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????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨1£?£

????Gd rning£? y nae is LXG£? it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie£? I uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise£? and I hpe I an ake a gd perfrane tday?£ I' nfident that I an sueed?£

????N I ill intrdue yself briefly£? I a 20 years ld£? brn in shandng prvine £?east f hina£? and I a urruently a senir student at UP f Infratin and Engineering ntrl?£ y ajr is Infratin and Signal Pressing£? and I ill reeive y aster degree after y graduatin in june?£ In the past 3 years£?I spend st f y tie n study and researh£? Ihave passed ET6 and I have aquired basi knledge bth in thery and in pratie?£

????Thrugh llege life£?I learn h t balane beteen study and entertainent?£ By the ay£?I has ated as lass issin seretary fr t years and given the title f an exellent lass leader?£ I had a fe glrius ery n stage?£That is y pride?£

????Seties I prefer t stay alne£? reading£? listening t lassi usi£? but I a nt lnely£? I like t hat ith y lassates£? alst talk everything £?I have lts f interest£? suh as fils£?travels£?handriting £?sprts and s n?£ y favrite pastie is playing basketball£? als£? I like blgging n the internet?£ if yu are interested in y blg£? yu an visit y ebsite: £? it ill be y hnr?£

????I think I' a gd tea player and I' a persn f great hnesty t thers?£ Als I a able t rk under great pressure?£ That's all?£ Thank yu fr giving e the hane?£

????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨2£?£

????Gd afternn (rning)£? prfessrs:

????It is y great pleasure t be here?£ y nae is ingingzhu £? graduated fr puter Siene Departent f uhan University?£During y fur-year study in the university as an under-graduate student£? I have built up a slid fundatin f prfessinal knledge£? as ell as a rih experiene f sial ativities?£ I a a deterined persn£? alays illing t ahieve higher gals?£

????hat's re£? I a gd at analysis£? ith a strng sense f peratin?£ All f these led e t the suess f passing the first rund f the entrane exainatin t the aster's degree?£ Persnally£? I a very hurus and easy-ging£? enjying a gd relatinship ang y lassates?£

????In y spare tie£? I like t read bks regarding h t be yself and h t deal ith prbles?£ usi and vies are y favrite entertainents?£ As fr y sprt interest£? I uld nt deny y greatest interest is ftball?£ Playing this gae brings e a lt f glry£? happiness and passin?£

????All in all£? uhan University£? ith a highly qualified faulty and strng aadei envirnent is the university I have lng adired?£ I believe that I a a very qualified appliant fr adissin int yur aster f IT prgra and an ntribute t the enrihent r diversity f yur university?£


????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨3£?£

????Gd rning £? ladies and gentleen

????It is y great hnr t have this pprtunity t intrdue yself?£ and I hpe I uld ake a gd perfrane tday£? eventually bee a eber f yur shl?£ N let e intrdue yself please?£ I' a graduate student fr **** UNIVERSITY ?£ y nae is *** £?**years ld?£ £? brn in **?£ GuangDng prvine ?£ y ajr is English£? and I ill graduate this June?£

????In the past 3 years£?I spent st f y tie n English studying and pratise?£ I have a gd and f bth spken and ritten English and past ET-4 ith a ease?£ Skilled in use f ffie 2007£? exel?£ y graduate shl training bined ith y adet teaher shuld qualify e fr this partiular jb?£

????Althugh perhaps I' nt the best ang the andidates£? but ith y strng knledge bakgrund and full enthusias fr eduatin£? I a sure I ill satisfy yu ell?£

????As a llege student£? I nentrated n studying dern teahing tehnlgy?£ I have aquired enugh essential and fundaental knledge f English teahing in the past three years?£ Sine Septeber 2009£? ith great interest£? I have been ding student adre fr alst eah seester and fred gd tea-rk spirits?£ It als kindly prvided e ruial guidane t analyze interpersnal relatinship?£ y teahers and lassates desribe e as a reliable and nsiderate persn?£ ther than y ajr study£? I have aster a great skills in puter peratin?£

????ne nth as adet teaher in the arh f 2011£? nt nly did i btain enugh first hand experiene in y field but als gradually realized that the areer I have hsen is sared and signifiant?£ Therefre£? I a deterined t bee a diligent£? hardrking£? and respnsible eduatr?£

????Last but nt least£? I ill be fully itted and I a nfident t rk effiiently and etiulusly under pressure as a petent tea eber?£ I ele the pprtunity t speak ith senir anageent further regarding y qualifiatins fr the psitin?£

????Thank yu fr yur attentin!

