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  Frrest Gup

  Frrest Gup is nt real life persn,he is a fitinal haraterHe grs up in Greenb AlabanaHe is different hy

  Nt beause he is quite sart r he has se speial skillJust beause his IQ is nly 75

  But his ther strives t ake hi feel n differents fr thers She alays said t hi,

  &qut;Yu're n different than anybdy else is&qut;

  S,althugh his IQ is just 75,he ahieves a lt re than nral peple ay drea f

  There is a lassi lines in the vie:

  &qut;Life is like a bx f hlate,yu never kn hat yu’re ging t get &qut;

  S n atter hat e ill fae,just d nt give up ur hpe

  Thrugh Gup I ant t tell yu,&qut;Just d yurself!&qut;He’s a her in y heart

  He’s the st beautiful persnThat’s all,Thank yu !!


  Nae :

  Student nuber :

  ajr :

  H did the Fil Frrest Gup Influene e

  y favrite vie is Frrest Gup, hih I have seen fr any ties The fil is adapted fr instn Gr’s nvel Eah tie I sa it, I as deeply ved and inspired by the ale leading rle—Frrest Gup

  The plts designed in the vie are very extrardinary It tells the stry by Frrest Gup hiself He sits n the hair by the rad and tells his life experienes t the strangers h are aiting fr the bus any iprtant events and peple f Aerian fr the 1950s t the 1970s are shn fluently in his desriptin f his life experiene rever, the value and the spirits f Aerians, espeially the yungers’, are als revealed Besides, the harater prtrayed in the fil is inspiring Frrest Gup is unfrtunately t be brn ith a l IQ and usle prbles Hever, he bees very suessful thrugh his struggling His pure, hnesty, integrity, bravery, perseverane, lyalty in lve and prise nt nly tuh e greatly, but als set a gd exaple fr e In additin, the vie is full f philsphy any lines in this vie are lassial Fr exaple, life is a bx f hlates, yu never kn hat yu’re gnna get The sentene that death is just a part f life, sething e’re all destined t d is als f isd They ake us think f life prfundly

  n the hle, this vie is speial, inspiring, eduatinal, philsphi and ving I lve it every uh It is rthy f ur appreiatin fr any ties Everyne h have seen the fil ay have se pereptins The vie expresses a truth fr us that peple shuld learn t ake prgress and keep running frard


  Frrest Gup

  1 Next,I ill talk sething abut Frrest GupFrrest Gup is nt real life persn,he is a fitinal harater

  2 Frrest Gup grs up in Greenb Alabana

  3 He is different


  Nt beause he is quite sart r he has se speial skillJust beause his IQ is nly 75

  But his ther strives t ake hi feel n differents fr thers

  4 She alays said t Frrest Gup,

  &qut;Yu`re n different than anybdy else is&qut;&qut;Yu`re the se as everybdy else&qut;

  5 S,althugh his IQ is just 75,he ahieves a lt re than nral peple ay drea f

  6 He bees a llege student and is reruited in the llege ftball tea,beause he an run very fast

  7 After five years f playing ftball,he gt a llege degree

  8 And after llege,Gup jins the ary

  9 In the ary,he eets a blak yung an alled Bubba h des nt lk dn hi and they bee best friendsBubba is alays saying the things abut shrip

  10 n the battlefield in Vietna,Frrest saves the lives f any fell sldiers,but he lses his friend Bubba

  11 During revering in the hspital,se ne teahes Gup t play Ping-Png

  12 It happens that Frrest has an talent fr Ping-Png s he is plaed in the All-Aerian Ping-Png Tea t visit hina tgether ith ffial delegatin headed by president Nixn

  13 S hen Frrest get he,he bee a natinal elebrity and btain the ngressinal edal f Hnr

  14 Then he gets $25,000 fr ding advertiseent fr a Ping-Png paddle pany,ith that ney Frrest begins his life as a shrip bat aptain in hnur f Bubba hse drea as t buy f his n and t d business

  And Frrestq`s bat hih later a severe hurriane and that akes Frrest a illinaire

  15 S,h abut Frrest `s lve life

  Next I ill tell sething abut that,the lve---Gup and Jenny

  16 Jenny is a ther less girl and hse father is a alhliFrrest and Jenny attend the sae shl and they are like peas and arrts all the aay up t high shl

  17 &qut;I` nt a sart an,but I kn hat lve is&qut;,Frrest saidaybe at the first ,the lve realized by Frrest inludes any things,nt nly heart,he says &qut;lve&qut; t Jenny,r aybe he als say t his ther and Bubba

  But the death f his ther and any ties Jenny`s disappearane let Frrest kn hat lve is

  Finally,Frrest and Jenny get arried

  18 After Jenny died,Frrest still said &qut;If there is anything yu need,I ill nt be far aay&qut; t Jenny In fat,n atter hether Jenny lves Frrest ,Frrest gets lve

  19 lassi lines

  A &qut;Life is like a bx f hlate,yu never kn hat yu’re ging t get &qut;

  S n atter hat e ill fae,just d nt give up ur hpe,beause life is like a bx f hlate,yu never kn hat yu're ging t get

  B&qut;Stupid is as stupid des&qut;

  henever anyne h asks Frrest ,&qut;Are yu stupid r sething&qut;,Frrest alays ansers &qut;stupid is as stupid des&qut;

   &qut;irales happen every day&qut;

  hen the first tie Frrest freed hiself fr the bndage,hpe had been gring up in his ind,he believes it deeply that irales happen every day

  D &qut;A prise is a prise&qut;

  Gup is alays a an f his rd,s hen he gt ney,he ent n dn t Bayu La Batre,t eet Bubba's faily and bught a ne shrip bat,beae a aptainT d thse,all beause he had ake a prise t Bubba

  E &qut;Death is just a part f life, sething e're all destined t d &qut;

  S death is nthing t be afraid f

  F&qut;Yu have gt t put the past behinde yu befre yu an ve n&qut;

  Yesterday has bee the past ,just keep n

  20 Gup as shaped int the ebdient f virtue in the filAlthugh Gup's IQ is a litter ler than nral levels,he as hnest,trustrthy,bld and serius and plaes a very high value n feelingsHe nly kns h t pay ithut asking fr anything,and never ind thers refuse hiHe as just pen-inded,agnanius in the fae f life,He fuses all f his isd,faith and urage n the pint,run and run,just d his ther tld hi t &qut;Yu have t d the best ith hat |Gd gave yu&qut;

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