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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:



Gd afternn ladies and gentleen,

  I a very glad t stand here t give yu a shrt speeh! Tday y tpi is hinese drea

  First I ant t ask yu se questins: 1D yu kn hat is hinese drea 2hat is yur hinese drea?

  hinese drea as put frard by hairan xi last year in rder t diret hinese t a lear futureFr the hle natin, it eans inreasing the level f livingFr every single hinese , it eans realizing the value f lifeThe realizatin f the hle natin’s drea an nt be separated fr everybdy’s n drea nly by everyne’s effrts an e ake the natiny’s drea e true

  Fr ur yung peple, e are suppsed t have ur n drea hat is drea? The faus hinese enist LangXianPing has ever said that:”Please d nt expet t unh abut hinese students, beause they dn’t have drea They nly ant t find a n jb t earn ney fr a huse r a ar They nly have a target、purpse、r gal They dn’t have drea Purpse is nt drea

  Drea is develped by yur ar heart instead f heating yur eyes in the exuse f earning ney! A drea is a lear spiritual lighthuse that gives ut diretin hen yu d nt kn hat t expet in the days ahead and ffers frt and supprt hen yu bee dubtful f yurself

  S, it’s tie that e tk ur easures t fight fr ur hinese drea!

  That’s all Thank yu!


Gd afternn ladies and gentleen,

  Tday y tpi is “y Drea,hinese Drea”

  Drea, is a bean f yur life; drea, is yur better visin; drea, is yu ideal ings; and having dreas, yu ill have a future

  “N, everybdy as disussing the hinese drea, I think, realizing the great rejuvenatin f the hinese natin, is the greatest drea f the hinese natin sine the dern tie?the rds are laied by Xi Jinping This is the general seretary f Xi jinping ?s hinese drea But as a nteprary llege students, hat is ur hinese drea? an e dare t drea?

  The anser is yes e llege students have n dare nt drea, e nt nly need t bravely drea, but als hard t drea! As e all kn, the highest hnr f the nursing field is get the Nightingale prize Eah f years hina had re r less peple gtten this hnr henever I see the tie that they earing a silver edal and hlding flers standing n the pdiu t getting applause and glry, I uldn't help f iaging yself standing n the stage like the in future, that uld be h glrius This is y drea, y drea f Nightingales

  And I, a ne era f llege students, I a prud f y drea, prud f ur therland hen the drea int reality, in a era hih let the yuth realizing their ideal, I believe y drea ill be realizing in the near future!

  Finally, I uld like t inviting all f yurs, please streth ut yur hands, let us applause t ahieve the drea f trr!

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