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人气: | 时间:2018-09-28 | 发布:


  1、Lve ures peple bth the nes h give it and the nes h reeive it


  2、If yu lve the life yu live,yu ill live a life f lve


  3、here there is great lve there are great irales


  4、Lve is nt geting but giving


  5、If I ried a tear f painful srr,If I lst all hpe fr a ne trr,uld yu dry y tear and ease y pain,uld yu ake e sile ne again?


  6、h d i say i lve yu? h d i tell yu i are? h d i tell yu ive issed yu, and let yu kn i here?


  7、Her gesture, tin, and her siles,Her it, her vie y heart beguiles,Beguiles y heart, I kn nt hy,And yet, Ill lve her till I die Thas Frd


  8、Fr years I had been searhing,Fr that perfet fantasy, But, I find it in y ars, right n,Yu are all t e


  9、I just ish seday and seh,e an be bak tgether, Tgether ell stay,Alays and frever


  10、A jyful heart is the inevitable result f a heart burning ith lve


  11、Lve and yu ill be lved


  12、Dnt rry abut lking handse,r being strng and braveJust as yu lve e unnditinally,I lve yu just the sae


  13、I have searhed a thusand years,And I have ried a thusand tearsI fund everything I need,Yu are everything t e Barry Fitzpatrik


  14、Lve akes the rld g arund


  15、Thughts f yu dane thrugh y ind Kning, it is just a atter f tiendering… ill u ever be ine?Yu are in y dreas, night… and seties… dayThe thughts see t never fade aay rin rey Aber


  16、Every beat f y heart, ludly ries yur nae, I ant s uh t be ith yu, h, please, please, feel the sae


  17、If yu ere a teardrp,In y eye,Fr fear f lsing yu,I uld never ryAnd if the glden sun,Shuld ease t shine its light,Just ne sile fr yu,uld ake y hle rld bright Hannah J Kee


  18、Lve, s sft and ar beside e, If I ere t give y heart, It uld have t be t yu Ed alter


  19、ithut yu? Id be a sul ithut a purpse ithut yu?Id be an etin ithut a heart I a fae,ithut expressin, A heart ith n beat ithut yu by y side, I just a flae ithut the heat Elle Kiberly Shik

  没有你? 我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你?我的情感将没有了根基;我将是一张没有表情的脸,一颗停止跳动的心。没有你在我身边,我只是一束没有热量的火焰。

  20、Yu ake e feel s happy;henever I ith yuYu ake e feel s speial This lve is t gd t be true Rseary Anne Nash


  21、There is a lady seet and kind, as never a fae s pleased y ind;I did but see her passing by, And yet, Ill lve her till I die Thas Frd


  22、Lve is the beauty f sul


  23、hen yu need sene t listen, Ill be there hen yu need a hug, Ill be there hen yu need sene t hld yur hand, Ill be there hen yu need sene t ipe yur tears, guess hat? Ill be there illia Shakespeare


  24、hen I ake up in the rning,Yu are all I see;hen I think abut yu,And h happy yu ake eYure everything I anted;Yure everything I need;I lk at yu and kn;That yu are all t e Barry Fitzpatrik


  25、Ive diided t stik t lveHates is t great a burden t bear


  26、This unbreakable bnd that unites as ne,Is as strng as the asent f the rning sun Infinite days and nights f jy strea by, And even beynd the day e die


  27、The lve e give aay is the nly lve e keep


  28、But thrugh all this tie,Reeber ne thing Ill lve yu frever, z t y life, Lve and Light, yu bring


  29、Sine the first tie I sa yu,I felt sething inside,I dnt kn if its lve at first sight,I d kn I really like yu a lt Tanya edeirs


  30、henever yu need e, Ill be here henever yure in truble, I alays nearhenever yu feel alne, and yu think everyne has given up…Reah ut fr e, and I ill give yu y everlasting lve


  31、Life ithut lve like a tree ithut blss r fruit


  32、I lve the ay yu sile at e, I lve yur laugh, s uh, The ay yu alk, the ay yu talk, Yur gentle kiss and tuh Abigail我喜欢你对我笑的样子,喜欢你的笑声,喜欢,你走路的样子,你说话的神情,你温柔的吻和爱抚。

  33、Yu havent alays been here fr e, r lved e just the sae…But yu ill alays have y heart, until y dying days Brandi ihelle Lab 1005


  34、Frgive e fr needing yu in y life;Frgive e fr enjying the beauty f yur bdy and sul;Frgive e fr anting t be ith yu hen I gr ld Sandra Rbbins Heatn


  35、A heart the lves is alasys yung



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