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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:



  first, i uld like t say: t hse eans t lai pprtunities

  i a a third-year english ajr an iprtant hie fr e, f urse, is hat t d upn graduatin i an g t graduate shl, at he r abrad i an g t rk as a teaher, a translatr, a jurnalist, an editr and a diplat atually, the syste f utual seletin has alled e t apprah alst every areer pprtunity in hina

  indeed, this is nt ging t be an easy hie i uld lve t rk in suh big ities as beijing r shanghai r shenzhen i uld als lve t return t y hetn, hih is intiate, thugh slightly lagging in develpent i uld lve t stay in the astal area here life is exiting and fast-paed i uld als lve t put dn rts in entral and estern hina, hih is underdevelped, but hlds reat ptential

  all f these sund gd but they are nly pssibilities t thse f us h are beildered at the abundane f pprtunities, i uld like t say: t hse eans t aept hallenge

  t us yung peple, hallenge ften eerges in the fr f petitin in the next entury, petitin ill nt nly e fr ther llege graduates, but als fr peple f all ages and f all rigins

  ith inreasing internatinal exhanges, e have t fae gring petitin fr the hle utside rld this is alling fr a higher level f ur persnal develpent

  fifteen years ag, the knledge f a freign language r f puter peratin as nsidered erely an advantage but tday, ith ider eduatinal pprtunities, this sae knledge has bee essential t everyne

  given this situatin, even ur sallest hies ill require great isd and persnal deterinatin

  as e gain re initiative in hie aking, the nsequene f eah hie als bees re iprtant

  as e gain re initiative in hie aking, the nsequene f eah hie als bees re iprtant

  nulear per, fr instane, ay iprve ur quality f life but it an als be used t daage the lives and pssessins f illins

  eni develpent has enrihed ur lives but brught ith it serius har t ur air, ater and health

  t thse f us h are blind t the nsequenes f their hies, i uld like t say, t hse eans t take respnsibility hen e are aking hies fr urselves, e annt asually say: &qut;it's just y n business &qut; as pliy akers f the next entury, e annt fail t see ur respnsibility t thse h share the earth ith us

  the traditinal hinese ulture teahes us t study hard and rk hard s as t hnr ur faily t e, hever, this faily is nt just the five f us h quarreled ver televisin prgraes rather, it is the hle f the huan faily as i a aking y hies, i ill nt frget the sile f y teaher hen i rretly spelled ut the rd &qut;hina&qut; fr the first tie, i ill nt frget the happy faes f the bys and girls e helped t send bak t shl in the untains f jiangxi prvine i ill nt frget the tearful eyes f en and hildren in bsnia, hehnya and sali, here illins are suffering fr ar, faine r pverty

  all these peple, knn and unknn, ake up ur big huan faily at different pints, they ae int y life and braden y perspetive n as i a t ake hies fr yself, it is tie t ake effrts t iprve their lives, beause a rld ill benefit us all nly if every ne in it an lead a peaefandprsperus life


  As everyne kns,English is very iprtant tdayIt has been used everyhere in the rldIt has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade If e an speak English ell,e ill have re hane t sueedBeause re and re peple have taken ntie f it,the nuber f the peple h g t learn English has inreased at a high speed

  But fr yself,I learn English nt nly beause f its iprtane and its usefulness,but als beause f y lve fr ithen I learn English, I an feel a different ay f thinking hih gives e re r t tuh the rldhen I read English nvels,I an feel the pleasure fr the bk hih is different fr reading the translatinhen I speak English, I an feel the nfident fr y rdshen I rite English,I an see the beauty hih is nt the sae as ur hinese

  I lve English,it gives e a lrful dreaI hpe I an travel arund the rld ne day ith y gd English, I an ake friends ith any peple fr different ntriesI an see any plaes f great intrestsI drea that I an g t Lndn,beause it is the birth plae f English

  I als ant t use y gd English t intrdue ur great plaes t the English spken peple,I hpe that they an lve ur untry like us

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t

  I a sure that I ill realize y drea ne day!

  Thank yu!


  d rning/afternn! first thing first, i gtta say,,it's funny thing t be given a hane like thattrurh be tld,i really gt a little bit nervus befre i stand right here ,s alled 'stage fright'if yu lk speifially n e

  yu ay find y hands shaking,pretty assebles the guy h suffered fr pakinsn's disease,and legs bbling ,like i aught s-alled ball leg kay,let's stp ging arund the bush and get bak t y tpi tdayi really like t talk a funny stry i have just hearda lady alled luy eigrated t united states several years agher spken english is nt that fluent

  and ne day,she is just sitting n the uh ith his us friends andy athing sit-a nise f bup had the attentin f andy,hih led her t g ut f the huse trying t figure ut hat had happenedan yu iagine that andy g straight ut ith erely a seaters luy shuted at her,&qut;luy ,turn yur lthes n&qut; hat suprised her st,beynd her ildest iaginatin, is that alst all the ale in this untry tk their head ut f the indadittedly,luy ade a istake here

  the rd spitted eans andy is ttally naked t the reasn that ale lked ut f the indthe right sentene shall be,&qut;put yur lthing n&qut;the stry inspires yu t take a areful lk n the vast differene beteen eastern and estern ulture that's full f it,thank yu fr yur tie!

