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人气: | 时间:2018-07-20 | 发布:

  e shuld nt be brn in the eyes f the head, t use his ft brken e uld like t dezhi yu sky things -- feng xuefeng

  ake prgress ith an pen ind, the pride f peple behind, e shuld alays reeber this truth -- a zedng

  e an nt have a suess, as the ball, thers an nt sht, qingqingyipai, jup la ga the greater ahieveents, the re e shuld be dest and prudent -- ang jinxi

  &qut;prud&qut; f the rd i have se dubts all a bit tivated, a bit f ability, he alays believe in theselves, are a bit assertive persn the re assertive persn, the re self-nfidene this is nt bad is a prud, if put apprpriate psts, he ill be dest, r else he hunbuxiaqu -- deng xiaping

  a prud peple, alays prud f the results in the destrutin f their n -- shakespeare

  all t luky t d their n due t the lever and resurefulness is the ute st f the peple is very unfrtunate -- franis ban

  desty is indispensable virtues -- ntesquieu

  guard against exaggeratin puzhang instead f saying t, as is right inplete -- lev tlsty

  suess f the first nditin is true ith an pen ind n all bizhuzizhen f their n prejudies, as lng as that nflit ith the truth and are illing t give up -- spener

  huble sldiers an ake a re beautiful -- asitelu夫斯基

  natinals in the st diffiult t vere the feelings f pride t a fe, h d yu put it ith a ne fr, ith the struggle t ake it defeated, and eliinate the flutter, shae and a disgrae, it ill tanhu head, hiself -- franklin

  hen e are very huble, e have a great tie in the last -- rabindranath tagre

  n any art is a kind f destrutin prud f a terrible isfrtune -- diitrv

  genuine desty f vanity an nly be arried ut after areful nsideratin f the prdut -- bergsn

  ill rejet the advie heres, sattered, nn-pliy advisr fr the rebel -- huangshi gng

  a virtue f yuya, beilei, this is the st preius virtue, is the ther f all ethis, hih is huility; ith this e ill virtue f fun fr all at -- galds

  autius than bld in a uh re strength -- vitr hug

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