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人气: | 时间:2018-07-12 | 发布:


  i'll tell yu an experiene f yself happened last eek last

  thursday ur shl as takling sething abut king fu study i anted t have a try even thugh i kne the salary as s l and i had little hane,beause the students h had the ertifiate ere alays thught t have pririty t get the jb frtunately i as alled at nn and a teaher said t e that she anted e t rk fr her and asked if i uld hange y ind at that ent i as s exited that iediately i aepted her idea but later n,she fund e that i' nt a student,s i had little hane and suggest e t get ne then an idea urred t e that i uld all y father and ask hi t send e the letter at the sae tie i as tld that i as aditted t the jb and dn't need the ertifiate that tie i frgt t reind y father,until the next day he alled e that he had psted it and it uld arrive in just ne day at that ent i as ved, and even ved int tears, beause i kne y father as injured nt lng befre,the press f helping e ith the affairs as nt s nvenient fr hi but he tried his best t help e seties e ay plain abut unsatisfying things arund us,and blae the n ur parents,seties they'll be angry ith us, and seties e an't quite understand hat they are thinking abut but n balane, alst every parent is selfless t his r her hild they are ready t ffer everything t us hen e are in bad situatin e used t sharing srr ith the,but d nt frget t share ur happiness ith the, perhaps they ill be uh happier than e are s fr n n, let's are re abut ur parents and d nt leave pity t the that's hat i ant t tell yu tday thank yu!


  y drea

  I enter tile university after years f hardstudy and preparatin But life in the university is nt as satisfatry as hat I had expeted I bee lazy and dn't ant t studyI bee silent I bee puzzled I dn't kn hat I an d in the future Then I bee unhappy Fur years in the university is nly a shrt perid hen pared y hle lifetie N it has passed a half In this year, any peple ,suh as y parents,y friends, ask e hat I ant t d and tell e t ap ut a plan fr y life I dn't ant t fll their suggestin, and I ant t g y style S I think arefully I have been a yung vlunteer fr five yearsIt's very happy and signifiant Then I have a dreaI ant t jin the University Student Vlunteers G est Prgrae I think I an be a teaher in the estI ant t try y best t help the and help e I ant t see the rld early N I an't reah its deand and it's very diffult,but I ill rk hard in the next t years There is an ld saying&qut;here there is a ill,there is a ay&qut;I think y drea an e tureN in the university I ature,and in the university I prepare fr the real rld

  At last,I ant t say t everybdy&qut;Hld fast t yur dreas,n atter h big r sall they areThe path t dreas ay nt be sth and ide,even se sarifies are neededBut hld n t the end,yu an find there is n geater happiness than aking yur drea e ture&qut;


  ill yu fight?

  let's g, e'll run, and e n't alne

  shae n yu

  this uld be the greatest night f ur lives, but yu're ging t let it be the rst

  and i guarantee a eek n't g by in yur life yu n't regret alking ut, letting the get the best f yu

  ell, i' nt ging he e've e t far!

  and i' ging t stay right here and fight fr this lst ause a day ay e hen the urage f en fails… but it is nt this daythe line ust be dran here this far, n further!

  i' nt saying it's ging t be easy

  yu're ging t rk harder than yu ever rked befre but that's fine, e'll just get tugher ith it!

  if a persn grits his teeth and shs real deterinatin failure is nt an ptin

  that's h inning is dne!

  believe e hen i say e an break this ary here, and in just ne fr the gipper

  but i say t yu hat every arrir has knn sine the beginning f tie: yu've gt t get ad

  i ean plub, ad dg ean

  if yu uld be free en, then yu ust fight t fulfill that prise!

  let us ut ut their living guts ne inh at a tie, and they ill kn hat e an d! let n an frget h enaing e are e are lins!

  yu're like a big bear, an! this is yur tie! seize the day, never surrender, vitry r death… that's the hiag ay! h's ith e?

  lap! lap! dn't let tink die! lap! alright! let's fly!

  and gentleen in england n abed shall kn y nae is the lrd hen i tell ur eneies that they ay take ur lives, but they'll never take ur independene day!


  heal the rld, akes it a better plae fr yu and fr e, and the entire huan rae just as hat the sng sings, it is very iprtant fr us t prtet the envirnent

  there is ne thing in n in y faily, that is, n atter in y father’s rkbag, in y ther’s purse, r even in y shlbag, there is a pair f hpstiks strange? let e tell yu the reasn y said: “just as if e eat ut ne tie a day, e’ll save 1000 pairs f hpstiks in a year’s tie that eans e have saved a big tree

  y dad said: “ithut every single persn, there is n huan

  rae s, it is everyne’s duty t prtet the envirnent saying a thusand ties f prteting envirnent is nt as useful as putting a pair f hpstiks in yur bag

  i said: “this is a gd habit, i shall pass it t the next

  generatin the pair f hpstiks reinds us that it is ur duty t prtet the envirnent, t save ur planet y dear friends, have yu put a pair f hpstiks in yur bag? if yu haven’t, just d it n

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