  gd rning/afternn! first thing first, i gtta say,,it's funny thing t be given a hane like thattrurh be tld,i really gt a little bit nervus befre i stand right here ,s alled 'stage fright'if yu lk speifially n e yu ay find y hands shaking,pretty assebles the guy h suffered fr pakinsn's disease,and legs bbling ,like i aught s-alled ball leg kay,let's stp ging arund the bush and get bak t y tpi tdayi really like t talk a funny stry i have just hearda lady alled luy eigrated t united states several years agher spken english is nt that fluent and ne day,she is just sitting n the uh ith his us friends andy athing sit-a nise f bup had the attentin f andy,hih led her t g ut f the huse trying t figure ut hat had happenedan yu iagine that andy g straight ut ith erely a seater

  s luy shuted at her,&qut;luy ,turn yur lthes n&qut; hat suprised her st,beynd her ildest iaginatin, is that alst all the ale in this untry tk their head ut f the indadittedly,luy ade a istake here the rd spitted eans andy is ttally naked t the reasn that ale lked ut f the indthe right sentene shall be,&qut;put yur lthing n&qut;the stry inspires yu t take a areful lk n the vast differene beteen eastern and estern ulture that's full f it,thank yu fr yur tie!


  Dear teaher and lassates:

  I a very glad t ake a speeh here in this lass again! This tie, I'd like t talk sething abut English

  I lve English English language is n used everyhere in the rld It has bee the st n language n Internet and fr internatinal trade Learning English akes e nfident and brings e great pleasure

  hen I as seven, y ther sent e t an English shl At there, I played gaes and sang English sngs ith ther hildren Then I disvered the beauty f the language, and began y lrful drea in the English rld

  Everyday, I read English flling the tapes Seties, I ath English artns

  n the eekend, I ften g t the English rner By talking ith different peple there, I have ade re and re friends as ell as iprved y ral English

  I hpe I an travel arund the rld seday I ant t g t Aeria t visit ashingtn nuent, beause the president ashingtn is y idl f urse, I ant t g t Lndn t, beause England is here English language develped If I an ride y bike in abridge university, I ill be very happy

  I hpe I an speak English ith everyne in the rld I'll intrdue hina t the, suh as the Great all, the Frbidden ity and Anshan

  I kn, Re as nt built in a day I believe that after ntinuus hard study, ne day I an speak English very ell

  If yu ant t be lved, yu shuld learn t lve and be lvable S I believe as I lve English everyday , it ill lve e t


  Gd rning,ladies and gentleen,tday i a s happy t stand here t give yu a speehr rather, a real stry f ine

  Thugh ith tie ging by,i an still reeber hat yu ne tld eYu shuld be a brave girlSiling,yu lked int y eyesYear in,year ut,nearly st f y eries are fading little by littleBut nly this siple sentene reained,ithut being frgtten in y life

  Again and again,i an nt stp yself fr thinking abut itS rdinary,but s ipressive,s ving,just like the brightest sunshine,it helps e g thrugh the darkest nightI a suh a sensitive girl in yur heartYu said,y srrful faial expressin ade feel s distersssedHever,there is ne thing i never tell yu,that is ,i a being a big girl gradually ith yur rds and silesI never tell yu abut it,fr i believe neday,yu an see the great hanges f ine fr yurselfThat is hat i ant t d in returnAs i kn,that ill be the best gift fr yu

  I suddenly think f a sng naed Y HEART ILL G NThere is a beautiful sentene ging like thisYu are safe in y heartre than ne,i as ved t tears by itI kn ,i a als safe in yur hearti have already frgtten hen i tld yu i as ging t leave fr Australia this suer hlidayYu just siled as usual,gently speakinghatever yu deide t d,i ill be in favr f it,but, just nething,reeber,hen yu fell lnely abrad,d nt frget e are here ,praying fr yu

  e are all arund yu,far arss the distane and spae beteen usi lsed y eyes,the flashbak startedThe eries e had tgether,ne e played gaes n the palygrund,e played jkes n eah ther,yu alays rte a lt f sentenes n y artiles t enurage eAnd the st unfrgetable thing,yu tld e,yu believed i uld be a big girlSner r later

  At that speifi ent,i suddenly understd the eaning f this sentene ttallyS n that day,i siled as yu used t,lking at yuThe last rds i said ere,keep alking in sunshine

  Yes,keep alking in sunshineI said t yu ,als t yselfI kn i a nt alne iht yur pany,and e an keep alking in sunshine till the last inute f ur days

  I prise,i ill be a big girl

  I prise,i ill be a brave girl

  I prise,i ill keep alking in sunshine

  That is y speeh,thank yu!

上一篇: 写青春的演讲稿
下一篇: 我的青春我做主演讲稿

