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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:



  y drea:

  hell everyne! it is y great pleasure t share y drea ith yu tday

  y drea is t bee a teaher

  yu kn being a teaher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting i suggest that it ust be a great fun t be ith hildren all the day and if i a a teaher, i an teah y students a lt f knledge they ight bee strnger and leverer beause f e that is a very ntented feeling

  hina is a develping untry hinese are nt that exellent in their intellegent s teahers in hina ight be very very iprtant they an prvide the siety ith a lt f suessful peple, and ake hina a better plae

  d yu think that i have a gd drea? i ill rk hard t ake y drea bee true!


  everyne has a drea n i'll talk abut y drea i hat is y drea? i ften ask yself hen i as a little by, i anted t be a sldier ith a gun s that i uld defend ur therland

  n i a a yung by ith a ne drea——t be a d-tr i ant t be a faus dtr, helping the sik and saving their lives hy has y drea hanged? ell, at the age f 11 i as ill, badly ill i as tld that i had aner i had t leave bth y shl and y friends and g t the hspital every day i suf-fered the trubles aused by this illness

  i als sa se peple h ere suffering and dying f ill-nesses i ade up y ind t bee a dtr, s that i an help the sik peple and ure the f their diseases hina is a develp-ing untry she needs gd ediine and gd dtrs, espeially in the untryside and lnely villages

  i ant t try y best t help the pr sik peple f ur untry i ant t let the have an pprtunity t reeive exel-lent treatents fr their illnesses ithut having t pay uh r any ney

  i'll d every bit t ure the inurable i hpe t see a rld here there is n aner, n aids, n fatal diseases i' nfident that thrugh the jint effrts f yu and e, an ill put an end t his bdily sufferings and this drea f ine ill ne day be brught int reality



  gd evening,dear audiene :i a happy that i an have suh kind f pprtunity t stand here t give yu a speeh hat i a ging t talk abut tday is “y drea t shine”

  e all ant t believe that e are apable f great feats ,e an all the ptential t reah ur fullest drea

  “n yung an believes he ill ever fade”, it as a saying f y ld friend , and a fine ne e lk rund in this rld, full f life, and tin, and easeless prgress, as in setting ut n delightful jurney, e strain ur eager gaze frard there is a feeling f eternity in yuth, just right hih akes us aend fr everything

  abut y drea, it an be traed bak t y hildhd, i just ant play re ,hen i gre lder, i as nvined that i uld be a physiist r a psyhlgist after ,it’s a pity fr e that i uld nt d anything t apprah it althugh they have eased t exist and dispeared ,they lead y grth alng the ay dreas nurish ur spirit ,they represent pssibility even then e are dragged dn by reality drea is the bean , ithut drea, there is n seure diretin; ithut diretin, there is n life s i believe the iprtant thing in life is t have a great drea, and the deterinatin t attain it ithut n drea, euld never have grn up a real an and in fat, nt nly fr persnal, but als fr rld

  n, i have a drea that ne day ur natin uld rise up and live ut the true eaning f its pledge f territrial integrity and peple's rih and perful,suh as ur diayu island

  and as fr persnal drea, y ideal future areer is t be a urban and reginal plannerh uld funtin as a hief planner and designer f a ity

  at first, it as y natural teaher f senir high shl h brught e great interest in arhitetures and ities hen i as far aay fr urban planning and then i et any ities in and ut f bks by yself different plaes and different ultures just ade e re interested in ities

  i see that there’re any prbles aused by urban develpent and the lak f deliberate planning, suh as envirnental pllutin, slus, urban spraling etities establish the kind f husing, industrial, and retail failities hih an be built in it thers evaluate the ipat f prpsed residential r erial develpent and suggest ays fr unities t respnd and i ant t prtet pen spae andagriultural land in the fae f inreasing deands fr ne hes and business

  the urban planning syste shuld be plete and an run itself and st ities have develped and there’re uh experiene and any ases t learn i ant t it

  finally,planners usually an find a deent jb and get gd paid and i ant t have a huse, faing the sea ith flers in the future i ill take every effrt t aplish y drea i n’t let it bee a fantasy , it is just y drea aybe se years later , it ill bee true

  i gre up in ages and als in thughts it as that tie i began t kn that life is a diffiult jurney and it as that tie i began t think abut y life i asked yself hat a life i ant t live, and hat a an i ant t be but it as hard t give yself a satisfatry anser but aybe that is the best anser ,e are gring better in this press in the jurney f life, nly ur dreas are peranent, and nly the spirit f pursuing dreas is peranent lassial is sething nt fade, but gr re preius ith tie pass by , s is drea hen i a ld, aybe y dreas still shine, hld fast t dreas, fr if dreas die, life is a brken-inged bird that annt fly i ish everyne an ake yur drea alive gd luk t everyne! thank yu!

