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  Gd rning! y nae is XX, yu an als all e Easn, I has suh an

   English nae just beause the prnuniatin f it is like y hinese nae。 I

  graduated fr this university last year, and ajr in puter siene, I liked

  puter very uh, espeially in ultiedia tehnlgy, and anted t

  ake se ahieveent in this field, but hen I finished y shl, I realized that

  hat I had learned as nt enugh fr this target, I thught it uld be great if

  I an ntinue y interest in that, s that as hy I hse t further y study

  ith a aster degree。

  ell, in y spare tie, I like ser, pp usi, and stap, being a

  ser fan, I alays sh y lve t anhester United and Ryan Giggs is y favrite。 I als like English very uh, and had passed Band six this year, but I d

  think it's still a lng ay t study it, s I uldn&rsqu;t give up y English studying, and

  iprve y ral and listening ability。

  S that's all, thank yu!


  Respeted Prfessrs, gd afternn! I' great hnred t eet yu here。 I' *****, 26 years ld, brn in ***** ity, Henan Prvine。 In year 1996, I entered ***** University, ajring in ahinal Designing and Prduing。 During thse 4

  years'study, I rked hard and I as alays ative invarius ativities。 I gained

  the first shlarship fr fur ties and I jined the unist Party at the llege。

  After y graduatin in June 2000, I rked in ***** pany。 I gta psitin in the Tehnlgy Departent the first year and I as invlved inseveral internet

  prjets,suh as the ne fr llege student Reruitent in Henan Prvine and the

  ne fr puter enter in athatis Departent in Zhengzhu University。

  ning t y hard rk, I as rearded the Best Neer Prize in the year

  2000。 The next year, I as transferred int the Prinipal uster Departent,

  respnsible fr the Develping and strengthening a gd relatinship beteen

  the prinipal usters and y pany。 T ajr usters, Henan

  Prvinipal Departent f Transprtatin and Henan Prvinial Departent f

  Persnnel, are under y rk。

  Hever, ith tie ging n, the re I experiened, the learer I realized

  that I' really interested in the Enterprise anageent。 I find any enterprises

  have the prble f an unathed anageent t its develpingspeed。 I'

  eager t learn re abut anageent and I hpe I an study further in this

  University。 S I resigned in August, 2003 and started the ay t pursuing y studies。

  After abut half year's hard rk, I' finally standing befre yu hnrable

  prfessrs n。 I' really exited。

  Thugh I've sarified uh n y ay t pusuing studies, I believe it's

  rthhile。 I believe rking hard ill finally be repaied。 Thank yu !


  Gd afternn, teahers。 I a very glad t be here fr this intervie。

  y nae is ab, 25 years ld。 I e fr eifang, a beautiful ity f Shandng

  Prvine。 I graduated fr erial llege in July, 2001 and ajr in finane。

  Then, I as a teaher in ab, hen I as a senir shl student, I a interested

  in thught and began t read a ertain lassi rk f arxis, espeially I

  finished reading &ldqu;the flrilegiu f a ZeDng&rdqu;。 Fr then n, I have

  dabbled in re and re theretial rks and auulated great interests in

  thery study,espeially in arxis。

  I have a drea, a drea f y study。 I ish devte y hle life and energy int the develpent f the arxis。 If I have the pprtunity t study in ab University, I'll dabble in as uh as duent abut the speialty as pssible。 If it is pssible, I ant t get the priary aplishent in y ajr, at least, a stable basis。

  Persnally, fr tday's hina, the first task t the develpent f arxis is a press f nstrutin。 That's t say, e shuld understand arxis stly fr the aspet f nstrutin and develpent f sial siety。 nly hen ur sialisti untry has a re rapid and balane develpent than the apitalisti, e an enhane the attrativeness and persuasin f arxis eventually。


  Gd rning, teahers, I a hnred t be infred t have this intervie。

  Intrdue yurself

  First let e intrdue yself, y nae is XX, 23 years ld, and David is y English nae。 I a pen-inded, easy t adapt, patible ith y friends, and illing t help thers。

  D yu have any hbbies?

