sb/sth + n I ish yu suess

112 disver, invent, find ut

  disver发现本来存在但不为人所知的东西,invent发明本来不存在的物体,find ut发现,查明 At last he fund ut the truth

113 anser, reply

  anser及物动词,reply不及物动词,后接 t reply t the letter

114 leave, leave fr

  leave离开,leave fr前往 He left Beijing fr Shanghai

115 rb, steal

  rb抢劫 rb sb f sth,steal偷 steal sth fr sb

116 sht, sht at

  sht射死,sht at瞄准,但不一定射中 He sht the bird and it died

117 drp, fall

  drp及物不及物均可,fall不及物动词 Pries fell/drpped He drpped his vie

118 searh, searh fr

  searh后接地点,searh fr后接东西 He searhed his pket fr ney

119 used t, be used t

  used t过去常常,be used t习惯于,后接sth/ding sth;被用来,后接 d sth He is used t getting up early

120 in, lse, beat

  in后接sth,反义词为lse, beat后接sb in the gae, beat the

121 live n, live by

  live n以…为主食,live by靠…谋生 live n fish/ live by fishing

122 beat, hit, strike

  beat连续性地击打;hit打中,对准打;strike打一下或若干下 beat the ings

123 eet, eet ith

  eet遇到,eet ith体验到,遭遇到 eet ith an aident

124 lse, iss

  lse失去(具体的物体),错过 sth is lst, lse the hane;iss 想念,错过sth is issing, iss the hane

125 be tired f, be tired ith/fr

  be tired f厌烦…,be tired ith/fr因为…而累了 be tired ith/fr running 800 eters

126 are abut, are fr

  are abut关心,计较,在乎,一般多用于否定句中;are fr关心,照料,喜欢,愿意 He desn't are abut his lthes I dn't are fr vies

127 ath a ld, have a ld

  ath a ld不能和表示"一段时间"的状语连用,而have a ld可以

  She has had a ld fr a eek

128 hange fr, hange int

  hange fr调换成,hange int变成 hange the shirt fr a bigger ne ater hanges int ie

129 ntinue, last

  二者均为持续,ntinue主动,被动均可,last只能用主动 The ar ntinued/lasted five years The stry is t be ntinued

130 feed, raise

  feed喂养,养活,饲养 (t give fd t), raise饲养,养育 (ause t gr, bring up hildren) raise the faily

131 g fr a dtr, g t a dtr

  g fr a dtr去请医生,g t a dtr去看病

132 ntie, bserve, ath sight f

  ntie注意到,bserve观察,仔细地看,ath sight f突然看到 bserve the stars

133 insist n, stik t

  insist n坚持要求,后常接ding, stik t坚持, 后常接sth stik t the plan

134 lk, see, appear

  lk指从外表上看,see指内心的判断,appear指给人以表面的印象 appear ise, lk like his father

135 gather, llet

  gather把分散的东西集中到一起, llet指精心地、有选择地进行收集 llet staps

136 ean t d, ean ding

  ean t d打算,想要做某事,ean ding意思是,意味着 By this I ean giving the students re pratie

137 die fr, die f

  die fr表示死于(枪)伤,虚弱,过度劳累,饮食过度等,die f表示死于疾病,饥饿,寒冷,年老,忧愁,失恋等精神因素 die f hunger and ld

138 pay fr, pay bak, pay ff

  pay fr为…付钱,pay bak还钱,但不一定还清,pay ff还清 pay fr the bk, pay ff the debt

139 divide, separate

  divide把一个整体分成几部分,separate把连在一起的个体分开 divide the apple, separate the huses

140 arrive, get, reah

  arrive不及物动词,后接in (大地点),at(小地点),get不及物动词后接t,reah及物动词 arrive in Beijing, get t Beijing, reah Beijing

141 gr, plant

  gr使某种植物在某地生长着或使其发展下去,plant移植,移栽已经长成秧苗的植物 plant the trees, trees are gring

142 anage, try

  anage t d设法做成了某事,try t d尽力去做某事但不一定成功 He tried t pass the exa, but he failed

143 hse, selet

  hse凭个人的判断力进行选择,selet有目的地仔细认真地选择 hse the best anser

144 build, put up, set up, fund

  build一般用语,建成,put up临时搭建,set up建成(内部的设施基本齐全),fund国家或组织的建成 put up a tent, set up a shl

