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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:

  Gd rning,everyne! I` very happy t have this hane t give y presentatin Befre I start y speeh, please let e ask yu a questin D yu think yu are nfident in yurself? If yu are, d please raise yur hand

  y tpi tday is “ t Be a nfident Persn”

  hat is nfidene? nfidene is t trust yurself nfidene is t lk upn yurself It is nt t indulge in self-adiratin It is nt t get extreely arrgant It is nt t get dizzy ith suess r t be pininated It is just t inspire yurself ahead f a quality f ind, in high spirit, full f energy It is t eet the hallenges f life in a psitive d It is t vere yur inferirity, fareell, t get rid f the truble f a a ready-ade panaea

  Reeber, I have just entered junir high shl In the fae f the hallenge f ne envirnent, in the fae f s any ne urses and learning ntents, I lst faith in y n and gradually develped a psyhlgial sense f inferirity Ahieveent glided easelessly It is a teaher and ther h enuraged e and let e regain nfidene Gradually, y grades gt higher and higher and everything began t g n ell Gradually I adapted t the life in iddle shl

  Friends, let's say gdbye t inferirity Let’s be a nfident persn Beause: nly if yu have self-nfidene, an yu ntrl yurself; nly if yu have nfidene, an yu ahieve suess and reate yur a brilliant life f yur n!






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