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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:

  Gd rning ladies and gentleen tday i’ very glad t be here ith yu t share y stries and pinins abut reading i lve reading fr the btt f y heart and i d learn a lt fr bks i kn the nderful stries f great heres in histry, serets f nature, ysteries f uf and ur universe t e , bks are like a faithful friend, alays arund e , giving e enjyent and isd

  I reeber hen i as in priary shl, ten r eleven years ld, y father brred se bks fr the library in his shl thse ere ang the greatest rks f the rld, inluding abrabian nights、the legend f deifiatin, jurney t the est, and the rane f the three kingds these bks ere all ritten in anient hinese haraters but i tried t read the heavy bks and ere deeply attrated fr then n, i spared every inute t read hatever i uld get henever i gt a ne bk, i kept reading until i finished it despite tie and plae i read bks even in lass r just a fe inutes befre the exas in y ind, there is alays an unfrgettable sene: lying in bed, nervus but exited, y friend and i read a bk tgether in the eak light f a flashlight , ith a quilt n us, in rder nt t be blaed by parents all y lassates thught i as razy and gave e a niknae “bkr” s yu an understand hy i gt y eyes shrtsighted

  Till n, i still like reading as i used t and i’ very pleased t see that y ten-year-ld sn lves reading just like e i have bught hi any bks henever yu e int y he, yu an find bks in every rner but the plae here y sn and i enjy reading st is in the tilet s it ften happens in the rning: ne is in the tilet reading sething frtably, hile anther alking utside , shuting fr y age, i like t read agazines r shrt stries t get relaxatin as ell as inspiratin

  Tday e live in a rld f prsperity never befre have e faed s any teptatin fr the utside rld never befre have e had s any hanes t enjy ur lives e drive rather than alking; e g nline t hat ith peple e’ve never et befre instead f talking t friends arund us but there’s alays sething that annt be replaed and frgtten, suh as bks s i ill all yself t ntinue the jurney in the ean f bks until the very end f y life

  Finally, i’d like t end y speeh ith a great philspher, riter and thinker, franis ban’s faus saying: reading akes a full an studies serve fr delight, fr rnaent, and fr ability

  Thank yu very uh

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