????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨4£?£

????Gd rning?£ I a glad t be here fr this intervie?£ First let e intrdue yself?£ y nae is ***£? 24?£ I e fr ******£?the apital f *******Prvine?£ I graduated fr the ****** departent f *****University in July £?2001?£In the past t years I have been prepareing fr the pstgraduate exainatin hile I have been teahing *****in N?£****iddle Shl and I as a head-teaher f a lass in junir grade t?£N all y hard rk has gt a result sine I have a hane t be intervie by yu?£

????I a pen-inded £?quik in thught and very fnd f histry?£In y spare tie£?I have brad interests like any ther yungers?£I like reading bks£? espeially thse abut ****?£Frequently I exhange ith ther peple by aking ents in the fru n line?£In additin £?during y llege years£?I as ne a Net-bar tehniian?£S£? I have a parative gd and f netrk appliatin?£I a able t perate the puter ell?£I a skillful in searhing fr infratin in Internet?£I a a ftball fan fr years?£Italian tea is y favrite?£Anyay£?I feel great pity fr ur untry&rsqu;s tea?£

????I alays believe that ne ill easily lag behind unless he keeps n learning ?£f urse£? if I a given a hane t study ****** in this faus University£?I ill spare n effrt t aster a gd and f advane ******?£

????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨5£?£

????gd rning£? y nae is jak£? it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie£? i uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise£? and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday£? eventually enrll in this prestigius university in septeber?£ n i ill intrdue yself briefly£?i a 21 years ld£?brn in heilngjiang prvine £?nrtheast f hina£?and i a urruently a senir student at beijing XX uni?£y ajr is pakaging engineering?£and i ill reeive y bahelr degree after y graduatin in june?£in the past 4 years£?i spend st f y tie n study£?i have passed ET4/6 ith a ease?£ and i have aquired basi knledge f pakaging and publishing bth in thery and in pratie?£ besides£? i have attend several pakaging exhibitin hld in Beijing£? this is ur advantage study here£? i have taken a tur t se big fatry and pany?£ thrugh these i have a deeply understanding f desti pakaging industry?£ pared t develped untries suh as us£? unfrtunately£? althugh e hav

????e ade extrardinary prgress sine 1978£?ur pakaging industry are still underdevelped£? ess£? unstable£? the situatin f eplyees in this field are akard?£ but i have full nfidene in a bright future if nly ur eny an keep the grth pae still?£ i guess yu aybe interested in the reasn ith t la£? and hat is y plan during graduate study life£? i uld like t tell yu that pursue la is ne f y lifelng gal£?i like y ajr pakaging and i n&qut;t give up£?if i an pursue y aster degree here i ill bine la ith y frer eduatin?£ i ill rk hard in thesefields £?patent £?tradeark£? pyright£? n the base f y years study in departent f p≈p£? y harater? i annt desribe it ell£? but i kn i a ptiisti and nfident?£ seties i prefer t stay alne£? reading£? listening t usi£? but i a nt lnely£? i like t hat ith y lassates£? alst talk everything £?y favrite pastie is valleyball£?playing ards r surf nline?£ thrugh llege life£?i learn h t b

????alane beteen study and entertainent?£ by the ay£? i as a atr f ur aazing draa lub?£ i had a fe glrius ery n stage?£ that is y pride?£

????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨6£?£

????gd rning !

