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人气: | 时间:2018-12-11 | 发布:

  1 pain past is pleasure


  2 hile there is life, there is hpe


  3 isd in the ind is better than ney in the hand


  4 strs ake trees take deeper rts


  5 nthing is ipssible fr a illing heart


  6 the shrtest anser is ding


  7 all things are diffiult befre they are easy


  8 great hpes ake great an


  9 gd helps thse h help theselves


  10 fur shrt rds su up hat has lifted st suessful individuals abve the rd: a little bit re


  11 in ding e learn


  12 east r est, he is best


  13 t heads are better than ne


  14 gd pany n the rad is the shrtest ut


  15 nstant drpping ears the stne


  16 isfrtunes never e alne/single


  17 isfrtunes tell us hat frtune is


  18 better late than never



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