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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:

  hnrable judges, ladies and gentleen:

  tday y tpi is ’nulear per: a blessing r a disaster?’

  hen the first ati bb as drpped n hirshia, japan, the rld as thrust int ati age eanhile in the ene f ld ar and during its lng ter, it had set the rld int fear and pani f nulear ar any ties

  but ver the years, nulear per has fund its ay t prte gdness fr huankind it prises t prvide lean and effiient energy fr the enturies t e

  s hether nulear per a blessing r a disaster?

  there is n fir anser fr this questin fr y n perspetive

  ladies and gentleen, y very initial ntat ith nulear per as fr a tv prgrae alled green spae here i sa fr the first tie h nulear per had hanged peple’s lives and hat it had left fr the residents’ living arund hyrnbil nulear per plant unfrtunately, it as a sad stry

  y heart sank hen i sa a by infant appear n the sreen siling ith big blue sparkling eyes he as s ute and adrable just like all the ther kids but he as blinded hat’s re, he had t reeive edial treatent everyday t alleviate radiatin daage, but still std little hane f gring up later i learned that inapprpriate peratin and equipent design defet as respnsible fr the tradegy eight years has past, but the piture f that by’s sile still appears infrnt f e and reinds e that nulear per an be a living devil

  hever, ith the inreasing depletin f resures and the instant deand fr energy, lean and effiient nulear per ay see the best hie

  as an ld saying ges ’every srd has t blades’ nulear per is dangerus, yet effiient; envirnental devastated yet lean; expensive yet sustainable it is a atter f h e use and h e treat it hile let’s beynd all this ,hether nulear per a blessing r a disaster, it’s urs’ hie

  thank yu fr listening!

上一篇: 安全在我心中演讲范文
下一篇: 以爱学校为主题的演讲稿

