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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:

  The lassates:

  Hell, everyne Tday, the tpi f y speeh is: friendship

  hether sentiental verse, beautiful artile, r the jy f leisure, hat all an't take the plae f lse friendship This is Russia - the faus riters pushkin said a rd Friend, have yu ever thught abut, hnest valuable, the friendship is the nral psyhlgial need A faus British riter ade suh an analgy: &qut;if yu have an apple, I have an apple, eah ther exhange, s, everyne has nly ne apple; if yu have a thught, I have a thught, exhange eah ther, and eah f us has t ideas, even re than the t thughts&qut; It is enugh t prve, the friendship akes ne share re jy and happiness, help reslve prbles and sad, als an prte ur prgress

  Ang friends, hever, ust be in truble an nt stand the test f nt a true friendship Therefre, the st preius friendship is this: hen a friend need t help the ith sinere friendship t reve the rry, disslve the depressed, build up nfidene and vere the diffiulties

  Sinere friendship is hat everyne desire, but hat kind f friendship is sinere? Is genuine equality beteen friends, help utual understanding, have a n pursuit &qut;Sinerity is the htbed f friendship&qut; e nly in sinere t establish n the basis f equality friendship and keep it up Help utual understanding is the st basi ntent f friendship Dikens ne said that frgiveness is a nble quality, a nble virtue hina has an ld saying ell said &qut;siultaneus rrespnding, sypathies&qut; Gd, n pursuit is spiritual bnd, unite the peple lsely tgether

  an ake the iles f spae that intervene beteen a an and lse friendship, the friendship an ake ur days tgether as fling, the friendship an leave n the ay e passed the deep ft sakura hen yung tie f reinarnatin gently slip fr ur side, leaving traes f is eaningful That is preius eries f Egypt

  Friend, please treat every friend arund yu, that is alays sinere in yur spiritual ealth








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