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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:


  As everyne kns,English is very iprtant tdayIt has been used everyhere in the rldIt has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade If e an speak English ell,e ill have re hane t sueedBeause re and re peple have taken ntie f it,the nuber f the peple h g t learn English has inreased at a high speed

  But fr yself,I learn English nt nly beause f its iprtane and its usefulness,but als beause f y lve fr ithen I learn English, I an feel a different ay f thinking hih gives e re r t tuh the rldhen I read English nvels,I an feel the pleasure fr the bk hih is different fr reading the translatinhen I speak

  English, I an feel the nfident fr y rdshen I rite English,I an see the beauty hih is nt the sae as ur hinese

  I lve English,it gives e a lrful dreaI hpe I an travel arund the rld ne day ith y gd English, I an ake friends ith any peple fr different ntriesI an

  see any plaes f great intrestsI drea that I an g t Lndn,beause it is the birth plae f English

  I als ant t use y gd English t intrdue ur great plaes t the English spken peple,I hpe that they an lve ur untry like us

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t

  I a sure that I ill realize y drea ne day!

  Thank yu!












  As everyne kns,English is very iprtant tdayIt has been used everyhere in the rldIt has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade If e an speak English ell,e ill have re hane t sueedBeause re and re peple have taken ntie f it,the nuber f the peple h g t learn English has inreased at a high speed

  But fr yself,I learn English nt nly beause f its iprtane and its usefulness,but als beause f y lve fr ithen I learn English, I an feel a different ay f thinking hih gives e re r t tuh the rldhen I read English nvels,I an feel the pleasure fr the bk hih is different fr reading the translatinhen I speak English, I an feel the nfident fr y rdshen I rite English,I an see the beauty hih is nt the sae as ur hinese

  I lve English,it gives e a lrful dreaI hpe I an travel arund the rld ne day ith y gd English, I an ake friends ith any peple fr different ntriesI an see any plaes f great intrestsI drea that I an g t Lndn,beause it is the birth plae f English I als ant t use y gd English t intrdue ur great plaes t the English spken peple,I hpe that they an lve ur untry like us

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I

  believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t

  I a sure that I ill realize y drea ne day!

  Thank yu!










  As everyne kns,English is very iprtant tdayIt has been used everyhere in the rldIt has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade If e an speak English ell,e ill have re hane t sueedBeause re and re peple have taken ntie f it,the nuber f the peple h(转 载 于:zAIdian 在 点 网) g t learn English has inreased at a high speed

  But fr yself,I learn English nt nly beause f its iprtane and its usefulness,but als beause f y lve fr ithen I learn English, I an feel a different ay f thinking hih gives e re r t tuh the rldhen I read English nvels,I an feel the pleasure fr the bk hih is different fr reading the translatinhen I speak English, I an feel the nfident fr y rdshen I rite English,I an see the beauty hih is nt the sae as ur hinese

  I lve English,it gives e a lrful dreaI hpe I an travel arund the rld ne day ith y gd English, I an ake friends ith any peple fr different ntriesI an see any plaes f great intrestsI drea that I an g t Lndn,beause it is the birth plae f English I als ant t use y gd English t intrdue ur great plaes t the English spken peple,I hpe that they an lve ur untry like us

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I

  believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t

  I a sure that I ill realize y drea ne day!

  Thank yu!








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