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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:



  Distinguished judges, teahers, dear friends

  Hell, everybdy! y nae is, I e fr Tday, I a very glad t stand here and share ith yu y st sinere speeh‘Flying yuth, aster ur future!’

  Life is a press f gring up Saying gdbye t hildhd, e step int anther iprtant tie f life‘the yuth’Hever, h an really say hat the yuth is ? A perid f tie? A belief? An attitude t life? r anything else? e dn’t kn

  A faus pet said ‘ yuth is a lvely sng ,here nthing is ipssible ; yuth is a eaningful bk, yu’ll be never bred f it ;yuth is a rapid river ,it keeps n fling day and night ;yuth is a up f tea ,it shs yu different kinds f tastes in yur life ’

  As yuth is s preius, f urse, e ust treasure it Dn’t let the liited tie pass by, leaving nthing f signifiane t ur future Atually, yuth has a lt t d ith ur future It’s neessary fr us t prepare urselves ell fr the future t e S, hat shuld e d? Here ,I’ll pint ut se tips t help equip urselves

  First f all, regnize the diretin f yur future In ther rd, think f hat yu’d like t be se day A teaher ? A dtr ? A riter? Dn’t afraid f thinking big and great Sine yu are yung , yu an drea f ding anything and being anyne in the future

  hat’s re , never ignre the per f knledge Read re bks and travel arund Fr ne thing, it an inrease yur knledge, fr anther, it’ll braden yur hrizn

  Last but nt the least , stik t yur drea It easier said than dne After all, future is nt all rses S, e shuld have enugh urage and deterinatin t vere all the diffiulties

  I firly believe ne sentene that‘If yu think yu an, f urse yu an!’Just believe e an ake it! Keep n alking tards ur drea Flying yuth ,aster ur future Fr tday, fr n n ,fr Duping iddle Shl ! Ready ?

  That’s all Thank yu s uh fr yur attentin !







  更重要的是,永远不要忽视知识的力量。阅读更多的书籍和旅游。首先,它可以增加你的知识,另一个,它会拓宽你的视野。 最后但并非最不重要的,坚持你的梦想。说起来容易做起来难毕竟,未来是不是所有的玫瑰。因此,我们应该有足够的勇气和决心克服一切困难。



上一篇: 珍惜美好生活 弘扬爱国热情演讲稿
下一篇: 迎接期中考试演讲稿3篇

