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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:


  There is a nderful rd hih expresses the st riginal tins and desires ang huan-beings ith slving any kind f iperfetins, ur rld has ved ahead This is the rd “innvatin” that e annt affrd t lse

  e hianed every detail f the innvatin Thusands years befre, e reated fire hen e tk a stne t knk anther ne Sine Han Dynasty, fur great inventins had been reated and it is ne f the greatest signs that hina bee t the anient ivilized untry And nadays, thusands f sftare, prduts, arhitetures and publi failities have upgraded re than that abut 100 years ag S h did these happen? hat ill yu d if yu are nt satisfied ith yur tls anyre? hat ill yu d if ld de annt affrd t develp in a pany? There is n dubt that e shuld innvate n atter here e are and hat e d Nt beause f the design itself, but atually fr its intended purpse

  If there as n Apple, everyne uld nt iagine h t ntat thers easily and enjy a better Internet surfing

  If there as n irsft, perhaps e still rked in a di ffie and dupliate se trublese duents If there as n Netn, and n thery f gravity, aybe I ill in the Nbel Prize like Netn rather than just standing here I have heard that three apple hanged the rld The first ne sedued Eve The send ne aakened Netn The third ne as in the hands f Steve Jbs e srt f think the innvatin f the rld began ith apple I iagine lts f peple ant t bee anther Netn r Jbs right n ith just ne hand t hange the rld, right? Have the innvatin t fll yur heart It seh already reflets hat yu truly ant t bee Everything else is sendary

  Via questining, e an start t innvate Via innvating, e an start t reate better lives N innvatin, n iprveent N iprveent, n suess And n suess, n ivilizatin N, ur tie is liited, s dn't aste it living sene else's life! Dn't let the nise f thers' pinins drn ut yur n inner vie! Dn't let yurself dn! It is the innvatin that e annt affrd t lse!


  y Understanding f Innvatin

  Gd afternn everybdy I’ Alisn fr GAI It’s y hnur t stand here t share y understanding f innvatin

  Abut innvatin,hat es t yur ind firstly ? As fr e, st innvatin shines ur lives in the lng press f huanhistry Just iagine ten illin years ag, hat are ur anestrs’ lifestyles? They ust hunt anials r pik the rts and leaves fr fd labriusly ith siple tls ; They have t rar ith eah ther t uniate in a lng distane; Their transprtatin basially rely n alking In shrt, their lives are hard, siple, even a little bring Hever, taking a lk at ur lives tday! e an rder KF at he , ur fd is re easily and diversifiedly t be aquired; e an get in tuh ith ur friends anyhere at anytie by telephne , E-ail andehat! ur vehiles inlude buses ,ars, planes and s n, it beaes s easy t reah the destinatin S h did these happen? Thse hanges are all ing t the untless innvatin It akes ur lives bee re nvenient, frtable and lrful

  But in tday’s dern life , dn’t e need t innvate? N n, let’s have a lk at the prbles e are faing: air pllutin, traffi ja, aste f resures Thse are related t ur survival aybe e an ake a huge ahine t filter the plluted , r invent a ar hih nt nly an drive alng the rad, but als an fly in the sky; r ne day e synthesis super energy aterials, e uld never relay n traditinal resures any re Are thse ideas t exaggerated? h kns? Just as hundreds years ag, nbdy an iagine e an fly by plane Tie ill tell yu the truth As Edard, a faus psyhlgists, said: ithut innvatin, there uld be n prgress, and e uld be frever repeating the sae patterns Therefre, innvatin is an eternal tpi fr peple, untries and sieties! That’s all, thank u !


  transpsitnal nsideratinGd afternn, Ladies and Gentlean Thanks fr raising yur attentin Taday, I’ll give yu a speeh entitled“transpsitnal nsideratin”

  Befre starting y speeh I uld like t ask yu a questin! Have yu heard the saying that hat e annt affrd t lse is nthing but innvatin Yes, I have I’ve alays believed it is a truth

  I have heard that three apples hanged the rld The first ne sedued Eve The send ne aakened Netn The third ne as in the hands f Steve Jbs e srt f think the innvatin f the rld began ith appleI iagine lts f peple ant t bee anther Netn r Jbs right n ith just ne hand t hange the rld, right? Have the innvatin t fll yur heart It seh already reflets hat yu truly ant t bee Everything else is sendary

  Via questin, e an start t innvate Via innvating, e an start t reate better life N innvatin, n iprveent N iprveent, n suess And n suess, n ivilizatinand the key t sussful innvatin is alays t be persistant e try t innvate, aybe e uld feel helpless, puzzled, and sad

  Hever, this is hat e ust experiene Dn't let yurself dn! It is innvatin that e annt affrd t lse! That’s all, Thank yu!

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