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  9。hat uld I d ithut yur sart uth。 Draing e in, and yu kiking e ut。
  51。e are s lazy that yu dn't like e。 I' t lazy t like ther peple。
  53。I ant t g t the future that has yur future
  and prejudie akes e
  遇见你的时候 头顶就像放着小礼花噼里啪啦
  40。The happiest thing is that a girl ith a bad teper has a gd-tepered by h spils her。
  我陪你走的路你不能忘 因为那是我最欢乐的时光
  25。I' ging t lve yu fr a lng tie ithut the thught f giving up。
  58。I ant t g t the future that has yur future
  你若不离 我定不弃
  36。I ant t be a ind
  给不了你全世界 但我的世界能够全部给你 ?
  最长久的情 是平淡中 不离不弃
  或许我给不了你那么多温暖和感动 但有个词叫尽我所能
  Nt everyne h kns eah ther ill be rried。
  41。I think I' pretty gd,yu d nt ant t try t like e
  我想要去未来 那个有你的未来
  60。Prbably beause I like yu s uh
>>如果我放下了,不是因为我输了,而是因为我懂了。If I give up,nt beause I lst,but beause I understand。
  If iss yu ill have a vie, I' afraid yu're already deafening。
  虽然你不是最好的, 可是有你却比什么都好。
英文情话200句>>There is alays that ne persn h an send yu a text and ause yu t sile instantly。总有那么有一个人,他的一条信息就能够让你立刻微笑。
  Beause f lve s pursue
  你的每一句话我都会当真 不是我太天真 而是我对你真的很认真 ?
  I' nt gd yu dn't ind
  Drink T atty ine razy hair
  68。Perhaps I an nt give yu s uh arth and ved but there is a rd alled t d y best
>>&qut;你若将过去抱的太紧,怎样能腾出手来拥抱此刻?If yu hld the past t tight,h an yu use anther hand t hld the present?&qut;
  63。I an't frget the ay yu g beause it's y happiest tie
  33。I ant t be ith yu all the tie, if lve is hpeless, just let the friendship t lie fr e。
  喜欢你的人很多 不缺我一个 我喜欢的人很少 除了你就没了
  12。Baby, yu're the nly thing that I really need。
  3。Yu, yu keep e alive。 A reasn t be。
  23。I like the early spring trees, the suer ind, autun rain, inter slstie, sn and everyday yu。
  and e uld be fine。
  我打算爱你很久很久 没有想要放下的念头 ?
  7。Yu hit e like the sky fell n e fell n e。 And I deided yu lk ell n e ell n e。
  说不出动人的情话 只想带着你回家
  Yu dn't have t be gd I like it
  unable t lve e
  69。I have a little seetness and a little bit f lvable
  20。Read ten years t sing a sng
  5。Tie has brught yur heart t e。 I have lved yu fr a thusand years。
  26。&ldqu;ant t say t uh t say t hi&qut;
  18。Sunshine and yu is hat I ant in the future。
  rite three lines f t think fyu all night
  10。D yu kn? Yu kn I lve yu s。
  54。y eyes are shrt , I an nly see yu。
>>an I hld yur hand。N。Buthy?Beause it'll hurt hen yu let g。我能够牵你的手么?不能够,给个理由先,因为,有天你一旦放手,它们就会受伤。
  48。I lve yu nt beause f h yu are, butbeause f h I a hen I a ith yu。
  我们都很懒 你懒得喜欢我 我懒得喜欢别人
  56。Say nt tuhing rds just ant t take yu he。
  我有一点点甜 一点点可爱
  Until yu have the treasure
  我爱你,不是因为你是一个什么样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一齐时的感觉。 ?
  &ldqu;想说的话太多 一辈子慢慢给他说&rdqu; ?
  我喜欢初春的树 盛夏的风 深秋的雨 冬至的雪 和每一天的你
  64。A rse by any ther nae uld sell as seet。
  大概除了你 我就没什么软肋
  11。I kn I' eant t be here I a。 And I' gnna be by yur side。
  读十年书 唱一首歌
  4。Take e t yur heart。 Take e t yur sul。 Give e yur hand befre I' ld。
  也不是每个相识的人都会让人牵挂 ?
  19。I ant t hug yu arss the distane nt hlding the phne t tell yu that I iss yu
  32。The st nderful thing is nt rainy day but the eaves e stayed tgether。
  55。Dn't be t ean t the persn h lves yu, everyne has a teper, and all the rage fr yu, just beause the an hurts yu re than yu。s
>>T the rld yu ay be just ne persn。T the persn yu ay be the rld。对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。
  65。hen I eet yu, the tp f y head is like a rakle。
  17。Life is lng
  最贴心的暖 是风雨中 相依相伴
  16。I ish that the sun uld be ar,
  手不要给别人牵 拥抱也要留给我
  42。ne yu apany e t see the end
  If yu dn't leave e
  1。Nhere else that I belng than here ith yu。
  46。Never frn,even hen yu are sad,beause yu never kn h is falling in lve ith yur sile。
  have a persn in the heart
  44。Beause it is rth aiting fr
>>回忆本来是十分完美的,只要你能让过去的都过去。ery is a nderful thing if yu dn&rsqu;t have t deal ith the past。
>>&qut;无论过去发生过什么,你要相信,最好的尚未到来。hat ever ith the past has gne,the best is alays yet t e。&qut;
  the ind uld be zy
  2。If ever t ere ne, then surely e。 If ever an ere lved by ife, then thee。
  以后的路我陪你一齐走 我是说 你愿意的话
  心里大都装着一个无法拥有的人 ?
