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人气: | 时间:2021-02-05 | 发布:

>>A guest shuld suit the nveniene f the hst。
>>Justie has lng ars。
>>Nurture passes nature。
>>I lied hen I said I didn&rsqu;t like yu。 I lied hen I said I didn&rsqu;t are。 I lie every tie I try t tell yself I ill never fall fr yu。
>>The jurney f a thusand iles starts ith a single step。
>>Dubt is the key t knledge。
>>Everything that is dne in the rld is dne by hpe。
>>Never hit a an hen he is dn。
>>Use legs and have legs。
>>I had the blues beause I had n shes until upn the street, I et a an h had n feet。
>>The iprtant thing is t learn a lessn every tie yu lse。
>>The prie f exellene is disipline。
>>The differene beteen a suessful persn and thers is nt a lak f strength, nt a lak f knledge,  but rather a lak f ill。
>>If yu dn&rsqu;t try, yu ill never sueed。
>>Never judge by appearanes。
>>There's nly ne rner f the universe yu an be sure f iprving, and that's yur n self。
>>lusy birds have t start flying early。
>>A n danger auses n atin。
>>The surest ay nt t fail is t deterine t sueed。
>>Life is a span。
>>alls have ears。
>>Life is like riding a biyle。 T keep yur balane yu ust keep ving。
>>The greatest test f urage n earth is t bear defeat ithut lsing heart。
>>Keep yur fae t the sunshine and yu an never see the shad。
>>The ay t have a better trr is t start rking n it tday。
>>There is n liit in the universe -- knledge is infinite。
>>If yu are ding yur best, yu ill nt have t rry abut failure。
>>Vitry n&rsqu;t e t e unless I g t it。
>>Keep sething fr a rainy day。
>>The hard part isn&rsqu;t aking the deisin。 It&rsqu;s living ith it。
>>ust akes all things easy。
>>If yu ant t be happy, set a gal that ands yur thughts, liberates yur energy and inspires yur hpes。
>>The uter nditins f a persn&rsqu;s life ill alays be fund t reflet their inner beliefs。
>>Genius nly eans rking hard all ne&rsqu;s life。
>>He that prises t uh eans nthing。
>>Dn't let yur dreas be dreas
>>Life is a hrse, and either yu ride it r it rides yu。
>>ne sall des nt ake a suer。
>>e struggle painfully tday t reate an aazing future。
>>All tie is n tie hen it is past。
>>A fall int the pit, a gain in yur it。
>>If yu are nt inside a huse, yu dn nt kn abut its leaking。
>>ne is never t ld t learn。
>>Nthing is ipssible t a illing heart。
>>Life is fine and enjyable, yet yu ust learn t enjy yur fine life。
>>Virtue never grs ld。
>>Bad ties ake a gd an。
>>D nt hange hrses in id-strea。
>>The rld is like a irrr: Frn at it and it frns at yu; sile, and it siles t。
>>D nt have t any irns in the fire。
>>It is six f ne and half a dzen f the ther。
>>Faith an ve untains。
>>East r est, he is the best。
>>Until yu ake peae ith h yu are, yu&rsqu;ll never be ntent ith hat yu have。
>>A an is nly as gd as hat he lves。
>>Set yur gals high, and dn&rsqu;t stp till yu get there。
>>Eduatin desn&rsqu;t d us uh gd unless it is ixed ith seat。
>>A yung idler, an ld beggar。
>>A an is nt finished hen he is defeated。 nly he is finished hen he quits。
>>Happiness is a ay statin beteen t uh and t little。
>>I&rsqu;ll think f yu every step f the ay。
>>Life is real, life is earnest。
>>Experiene is the best teaher。
>>Lve is nt a aybe thing。 Yu kn hen yu lve sene。
>>hat yu d tday is hat atters st。
>>The ar ill find its ay rund the hill hen it gets there。
>>hallenges are hat ake life interesting; vering the is hat akes life eaningful。
>>He is here the heart is。
英文经典句子200句>>Gd helps thse h help theselves。
>>The best hearts are alays the bravest。
>>It&rsqu;s better t be alne than t be ith sene yu&rsqu;re nt happy t be ith。
>>N atter h bad yur heart has been brken, the rld desn&rsqu;t stp fr yur grief。 The sun es right bak up the next day。
>>hatever is rth ding is rth ding ell。
>>Business is business。
>>Gd ine needs n bush。
>>Aept hat as and hat is, and yu&rsqu;ll have re psitive energy t pursue hat ill be。
>>A bs friend afar brings a distant land near。
>>It is a great hnr fr e t be here, and t have this pprtunity t speak ith all f yu。
>>hen the hle rld is abut t rain, let&rsqu;s ake it lear in ur heart tgether。
>>Strike hile the irn is ht。
>>hange yur thughts and yu hange yur rld。
>>Be thankful fr eah ne hallenge, beause it ill build yur strength and harater。
>>Pverty is stranger t industry。
>>D nt teah fish t si。
>>ind ats upn ind。
>>N ne an get anyhere unless he kns here he ants t g and hat he ants t be r d。
>>Life is painting a piture, nt ding a su。
>>A genius is the persn h repeats the st ties!