145 be failiar t, be failiar ith

  be failiar t某物对某人来说是熟悉的,be failiar ith某人熟悉某物 The bk is failiar t e I' failiar ith the bk

146 agree ith, agree t, agree n

  agree ith同意某人,agree t同意某事,agree n在…上达成一致意见,主语是复数 agree ith yu, agree t the plan

147 thr t, thr at

  thr t扔到…, thr at朝…扔 He thr a stne at e

148 reeive, aept

  reeive收到某一东西,但不一定接受,aept接受 I reeived a gift, but I didn't aept it

149 ear, put n, dress

  ear和dress表状态,ear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put n表动作 It's ld utside Put n yur ar lthes

150 listen, hear

  listen强调动作,hear强调结果 I listened, but I heard nthing

151 lk, see, ath

  lk看的动作,see看的结果,ath强调所看物体的变化、移动和发展ath TV

152 lie, lay

  lie躺,位于(lay, lain),说谎(lied, lied),lay平放(laid, laid) lay the bk

153 rk as, at as

  rk as工作是…,at as充当某种职务或身份,或扮演某种角色 He rks as a teaher He ats as an interpreter

154 ve, reve

  ve动一动,但不一定移走,reve从一处移到另一处 reve the table t the kithen

155 hurt, injure, und

  hurt感情上受伤,injure事故中受伤,und战争中受伤 He as unded in the ar

156 turn, get, gr

  turn表突变,后常接表颜色的词,get强调变的结果,gr强调过程,逐渐的变化 turn yell, get tired, gr big

157 lse, shut, turn ff

  lse和shut当关解时可以通用,用于可开合的物体,turn ff用于指有开关的物体 lse/Shut the dr Turn ff the TV

158 set ut, set abut, set ff

  指出发,着手解时,set ut 后接 t d,set abut 后接ding, set ff 后接 fr sp

159 begin, start

  begin侧重时间的开始,反义词为end,start侧重由静到动的转折,反义词为stp lass begins at 7:30a

160 happen, take plae

  happen偶然性的没有预料到的事情的发生,take plae必然性的发生 Great hanges have taken plae in y hetn

161 at, in (表地点)

  at小地点,in大地点 arrive at a sall village, arrive in Shanghai

162 at rk, in rk

  at rk在工作,在上班,in rk 有职业,有工作 Bth y parents are at rk They are nt at he

163 inrease t, inrease by

  inrease t增长到…,inrease by增长了… The nuber inreased by 2,000 t 5,000

164 at ease, ith ease

  at ease舒适地,安逸地;ith ease容易地,无困难地 d it ith ease

165 day after day, day by day

  day after day日复一日(无变化);day by day一天天地(有变化)Trees gr taller day by day

166 like, as

  like相似关系,但并不等同,as同一关系,两者实为一体 Dn't treat e as a hild (In fat, I' a hild)

167 after, in (表时间)

  after接时间点,in接时间段 after 7:00, in five inutes

168 beteen, ang

  beteen两者之间,三者或三者以上两两之间, ang三者或三者以上之间

  Sitzerland lies beteen Frane, Gerany, Australia and Italy

169 after, behind (表位置)

  after强调次序的先后,behind强调物体静态位置的前后 There are any trees behind the huse

170 sine, fr (完成时间状语)

  sine接点时间或一句话,fr接一段时间 fr three years, sine 3:00

171 n the rner, in the rner, at the rner

  n the rner物体表面的角上,in the rner物体内部的角落里,at the rner物体外部的角落上(拐角处)n the rner f the table

172 arn sb f, arn sb against

  arn sb f提醒某人注意某事,arn sb against提醒某人不要做某事 ar hi against siing in that part f the river

173 at peae, in peae

  at peae平静地,in peae和平地 live in peae ith ne's neighbrs

174 n earth, n the earth, in the earth

  n earth在世上,在人间,到底,究竟,一点也不,n the earth在地上,在地球上,in the earth在地下,在泥土里 n use n earth

175 in surprise, t ne's surprise, by surprise

  in surprise惊奇地,t ne's surprise使某人吃惊的是,by surprise使…惊慌 The questin tk the prfessr by surprise

176 in the air, n the air, in the sky

  in the air正在酝酿中,n the air播送,广播,in the sky在天空中 His sh is n the air at 6:00 tnight

177 in the field, n the field

  in the field在野外,n the field在战场上 He lst his life n the field

178 in the arket, n the arket

  in the arket表示场所或地点,在市场上,n the arket出售 He sells fish in the arket Fresh vegetables are n the arket n

