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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:



  I reeber hen I as yung; y ther ften desribed the beauty f the grasslands thrugh this pe: “tian ang ang, ye ang ang,feng hui a di xian niu yang” it eans in English “lear skies, seeping plains, the grass bing befre the ind, revealing grazing hrses and sheep” I uld reite this even befre entering priary shl

  16years ag, y ther visited ne f the grassland f Inner nglia She said that n rds uld desribe it’s stunning natural har ith her desriptin firly printed n y ind I began t lng fr a tur t the grassland

  Sadly, this arvelus iage that I had in y ind hanged pletely hen y u and I visited the grassland a year ag As sn as e gt there, I uldn’t believe y eyes hat as in frnt f e as just a piee f land ith lsely grn grass In the far distane I sa nly a uple f hrses feeding lazily I asked y ther: “here is the lush, tall grass?” As puzzled as e, she said nthing I as shked t see the differenes beteen the grassland in y drea and hat as in frnt f e

  n the ay he, I thught a lt and tried t find ansers

  N I a ld enugh t bring aareness t ther peple and share y drea fr the grasslands vergrazing and extensive faring have ruined the grassland and s taken aay the har f ur heland But I a nfident that ne day the grasslands ill rever and its true ealth and beauty ill be realized as lng as everybdy gives his ntributin t restre ur heland


  Students, guests , teahers and Hnrable Judges

  Gd rning !

  y great pleasure t share y drea ith yu tday y drea is t bee a teaher

  As the hle rld has its bundaries, liits and freed exist in ur life I dn’t expet plete freed, hih is ipssible I siply have a drea that supprts y life

  I drea that ne day, I uld esape fr the deep sea f thik shlbks and lead y n life ith y favrite fitins, I lie freely n the green grass, selling the spring, listening t the ind singing, breathing the fresh and l air and disslve y sul in nature at last Siple and shrt enjyent an bring e great satisfatin

  I drea that ne day the adults uld thr their prejudie f i and artn aay They uld keep a lvely heart that an share srr and happiness ith us hile athing artn r ding persnal things That’s the real uniatin f heart t heart

  I have the belief that y dreas shuld e true I a lking frard t se day ing hen I a like a prud eagle, hih flies t the blue and vast sky

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