>>It is never t late t end。
>>hat is dne annt be undne。
>>ut f sight, ut f ind。
>>nly they h fulfill their duties in everyday atters ill fulfill the n great asins。
>>The reasn hy a great an is great is that he reslves t be a great an。
>>Yu an't judge a tree by its bark。
>>Diffiult the first tie, easy the send。
>>The shrtest ay t d any things is t d nly ne thing at a tie。
>>Life is a jurney, nt the destinatin, but the senery alng the shuld be and the d at the vie。
>>T be bth a speaker f rds and a der f deeds。
>>S any en, s any inds。
>>Death es t all, but great ahieveents raise a nuent hih shall endure until the sun grs ld。
>>If yu uld hit the ark, yu ust ai a little abve it。 Every arr that flies feels the attratin f earth。 -Henry adsrth Lngfell。
>>Life is but a hard and trtuus jurney。
>>Pratie akes perfet。
>>Life is a great big anvas, and yu shuld thr all the paint n it yu an。
>>erry eet, erry part。
>>Yur happy passer-by all kns, y distressed there is n plae hides。
>>Tie ges by s fast, peple g in and ut f yur life。 Yu ust never iss the pprtunity t tell these peple h uh they ean t yu。
>>Life is brief。 Let&rsqu;s ake it nderful!
>>T be the best, yu have t be ith the best。
>>Yu ay be ut f y sight, but never ut f y ind。
>>ne never lse anything by pliteness。
>>N an ever fails until he fails n the inside。
>>An apple a day keeps the dtr aay。
>>There is n ryal rad t learning。
>>Suffering is the st perful teaher f life。
>>here there is great lve, there are alays irales。
>>urage and reslutin are the spirit and sul f virtue。
>>There is n garden ithut its eeds。
>>Haste akes aste。
>>He h has an art has everyhere a part。
>>All rivers run int the sea。
>>If yu ish t sueed, yu shuld use persistene as yur gd friend, experiene as yur referene, prudene as yur brther and hpe as yur sentry。
>>Even if yu are strng, faith ill ake yu strnger。
>>The re failures, the re hanes fr suess。 Suess is usually the last-inute visitr。
>>ne h has seen the ean thinks nthing f ere rivers。
>>Every great ahieveent is the result f a heart n fire。
>>Talent is enduring patiene。
>>Sense es ith age。
>>st peple are abut as happy as they ake up their inds t be。
>>Tie tries all things。
>>In lve flly is alays seet。
>>The ealth f the ind is the nly ealth。
>>The rse luk n, the better anther tie。
>>I ill greet this day ith lve in y heart。
>>Great inds think alike。
>>Life is like usi。 It ust be psed by ear, feeling and instint, nt by rule。
>>Struggle is the nly rret ay fr huan beings!
>>S nthing, reap nthing。
>>Variety is the spie f life。
>>Nurture passes nature。
>>In the end, it&rsqu;s nt the years in yur life that unt。 It&rsqu;s the life in yur years。
>>Re as nt built in a day。
>>Life is the art f draing suffiient nlusins fr insuffiient preises。
>>Sharp tls ake gd rk。
>>Yu have t have a drea s yu an get up in the rning。
>>A an's best friends are his ten fingers。
>>Lve akes the rld g arund。
>>eet plt ith plt。
>>ne needs 3 things t be truly happy living in the rld: se thing t d, se ne t lve, se thing t hpe fr。
>>There is n elevatr t suess。 Yu have t take the stairs。
>>I have nt failed。 I&rsqu;ve just fund 10,000 ays that n&rsqu;t rk。
>>The re prepared yu are, the re nfidene yu ill have。
>>Great things are aplished by talented peple h believe they ill aplish the。
>>D ne thing at a tie, and d ell。
>>First ipressins are half the battle。
>>A ntented ind is a ntinual  perpetual feast。
>>f all huan resures, the st preius ne is the desire t iprve。
>>It is ipssible t defeat a persn h never gives up。
>>Life uld be t sth if it had n rubs in it。
>>The heart is seen in ine。
>>A letter fr he is a prieless treasure。
>>N fire ithut ske。
>>asting tie is rbbing neself。
>>If yu ant t be a suessful persn, then the first thing yu ust d is hange se f yur habits。
>>If yu put enugh effrt int ahieving a result, yu ill alst ertainly ahieve it。
>>Bad luk ften brings gd luk。
>>ealth is the test f a an's harater。
>>Desire has n rest。
>>Se thing is learned every tie a bk is pened。
>>an prpses, Gd dispses。 
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