179 in the sun, under the sun

  in the sun在阳光下,under the sun地球上,全世界 peple under the sun

180 in a vie, ith ne vie

  in a vie出声地,ith ne vie异口同声地 They refused ith ne vie

181 thrugh, arss

  thrugh穿越空间,arss在…上穿过 thrugh the frest, arss the desert

182 n the ay, in the ay

  n the ay在前往…的路上,in the ay挡路 The hair is in the ay

183 abve, n, ver

  abve在上面,不接触,n在上面,接触,ver在正上方 fly ver the hill

184 until, nt…until

  until到…为止, nt…until直到…才(常跟点动词连用)I aited until 3:00 He didn't e until 3:00

185 besides, exept, exept fr

  besides除了…还(包括在内)exept除了(不包括在内),exept fr整体…除了某一点以外 The psitin is gd exept fr a fe spelling istakes

186 eather, if

  当是否解时,只有在宾语从句中二者可以互换,其余都用eather,当如果解时用if I dn't kn if/hether he ill e If he es, I'll let yu kn

187 and, r

  and并且,r或者,否则,常用于否定句中 I dn't like apples r bananas

  Hurry up and yu'll ath the bus Hurry up r yu'll iss the bus

188 beause, sine, as, fr

  原因由强到弱为:beause, sine/as, fr 在句中的位置如下:1)…beause… 2) Sine/as…, … 3) …, fr… Sine I as ill, I didn't g

189 hen, as, hile (表时间)

  hen从句动词点动词,持续性动词均可,as重在表示动作同时发生,伴随进行,hile从句动词为持续性动词 hile I slept, a thief brke in

190 the sae…as, the sae…that

  the sae…as和…一样的(相似但不同一), the sae…that 同一物体 This is the sae pen that I used yesterday (同一支笔)

191 as ell, as ell as

  as ell也,常放于句末,和and连用表示既…又;as ell as并列连词,不但…而且… He is a prfessr, and a riter as ell

192 suh…as, suh…that

  suh…as像…样的,suh…that如此…以至于 He is nt suh a fl as he lks like He is suh a gd student that all the teahers like hi

193 beause, beause f

  beause连词,连接两句话,beause f介词短语,后接词或短语 He didn't g t shl beause f his illness

194 in rder that, in rder t

  表目的,in rder that后接句子,in rder t后接动词原形 I gt up early in rder t ath the first bus I gt up early s that I uld ath the first bus

195 fr exaple, suh as

  fr exaple一般只列举一个,suh as列举多个例子 I have been t a lt f Aerian ities, suh as Ne Yrk, Atlanta and hiag

196 used t, uld

  表过去常常,和现在相对应用used t,不提现在用uld I used t get up early, but n I dn't

197 All right That's all right That's right

  All right That's all right 当好吧解时,可以替换;当不客气,没关系解时只能用That's all right That's right 那是对的 ---Srry --- That's all right

198 suh…that, s…that

  当如此…以至于解时,suh…that修饰名词,s…that修饰形容词或副词,但名词前面如果有any, uh, little, fe修饰用s…that,不用suh that

  s any peple that… suh a lvely by=s lvely a by

199 s + be (have, an, d)+主语, neither(nr) + be (have, an, d)+ 主语

  也一样,肯定用s…否定用neither (nr) ---I an't play tennis ---Nr an I

200 Shall I…? ill yu…?

  Shall I…? 征求对方意见或向对方请示,意为我能…吗? ill yu…? 请求或建议对方做某事,意为你愿意…吗?ill yu help e? Yes, I ill


1 --- H abut Jhn?

 --- y unle ____ a gd student

 A believes Jhn   B suggest Jhn  nsiders Jhn  D kns Jhn

2 --- Is dinner ready?

 --- N ther is ____ it ready n

 A ding  B king   getting  D preparing

3 --- hat happened?

 --- As yu kn, y shlates never ____ their lthes ell

 A hanging  B hanged   hung  D hang

4 hat size shes d yu ____?

 A ear  B dress   put n  D have n

5 hat he said ____ e and I gt angry

 A brke  B hurt   unded  D daaged

6 The bad ld ____ e aake the hle night

 A ade  B aused   kept  D let

7 At the eeting, the nitr ____ a gd suggestin

 A said  B shed   ade  D put

8 ill yu ____ e the favr t take dn the pitures?

