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人气: | 时间:2018-09-28 | 发布:


  1) The peple have n iaginatin。 They repeat hatever ne says t the… n y planet I had a fler; She alays as the first t speak…人没有想象力。只会重述着别人对他们说过的话……在我的行星上,有一朵花,总是她先开口对我说话……

  2) It is yur n fault, I never ished yu any srt f har; but yu anted e t tae yu…… but n yu are ging t ry! Then it has dne yu n gd at all!这是你的错,我根本无意伤害你,可是你却愿意让我驯服你……可是你现在却想哭!那驯服根本对你毫无好处!

  3) en have nt re tie t understand anything。 They buy things already ade at the shps。 But there is n shp anyhere here ne an buy friendship, and s en have n friends any re。人是没有多余的时间去了解其它事情的。他们到商店购买现成的东西。但是世上却没有可以买到友情的商店,所以人不会再有朋友了。

  4) hat ves e s deeply, abut this little prine h is sleeping here, is his lyalty t a fler – the iage f a rse that shine thrugh his hle being like the flae f a lap, even hen he is asleep…这个熟睡的小王子最叫我感动的地方是,他对一朵玫瑰的感情‐‐甚至他睡着了,那朵玫瑰花的影子,仍像灯光一样照亮他的生命……

  5) His fler had tld hi that she as nly ne f her kind in all universe。 And here ere five thusand f the, all alike, in ne single garden!他的花朵曾经告诉他,自己是宇宙间仅有的一种花;可是仅仅在这座花园里,就有五千朵和她一模一样的花!

  6) y star ill be just ne f the stars, fr yu。 And s yu ill lve t ath all the stars in the heavens…… They ill be yur friends。我的星星对你而言,只不过是众星中的一颗。你会喜欢仰望天际所有的繁星……它们都会是你的朋友。

  7) It is f se use t y vlanes, and it is f se use t y fler, that I n the。 But yu are f n use t the stars。我对火山和花都有用处,所以我才拥有它们。但是,你对星星们却一点用处也没有啊!

  8) It has dne e gd, beause f the lr f the heat fields。 G and lk again at the rses。 Yu ill understand n that yurs is unique in all the rld。驯服对我是有好处的‐‐因为麦田的颜色。再回头看那些玫瑰花吧!到时你就明白你的玫瑰花仍是举世无双的一朵花。

  9) Yu understand… It is t far。 I annt arry this bdy ith e。 It is t heavy。 But it ill be like an ld abandned shell。 There is nthing sad abut ld shells…你知道……路途太遥远了。我的身躯太沉重了,带不走它……但它只不过是一具被丢弃了的旧躯壳。不必为一具旧躯壳感到伤心难过。

  10) The thing that is iprtant is the thing that nt seen… It is just as it is ith the fler。 If yu lve a fler that lives n a star, it is seet t lk at the sky at night。 All the stars are abl ith flers…重要的东西用眼睛是看不到的……就好比花一样。假如你喜欢某个行星上的一朵花,在夜晚仰望星空的时候心情就会很愉快,感觉所有的行星都开满了花……

  11) Yu kn – y fler… I a respnsible fr her。 And she is s eak! She is s na?ve! She has fur thrns, f n use at all, t prtet herself against the rld…there n – that is all…你知道‐‐我的花……我要对她负责。她是那么脆弱!那么纯真!她也只有四根无用的刺可以自卫、抵御这个世界……就是这样,没有其它的……

  12) In ne f the stars I shall be living。 In ne f the I shall be laughing。 And s it ill be as if all the stars ere laughing, hen yu lk at the sky at night… Yu – nly yu – ill have stars that an laugh…我就在繁星中的一颗上生活。我会站在其中的一颗星星上微笑。当你在夜间仰望天际时,就仿佛每一颗星星都在笑……你‐‐只有你‐‐才能拥有会笑的星星……

  13) en have frgtten this truth。 But yu ust nt frget it。 Yu bee respnsible, frever, fr hat yu have taed。 Yu are respnsible fr yur rse…人们早已忘记了这个道理。可是你不应将它遗忘。你必须永远对自己所驯服的东西负责。你要对你的玫瑰花负责。

  14) As fr e, if I had fifty-three inutes t spend as I liked, I shuld alk at y leisure tard a spring f fresh ater。如果是我,要是我有五十三分钟可以自由运用,那我会悠哉游哉向一道清泉走去。

  15) nly the hildren kn hat they are lking fr。 They aste their tie ver a rag dll and it bees very iprtant t the; and if anybdy takes it aay fr the, they ry…只有小孩子知道自己在找什么。他们把时间花费在布洋娃娃身上。因此对他们而言,洋娃娃就变得很重要。一旦有人将娃娃拿走,他们就会号啕大哭……

  16) Yu kn, it ill be very nie。 I, t, shall lk at the stars。 All the stars ill be ells ith a rusty pulley。 All the stars ill pur ut fresh ater fr e t drink… That ill be s ausing! Yu ill have five hundred illin little bells, and I shall have five hundred illin springs f fresh ater…你知道,一切都会很好。我也会抬头看星星,每一颗星星都有一口井,上头都有一个生绣的滑轮。每一颗星星也会为我沁出甘醇的井水给我止渴……多有趣啊!你将拥有五亿个小铃铛,我也能拥有五亿道清泉……

  17) The en here yu live, raise five thusand rses in the sae garden – and they d nt find in it hat they are lking fr。 And yet hat they are lking fr uld be fund in ne single rse, r in a little ater。 But eyes are blind。 ne ust lk ith the heart…你所居住的星球上的人们,在同一座花园培育了五千朵玫瑰‐‐却无法从中找到他们所要寻找的东西。但是,他们所寻找的,其实是可以从一朵玫瑰花或一滴水中找到的。然而眼睛往往是盲从的。人还是必须用心去看……

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