  hld fast t dreas, fr if dreas die, life is a brken-inged bird that annt fly hld fast t dreas, fr hen dreas g, life is a barren field frzen ith sn s y dear friends, think f yur ld and aybe dead dreas hatever it is, pik it up and ake it alive fr tday

  h t say future? aybe it’s a nie ish let us ake up ur inds, stik t it and surely ell enjy ur life dreaers are nt ntent ith erelyedire , beause n ne ever dreas f ging half ay sn i ill nt avid the tasks f tday and harge the t trr ne y teaher said :” yu are nt seing, yu are stylist; never frget hih yu shuld lay ut t peple is yur thught, nt raft” i ill put y persnality ith y interest and ability int y study, during these press i ill bine learning ith ding if i an ahieve that, i think that i really gr up

  t be hnest, being a quiet girl an have the urage t sh yself, i think i sueed

  i’ nt a diand, nt a rystal and nr a star, nt sething like jeels r planets ill be alays bright and tinkling as yu iagine but i d believe shining is nt a drea far aay, beause i have seen the suess is n its ay

  life is just like sailing n the sea, there are lts f fiere strs n yur ay yu shuld be brave enugh t g thrugh ith full f nfidene yu have t deal ith it n yur n, nt depending n thers

  life is a lng rae, here yu have t try yur best t in the gae even seties yu spare n effrt, suess is nt easy t get s just devte yurself t everything in yur life

  life is here yu have t sh yur hnest persnality freverybdy it an in fr the lve and respet as prizes, live in the big big rld, lve is the eternal thee fr huan

  all the abve are the things i alays reeber in y teahing independene, bravery devtin and lve are the keys i need t shine and in everybdy has his r her n drea, s d i i keep n hasing y target and never give up beause i believe this is y tie t shine i d believelife is a press f gring up, atually i’ standing here is a grth if a persn’s life ust nstituted by varius hies, then i gr up alng ith these hies ne i hpe i an study in a llege in future, hever that’s passed, as yu kn i e here, n i nder hat the future hlds fr (= hat ill happen t) e

  hen i e t this shl, i tld t yself: this y near future, all starts here flling i ill learn t bee a an, a integrated an, h has a fine bdy, an take n iprtant task, has independent thught, an pen ind,has the ability t judge right and rng


       Let dreas fly:

  I a happy t jin ith yu tday in hat ill g dn in histry as the greatest denstratin fr freed in the histry f ur natin

  five sre years ag, a great aerian, in hse sybli shad e stand tday, signed the eanipatin prlaatin this entus deree ae as a great bean light f hpe t illins f negr slaves h had been seared in the flaes f ithering injustie it ae as a jyus daybreak t end the lng night f their aptivity

  but ne hundred years later, the negr still is nt free ne hundred years later, the life f the negr is still sadly rippled by the anales f segregatin and the hains f disriinatin ne hundred years later, the negr lives n a lnely island f pverty in the idst f a vast ean f aterial prsperity ne hundred years later, the negr is still languished in the rners f aerian siety and finds hiself an exile in his n land and s e've e here tday t draatize a shaeful nditin

  in a sense e've e t ur natin's apital t ash a hek hen the arhitets f ur republi rte the agnifient rds f the nstitutin and the delaratin f independene, they ere signing a prissry nte t hih every aerian as t fall heir this nte as a prise that all en, yes, blak en as ell as hite en, uld be guaranteed the &qut;unalienable rights&qut; f &qut;life, liberty and the pursuit f happiness&qut; it is bvius tday that aeria has defaulted n this prissry nte, insfar as her itizens f lr are nerned instead f hnring this sared bligatin, aeria has given the negr peple a bad hek, a hek hih has e bak arked &qut;insuffiient funds&qut;


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