 A give  B d   ake  D bring

9 The expressin n her fae ____ that she as disappinted

 A tld  B said   expressed  D suggested

10 any parts f the untry ere ____ by the flds in the suer f 1991

 A affeted  B effet   suffered  D irrigated

11 n the ay bak, he as ____ in a str and gt all et

 A gt  B aught   held  D grasped

12 The ship ____ a rk and slly it began t g dn

 A hit  B knked   beat  D brke

13 He ften tells us that he desn't ____ in his r

 A prise drinking  B perit drinking

  all t drink   D let drinking

14 uld yu be kind enugh t ____ e a fe inutes?

 A save  B share   spend  D spare

15 I fund the ____ at a desk riting

 A seat  B sat   seated  D seating

16 The nely-built inea ____ the beauty f the tn

 A adds t  B adds up   adds up t  D are added up t

17 They have eaten all the ranges n the table and ____ as left fr e

 A nne  B nthing   n ne   nt anything

18 nly hen all the fats have been ____, an e dra a nlusin

 A ade  B fund ut   disvered  D invented

19 If yu like, ____ at any tie

 A all n  B drp in   visit  D pay a visit t

20 hen they arrived at the rssrads, they ent in the rng ____

 A diretin  B ays   rad  D path

21 I ____ live in the untryside than in the ity

 A like t  B had better   uld rather  D prefer

22 The lk ____ telve and I realized it as late

 A hit  B rang   struk  D beat

23 This siene bk ____ e a great aunt f ney

 A tk  B st   used  D spent

24 I ____ yu the best luk in the exa

 A ish  B hpe   expet  D ant

25 He as t exited t ____

 A g t bed  B sleep   be asleep  D fall asleep

26 e are ____ aking a plan fr the eeting

 A planning  B nsidering   thinking  D suppsing

27 hat a nie ____ his at is!

 A lthes  B suit   fit  D dress

28 y trusers are t lng Yu'd better buy e a shrter ____

 A ne  B truser   set  D pair

29 He's s ell-eduated that he ill ertainly be ffered a gd ____

 A servie  B psitin   business  D rk

30 Green vegetables are ____ in inter and st a lt

 A sare  B rare   fe  D little

31 Yu an't judge hi by his ____ He ight be a gd by

 A fae  B lks   beauty  D expressin

32 hat's yur ____ sprt, siing r skating?

 A fit  B best   ppular  D favrite

33 I really have n ____ hen they ill arrive

 A ind  B thught   knledge  D idea

34 The prie f freign il is uh ____ than ever

 A heaper  B expensive   higher  D re

35 The furniture takes up a lt f ____

 A plaes  B r   spts  D spaes

36 The raers are ____ ld peple in their sixties

 A st  B stly   alst  D at the st

37 The piee f ____ usi ade e frget y rries

 A erry  B glad   fnd  D pleased

38 In hih year did the Labr Party e int ____ in that untry?

 A hange  B per   fre  D ntrl

39 The eney sldiers ere beaten They had n ____ but t give in

 A pssibility  B ay   seletin  D hie

40 Lying in bed, he as ____ aake ith his eyes fixed n the eiling

 A ide  B pen   deep  D learly

41 Fr the sae fat e dre different ____

 A ideas  B theries   results  D nlusins

42 D yu kn h any basi ____ f bld there are in all?

 A kinds  B srts   types  D frs

43 He as s tired that as sn as he lay dn he fell ____ asleep

 A fast  B very   uh  D deep

44 The ____ f il under the land ade the peple riher

 A funding  B inventin   disvery  D existene

45 I had hped that Henry uld anser y questin, but he reained


 A quiet  B still   ready  D silent

46 Father ften turns t the dtr fr ____ abut his heart truble

 A help  B advie   ney  D supprt

47 He has suh a prly-paid jb that tenty dllars a eek as the ____ f

his ine

 A all  B hle   ttals  D entire

48 It akes n ____ hether yu g tday r trr

 A eans  B suggestin   differene  D idea

49 Thughts are expressed by ____ f rds

 A ay  B ethd   eans  D frs

50 The bk is s instrutive that it is ____ rth reading tie

 A very  B quite   rather  D ell

1-5 AB 6-10 BDA 11-115 BABD

16- 20 AABBA 21-25 BAD 26-30 BDBA

31-35 BDDB 36-40 BABDA 41-45 DAD

46-50 BBD

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