  In y spare tie, I like reading bks, lleting ards and ins, playing vlleyball, uniating ith friends, and s n。

  I als like English very uh, I a fnd f athing English fils and listening t English sngs, I passed llege English Test Band six in Septeber, 2003, I d believe there is still a lng ay fr e t learn English ell enugh, hever I ill nt shrink bak, Beause I realize that English is a bridge nneted ur untry ith the utside rld。 Learning English is the st diret and available ethd fr interurse ang untries and als useful fr us t get advaned knledge and tehnlgy fr ther natins。


  Gd rning。 I a glad t be here fr this intervie。 First let e intrdue yself。 y nae is ***, 24。 I e fr ******, the apital f *******Prvine。 I graduated fr the ******* departent f *****University in July, 2001。 In the past t years I have been preparing fr the pstgraduate exainatin hile I have been teahing *****in N。 ****iddle Shl and I as a head-teaher f a lass in junir grade t。 N all y hard rk has gt a result sine I have a hane t be intervieed by yu。

  I a pen-inded, quik in thught and very fnd f histry。 In y spare tie, I have brad interests like any ther yungers。I like reading bks, espeially thse abut *******。 Frequently I exhange ith ther peple by aking ents in the fru n line。 In additin, during y llege years, I as ne a Net-bar tehniian。 S, I have a parative gd and f netrk appliatin。 I a able t perate the puter ell。 I a skillful in searhing fr infratin n Internet。 I a a ftball fan fr years。 Italian tea is y favrite。 Anyay, I feel great pity fr ur untry's tea。


  Gd rning, y respeted prfessrs! It is y hnr t be here fr yur intervie。 First, let e intrdue yself t yur。 I a * *, 23, brn in Guilin, I a a senir student in the puter llege f Henan Nral University。 N, I a ding y best t btaining a hane t attend Sihuan University。

  In the past 4 years, st y tie has been spent n study r apus ativities。 I had passed the ET-6 and Sftare Designer Exainatin。 ur sftare prjet gt the supprted f the llege Student Develpent Fundatin。 Furtherre, the experiene f being nitr in y lass and vie diretr in the Students&rsqu; Unin helped e kn the iprtane f peratin and uniatin。

  As t y haraters, I dn&rsqu;t ant t use any beautiful rd t praise yself。 Just like y father, I strive t be an hnest, upright and dest an。 In y spare tie, I like siing, table tennis and hinese hess。 Als English sngs and vies are y favrite。

  Frrest Gup had said, &lsqu;Life is like a bx f hlates, yu never kn hat yu are ging t get&rsqu;。 Hever, I alays believe e shuld herish ur tie, and sense any hange fr self-develpent, and e ill have gd prspet。

  Diligene is the ther f suess, Effiieny is the nly ay。

  That is all fr y self-intrdutin, thank yu!


  Gd rning, y dear teahers, y dear prfessrs。 I a very glad t be here fr yur intervie。 y nae is Sng Yngha, I a 22 years ld。 I e fr Luyang, a very beautiful anient ity。 y undergraduate perid ill be aplished in hang'an university in July, 2004; and n, I a trying y best fr btaining a key t Tngji University。


  Gd rning:

  y nae is XX, yu an als all e Easn,I has suh an english nae just beause the prnuniatin f it is like y hinese nae。 I graduated fr this university last year, and ajr in puter siene, I liked puter very uh, espeially in ultiedia tehnlgy, and anted t ake se ahieveent in this field, but hen I finished y shl。

  ell, in y spare tie, I like ser, pp usi, and stap, being a ser fan, I alays sh y lve t anhester United and Ryan Giggs is y favrite。 I als like English very uh, and had passed Band six this year, but I d think it&lsqu;s still a lng ay t study it, s I uldn&rsqu;t give up y English studying, and iprve y ral and listening ability。

  S that&lsqu;s all, thank yu。


  Gd rning,dear prfessrs。 Thank yu fr giving e the pprtunity t have this intervie。

  y nae is Du Fu,ing fr Zunyi,a very beautiful ity f GuiYang prvine。I ill graduate fr GuiZhu university and y ajr is bitehnlgy。