????it is really y hnr t have this pprtunity fr a intervie£?i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday?£ i nfident that i an sueed?£

????n i ill intrdue yself briefly i a 23 years ld£?brn in shenzhen ?£

????i as graduated fr shenzhen university?£ y ajr is eletrni?£and i ill gt y bahelr degree after y graduatin in the year f 2008?£

????i spend st f y tie n study£?i have passed et4/6 ?£ and i have aquired basi knledge f y ajr during y shl tie?£

????in july 2007£? i begin rk fr a sall private pany as a tehnial supprt engineer in shenzhen ity?£beause i apable f re respnsibilities£? s i deided t hange y jb?£

????and in august 2004£?i left qingda t beijing and rked fr a freign enterprise as a autatin sftare test engineer?£beause i ant t hange y rking envirnent£? id like t find a jb hih is re hallenging?£ rver trla is a glbal pany£? s i feel i an gain the st fr rking in this kind f pany ennvirnent?£ that is the reasn hy i e here t pete fr this psitin?£

????i think i a gd tea player and i a persn f great hnesty t thers?£ als i a able t rk under great pressure?£that&rsqu;s all?£ thank yu fr giving e the hane?£

????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨7£?£


????1?¢ I gt a degree in Literature and tk a urse in typing?£ ?ò??μ?á????§?§ê??§??£??1?§1y′ò×??£

????2?¢I haven&rsqu;t dne anything like that befre?£ ?òò??°??óD×?1y?a??1¤×÷?£

????3?¢I lve playing tennis?£ ?ò?2??′òí??ò?£

????4?¢I used t rk as a sale&rsqu;s anager?£ ?òò??°×??úê??-àí?£

????5?¢I&rsqu; quite failiar ith editing?£ ?ò×?1yü?àDT??1¤×÷?£

????6?¢I as thinking f a jb in a shl?£ ?ò′ò??μ??§D£?ò·Y1¤×÷?£

????7?¢I think I&rsqu; quite fit fr assistant&rsqu;s jb?£ ?ò??μ??òüêê?×??úàíμ?1¤×÷?£

????8?¢ I ant a jb ith a vaatin every year?£ ?ò???ò?????ê???ü?è?ùμ?1¤×÷?£

????9?¢I rked in the aunting setin f a anufaturer f eletrial prduts?£ ?ò???úμ?×ó2ú?·???ìéìμ??á??×é1¤×÷?£

????ó¢ó?×??ò?ééü ??ê?£¨8£?£


????general intrdutin

????i a a third year aster ajr in autatin at shanghai jia

????tng university£? p?£ r?£ hina?£ ith treendus interest in industrial engineering£? i a riting t apply fr aeptane

????int yur ph?£d?£ graduate prgra?£

????eduatin bakgrund in 1995£? i entered the nanjing university f siene ≈ tehnlgy (nust) ¨D idely nsidered ne f the hina&rsqu;s best engineering shls?£ during the flling undergraduate study£? y aadei rerds kept distinguished ang the hle departent?£ i as granted first lass prize every seester£?in 1999£? i gt the privilege t enter the graduate prgra

????aived f the adissin test?£

????at the perid f y graduate study£? y verall gpa(3?£77/4?£0) ranked tp 5% in the departent?£ in the send seester£? i beae teaher assistant that is given t talented and atured students nly?£ this year£? i n the aer shlarship

????as the ne and nly andidate in y departent£? hih is the ultiate alade fr distinguished students ended by y

????university?£ presently£? i a preparing y graduatin thesis and trying fr the hnr f exellent graduatin thesis?£

????researh experiene and aadei ativity hen a sphre£? i jined the assiatin f ai enthusiast

????and began t narr dn y interest fr y future researh?£

????ith the tl f pengl and atlab£? i designed a siulatin prgra fr transprtatin sheduling syste?£ it is n idely used by different researh grups in nust?£ i assued and fulfilled a seage analysis ≈ dispse prjet fr nanjing seage treatent plant?£ this as y first pratie t nvert a labratry idea t a erial prdut?£

????in retrspet£? i find yself standing n a slid basis in bth thery and experiene£? hih has prepared e fr the ph?£d?£ prgra?£ y future researh interests inlude: netrk sheduling prble£? heuristi algrith researh (espeially in ga and neural netrk)£? supply hain netrk researh£? hybrid syste perfrane analysis ith petri nets and dataining?£

????1?¢gd rning/afternn/evening£? y nae is ?£ it is really a great hnr t have this pprtunity/hane t intrdue yself?£ i uld like t anser hatever yu ay raise£? and i hpe i an ake a gd perfrane tday?£

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