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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:

  Heal the rld, akes it a better plae fr yu and fr e, and the entire huan rae just as hat the sng sings, it is very iprtant fr us t prtet the envirnent

  There is ne thing in n in y faily, that is, n atter in y father’s rkbag, in y ther’s purse, r even in y shlbag, there is a pair f hpstiks strange? let e tell yu the reasn y said: “just as if e eat ut ne tie a day, e’ll save 1000 pairs f hpstiks in a year’s tie that eans e have saved a big tree

  y dad said: “ithut every single persn, there is n huan rae s, it is everyne’s duty t prtet the envirnent saying a thusand ties f prteting envirnent is nt as useful as putting a pair f hpstiks in yur bag

  I said: “this is a gd habit, i shall pass it t the next generatin the pair f hpstiks reinds us that it is ur duty t prtet the envirnent, t save ur planet y dear friends, have yu put a pair f hpstiks in yur bag? if yu haven’t, just d it n





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下一篇: 初中三分钟演讲稿英语