  I a a hard rking persn ith great perseverane。 I ill try y best t finish things I ant t d。 hen I take part in a debate petitin,I persisted in pratiing speaking every day。 The petitin nt nly enables e t iprve y lgial thinking,but als let e btain a hnr f Best debater。 I think that keeping preparing the pstgraduate entrane exainatin is just like persisting in speaking。 I believe that stiking t paying ill have harvest。

  In y spare tie,I a big n playing Bab Flute。 During university,I ever partiipated in a ele party and playing a sng hse nae is Luanhng。 n the ne hand,I an adjust y n and think deeply thugh playing it,ne the ther hand,I an take thers happiness。

  I alays believe that here there is a ill,there is a ay。 If I a give a hane t study in Sihuan university,I ill ake great effrts t aster y subjets。

  S that is all 。Thank yu fr yur attentin。


  Gd rning, everyne! I a glad t be here fr this intervie。 First, let e intrdue yself t yu。 y nae is Qin Jiayin。 I as brn n April 23, 1981。 I a a lal persn。I a graduating fr Jilin Nral University this June。 I ajr in hinese literature。 I hpe I uld get the pprtunity t finish y pstgraduate urses in Jilin University hih I have desired fr a lng tie。 I have the nfidene beause I have suh ability! I a a girl h is fervent, utging and reative。 At the sae tie, I think I a quik in ind and areful in everything。 I a lking frard t y pstgraduate studies and life。 I ill sn prve that yur deisin f hsing e is the isest。 Thank yu fr giving e suh a valuable pprtunity!


  Nie t eet yu, dear teahers and prfessrs。 I a hnred t be infred t have this intervie。

  y nae is Li Bai,ing fr Rizha, a beautiful ity f Shandng Prvine。 I graduated fr Qingda Tehnlgial University , taking sftare engineering as y ajr。

  As fr y strngest strength ,I think it is y respnsibility in rk and study ,hih prte e uneasingly devte yself t y rk。 In grup perative rk, I alays try y best t finish y part n tie and ake sure that rret。

  In y spare tie, I a big n reading bks, espeially thse abut bigraphy。 These stries f faus persn ake e ise。 I als have passin fr running。 During the days preparing fr the pstgraduate entrane exainatin, I persisted in running every day exept raining day。

  hen I prepared y graduatin thesis,y adviser ipressed e deeply。 He is hard-rking and treat learning very seriusly。 Seties he repeats y eail ,telling e any details abut hat shuld I d and here I shuld fus n。 S that, I realize I need learn re and re pratie。 If I a given a hane t study at yur esteeed university ,I ill nentrate n y study and ake great effrts t aster y subjets。

  S that is all, thank yu fr yur attentin!


  Gd rning, dear prfessrs。 I a glad t have the pprtunity t have this intervie。

  y nae is Anna, ing fr hanghun, Jilin Prvine。 At present I ill graduate fr Jilin University this June , ajring in arketing。

  I a a hard-rking persn ith great perseverane。 I ill try y best t finish a atter n atter h diffiult it is。 During y llege years, I have ade great prgress in different areas, as a student, I rk hard, and get the shlarship any ties。 y favrite subjet is arketing。 arketing is thrugh a series f ativities t bring value t usters。 It is very interesting and valuable。

  In y spare tie, I a big n the traditinal hinese painting。 y favrite artist is Qi baishi。 He as skilled in draing shrip。 He bserved the very arefully, and life t the in the piture。 It nt nly ultivates ne&rsqu;s rality raises a gender, but als inherits traditinal hinese ivilizatin。 I als have a passin fr athing English vies。 y favrite vie is Frrest Gup。 And I adire Frrest Gup&rsqu;s spirit。 athing English vies an teah e a lt f truths, and I an learn the freign ultures fr the vies。

  I alays believe that ne ill easily lag behind unless he keeps n learning。 f urse, if I a given a hane t study at yur esteeed university, I ill nentrate n y study and ake great effrts t aster y subjets。

  This is all fr y self-intrdutin。 Thank yu。

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