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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:



  gd rning everyne!

  y nae is jie lidi tday, y tpi is: “nfidene” as e all kn, failure is the ther f suess but hat i ant t say is that suess is the hild f nfidene ithut nfidene, things an bee negative and unfrtable i reeber, during an english lass, i anted t ake a sentene using the rd &qut;listen&qut; i shuld have said: &qut;i listen t the vie f aeria&qut; but i as t nervus and said &qut;i listen t the nise f aeria&qut; everybdy in the lass laughed sine then i anted t train yself t be nfident n, nfidene akes e brave and urageus take this speeh fr exaple i anted t enter this petitin, but i uld feel very ebarrassed if i ade istakes just then, i thught abut y drea y drea is t bee a sientist hen i gr up if i a nt nfident, h an i vere diffiulties i fae? if i a nt nfident, h an i sueed in develping yself in the future? i ill d it! tday, i a aking a speeh in publi and i feel prud and nfident!

  i a sure, in the future, ith nfidene, i ill g frard-alays frard nfidene ill ake y dreas e true!

  thank yu!


  students, guests , teahers and hnrable judges

  gd rning !

  y great pleasure t share y drea ith yu tday y drea is t bee a teaher

  as the hle rld has its bundaries, liits and freed exist in ur life i dn’t expet plete freed, hih is ipssible i siply have a drea that supprts y life

  i drea that ne day, i uld esape fr the deep sea f thik shlbks and lead y n life ith y favrite fitins, i lie freely n the green grass, selling the spring, listening t the ind singing, breathing the fresh and l air and disslve y sul in nature at last siple and shrt enjyent an bring e great satisfatin

  i drea that ne day the adults uld thr their prejudie f i and artn aay they uld keep a lvely heart that an share srr and happiness ith us hile athing artn r ding persnal things that’s the real uniatin f heart t heart

  i have the belief that y dreas shuld e true i a lking frard t se day ing hen i a like a prud eagle, hih flies t the blue and vast sky


  ladies and gentleen, gd rning! i’ very glad t stand here and give yu a shrt speeh

  an’s life is a press f gring up, atually i’ standing here is a grth if a persn’s life ust nstituted by varius hies, then i gr up alng ith these hies ne i hpe i an study in a llege in future, hever that’s passed, as yu kn i e here, n i nder hat the future hlds fr e

  hen i e t this shl, i tld t yself: this y near future, all starts here flling i ill learn t bee a an, a integrated an, h has a fine bdy, an take n iprtant task, has independent thught, an pen ind, intensive thught, has the ability t judge right and rng, has a perfet jb

  ne y teaher said :” yu are nt seing, yu are stylist; never frget hih yu shuld lay ut t peple is yur thught, nt raft” i ill put y persnality ith y interest and ability int y study, during these press i ill bine learning ith ding if i an ahieve this “future”, i think that i really gr up and i deeply believe kindred, gd-fellship and lve ill perfetin and happy in the future

  h t say future? aybe it’s a nie ish lets ake up ur inds, stik t it and surely ell enjy ur life

上一篇: 关于慢生活的演讲稿
下一篇: 我爱学校的演讲稿

