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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:




  Teahers, students:

  Gd rning, everyne!

  Thanksgiving, is ubiquitus hat is the reasn that I stand here? Is gratitude Thanks t the supprt f y teahers and lassates lve, thanks t the shl t give the pprtunity t thank fr a ther fr the ultivatin f thanks t y n effrt Beause thanks t these, I ill stand here tday

  I kn, e shuld be thankful, grateful t ur parents f fertility and gratefulness Parents t ur are and lve, parents f selfless dediatin t us, e shuld feel very satisfied and happy

  I kn, e shuld be thankful, grateful t ur training shl, she gave us a gd learning envirnent, prvide us ith a lt f pprtunities, she an let us stand n the stage f this sared in the great hall f the peple, this akes e unfrgettable The ditinary psitin nets:

  I kn, e shuld be thankful, grateful t ur teahers every, is he (she) brings us fr the first grade f ignrane; The innene f send grade; Grade three naughty; In furth grade restlessness; The grth f grade five, int tday -- a graduating sixth graders He (she) are ang this shed t uh seat and hard rk

  I kn, e shuld be thankful, grateful t give us the gift f nature, the blue sky hite luds, lakes, sea, sunshine, fresh air, flers and green grass, full f bundless universe

  Gratitude is nt nly a kind f etiquette, but als a healthy ind Let eah f us ith a grateful heart

  Thank yu all!











  First f all, I uld like t thank tday that I an stand here t partiipate in the ativities f all the peple, inluding e The tpi f y speeh tday is &qut;thankful heart&qut;

  Se say, frget gratitude is huan nature hen e aidentally ae t this rld, haven't had tie t d anything, e have already started t enjy the frer brings us all aterial and spiritual ahieveents It's reind every ne f us, t have a grateful heart

  Have a heart f gratitude, re respet Respet fr life, respet fr labr, respet reatin Hearts ith gratitude, a generatin f great en - sall - deng ping said in three sre and ten &qut;I a the sn f the hinese peple, I deeply lve y untry and y peple!&qut; ith a grateful heart, the pet ai qing rte in his pe: &qut;hy y eyes full f tears, beause I have deep lve t this land&qut; Heard f the stry f a an aplgized t the tree? Heard f all the running ar t ake ay fr the dg's stry? The true stry, tuhed by a lve f life, ved by peple respet fr life hen e enjy a lean envirnent every day, e uld like t thank thse leaning rkers; hen e ve t a ne huse, e uld like t thank thse nstrutin rkers; hen e travel, uld like t thank the driver Understand thank yu, yu ill be lked upn ith equal every life, t treat everyne arund us, an rdinary rdinary labr, respet eah als respet yurself re

  Have a heart f gratitude, re an realize his duty In dern siety, everyne has their n duties, their value hen ne f hina's tp ten XX tuhed xu benyu sreen, gdness f huan nature as lit again, this as riginally the llege students int graduate shl, but they thre int the untains fr the bustling ity This extrardinary feat hurt everyne's eyes, eah persn heart is als lit up a sldering fire And let hi t ake a hie f the reasn is siple: ith a grateful heart Xu benyu ith his gratitude fr the untains hildren paved the rad t a lve, lit the pverty and hpe, pleted his duty, realize the value f his life

  ith a grateful heart, is nt a siple endurane and tlerane, re nt q, but ith a generus ind brave fae life psitively I believe, the st ar day fr the ld, I believe, the st ar is an understanding f the ld, ved in a kind f gratitude ne ust learn t Thanksgiving, t life ith a grateful heart, heart t real happiness A persn ithut gratitude, heart is all epty &qut;YangYuGuiRuZhiEn&qut;, &qut;r has feedbak f grae&qut;, &qut;send persn rse, the hand have lingering fragrane&qut;, &qut;give e yur hand, and sn xiela,&qut; these are due t have a grateful heart, seet, freely available

  S I ant t thank yu, y life f passers-by, let e kn h light fades t dn't tie t the ind, thank yu, e and g, I ill herish; Thank yu, all the teahers in y life, let e kn h preius knledge, thank yu, flling years, I ill reeber; Thank yu, y life lse t lse friend, share happy ith yu, sad have t listen t yu, thank yu, busy, I n't frget; Thank yu, I t really belved relatives, in the urse f tie, quietly ath ver e, shelter fr the rain, let e in happiness t be lved als learned h t lve thers, thank yu, day and night, I have in y heart

  Thank day litres f sunset, thank happy pain, thanks t the earth, the sky thank heaven all the stars, thanks t life, thanks t get and lse everything, and nthing had lst everything, let e in the seasn f the grass sprut ut f the earth ae up the beauty f life!

  y friends, let us ith a grateful heart faing the rld! Let's hearts ith gratitude t ur life! As lng as ur life is full f gratitude, full f hpe and passin, ur siety ill be less ritiis and shuffle, re tlerant and understanding, uld be less quarrel ith indifferene, and - re harny and ar, uld be less triking and dysfuntinal, re sinere and unity, ur spiritual he ill frever yung

  Finally, let's get tgether again t listen t this sng &qut;grateful heart&qut; : Thanksgiving heart, thank yu, ith y life, let e have the urage t d yself, Thanksgiving heart, thank fate, flers bl, I herish

  Tday y speeh t this end, thank yu




  怀有一颗感恩的心,才更能体会到自己的职责。 在现代社会每个人都有自己的职责、自己的价值。当XX感动中国十大人物之一的徐本禹走上银幕时,人性的善良再一次被点燃,这个原本该走入研究生院的大学生,却义无返顾的从繁华的城市走进了大山。这一平凡的壮举刺痛了每一个人的眼睛,也点燃了每一个人内心未燃的火种。而让他做出这一抉择的理由很简单:怀着一颗感恩的心。徐本禹用他感恩的心,为大山里的孩子铺就了一条爱的道路,点燃了贫穷和希望,完成了他的职责,实现了他的人生价值。

  怀有一颗感恩的心,不是简单的忍耐与承受,更不是阿q,而是以一种宽宏的心态积极勇敢的面对人生。我相信,最温暖的日子来自寒冷,我更相信,最温暖其实是对寒冷的一种谅解,一种感恩中的感动。一个人要学会感恩,对生命怀有一颗感恩的心,心才能真正快乐。一个人没有了感恩,心就全部都是空的。 &ldqu;羊有跪乳之恩&rdqu;,&ldqu;鸦有反哺之恩&rdqu;, &ldqu;赠人玫瑰,手有余香&rdqu;,&ldqu;执子之手,与子偕老,&rdqu;这些都因怀有一颗感恩的心,才芬芳馥郁,香泽万里。






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