>>&qut;你若想要得到,就别只是期望。人生短暂,经不起等待。If yu ant sething,dn&rsqu;t ish fr it。Life is t shrt t ait。&qut;
  34。Lve is the ind, ah, de, is red heeks, is n lnger fit in the thusands n thusands f peple under the ther, nly hld yu
  I apany yu t see
>>&qut;Baby,as lng as e keep eah ther in ur heart,ur lve fr eah ther ill never apart。只要我们将彼此放在心中,我们的爱就永不分离。&qut;
  喝二两酒 发半斤疯
>>与其用泪水悔恨今日,不如用汗水拼搏今日。It&rsqu;s better t strive fr tday ith seat than regret tday in treas。
  喜欢啊,是清风,是朝露,是脸颊红红,是千千万万人里再也装不下其他,只装得下你 ?
  6。I lve thee, I lve thee, 'Tis all that I an say; It is y visin in the night, y dreaing in the day。
  66。I like yu a lt f peple d nt lak a I like peple h are nt in additin t yu
  写三行诗 想一夜你
  43。I ant t get drunk,dn't think abut yu。
  tie uld be grgeus
  一次就好 你陪我去看天荒地老
  你不用多好 我喜欢就好
  30。I a lking frard t ur future life。 ????
  59。The st intiate f ar it is in the ind
  14。S any peple all arund the rld。 Tell e here d I find sene like yu girl。
  If yu dn't let e g, I ill lve yu frever ?
>>天之此端为天涯,海之彼端为海角。ne end f heaven t the utterst part f the heaven,the sensatin f the sea fr ape。
  If yu iss yu, yu an get a lift
  28。If yu like I like yu If yu dn't ant t I just lve yu uld yu like t
  37。The prbles f yur past are yur business,
  13。I' in lve ith the shape f yu。 e push and pull like a agnet d。
  8。I ish I kne h t quit yu。
  因为深爱 所以追求
  And a lt re like yu
  That's hy e prise
  39。Every rd I say is nt that I' naive, but I' really serius abut yu。
  15。Yu are pretty uh the nly thing that akes e ant t get up in the rning。
  In that ase
  speaking f d nt ant t lve again
  最美的不是下雨天,是与你一齐躲过的屋檐。 ???
  因为值得 所以等待
  说片面是熬夜 说实在是失眠 说实话是想你
>>从今日开始,每一天微笑吧,世上除了生死,都是小事。Starting tday,every sile,the rld in additin t the dead,are is t sall。
  45。The rst ay t iss sene is t be sitting right beside the kning yu an&lsqu;t have the。
  The prbles f yur future are y privilege。
  直到拥有 必定珍惜
  我想深夜大醉一场 告诉自我别那么像你。
  21。&ldqu; Yur nae is the shrtest lve letter I've ever ritten &rdqu;
>>&qut;一个人生活,能够很欢乐!可是,仅有一个人,便不能说是幸福。Yu an be happy t live just by yurself。Hever,it annt be alled bless。&qut;
  22。After the ay I apany yu t g ith e is t say that yu are illing t say。
  我想要去未来 那个有你的未来
  unable t lve thers
  61。nly if the first sign f life
  如果你愿意 我就喜欢你 如果你不愿意 我就单相思 你愿意吗
  38。T the rld yu ay be ne persn,but t ne persn yu ay be the rld。
  52。I think h uh I ant yu t drea s truly。
  喜欢你外表的人早晚都会离开 喜欢你内心的人从未走远
  29。Lving yu is the st serius thing i've ever dne
  49。Dn't give e a hug,and leave it t e
  67。Yu are nt the best, but yu are the best gift。 ??? ????
  I' narr-inded ,an nly tlerate yu。
  47。Exept fr yu,I dn't have hat eakness
>>。st the peple h alays
>>I uld rather lve sene Ian`t have than have sene Ian`t Lve。我宁愿爱上一个我不能拥有的人,也不想拥有一个我无法爱上的人。
  and rain stay tgether Is the st lng flat
  h an't be ned
  24。I an't give yu the rld, but y rld an give it all t yu。
>>&qut;hen yur heart is getting exhausted t a ertain extent,yu are t eak t anger。心累到必须的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了!&qut;
  Just right like the st frtable
  62。Arrgane akes thers
  50。aid ne sided is t stay up late said that it is t tell yu the truth is t tell yu the truth
  57。Like the appearane f the peple ill leave sner r later, the peple h really like yu never g far。
  无偶像跨过距离去拥抱 而不是抱着手机说想你。
  31。hen e et a the first tie 。yu ere like an ld fueng ing
>>hen yu an't reeber hy yu're hurt,that's hen yu're healed。有一天,当你发现再也记不起为了什么而受伤,那就是痊愈之时。
  yu said I as a piee f pure tie
  35。Nt everyne h passes by ill kn eah ther。
上一篇: 回顾过去
下一篇: 正能量激励团队的话语

